Next Generation Gaming

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Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hello, I have scanned in images of the next generation artile. This content is from edge magazine and if I am correct I can have images as long as I do not type text from the magazine its not classed as copyright meaning I can get sued (like the new hl2 images)

Anyway here is the artile. A little bit of advice, if you are not a buyer of edge magazine and like games in any way possilble. Then buy it. I can't be bothered explaining why. Just buy 1 month issue and you will buy it next month. Its basicllu a no bullshit magazine, if a game is crap they say its crap. Simple. They have only ever give 4 games 10/10 and hardly any get 9/10.

[Removed for copyright reasons]

Chat away :D
I used to buy Edge, i stoped after the third issue, that magazine simply sucked ass hard.
so that would have been.... urr..... about 8 years ago yes? LOL
Interesting.. only problem is that we don't have it over here in Norway :/
IchI, I didn't mean the third issue that they RELEASED, I meant the third ISSUE that I BOUGHT, twat.
Is it me or is Zakat spoiling this thread?
Zakat said:
IchI, I didn't mean the third issue that they RELEASED, I meant the third ISSUE that I BOUGHT, twat.

Watch the insults, Zakat.
edge is really shit. i bought one and found it boring and unentertaining with no humour whatsoever. plus multi console magazines suck anyway. And they are really harsh on games. And they they think theyre so cool with their crappy covers. and they smell like poo.
okies.... so, both the people who have wrote something bad about edge so far are obviasly about 14. You say its crap, but yet its one of the only magazines that games developers buy and have any respect for.... tbh. I would not let all these stupid people stand in your way. If you know anything about games and have the slightest bit of matruity then I would sujest buying the magazine.
Zakat said:
a tip, never believe any of the bullshit they write.XP

I believe that Edge magazine was the first place anyone began to get hints about the possible existance of HL2. In their "coming next month" section last March they had a simple picture of a crowbar, with its shadow forming a number "2."

Let me get this straight. You're saying "never believe any of the bullshit they write." I would take that to mean that every single issue is completely fabricated, with not a shed of truth whatsoever. That every issue is just a big joke meant to **** with people. Edge is actually one of the better written, intelligent gaming mags out there.

Of course, this intimidates many people. ;)
at last I have a follower. LOL. Thanks DarkStar. At least someone understands edge for once. Sorry for been an ass hole before :P
didnt read much just had abit of a flick though but it looks really cool. how much the mag cost?? i might have to buy a copy of it 2morrow
its 4 pounds in the UK. Its normally sold at major book stores. Its not your every day publisied money making magazine so its normally not in every store like the offical n64 mag etc... The actual quality of the paper and book you are buying is a lot better and more proffesional than any other magazine. You can tells traight away its targeted at people who play quiet a lot of games or just lvoe games. Just have a look and tell me what you think.
cool.. ill have a look in the conrer shop 2morrow :P i like the look of the bit at the back talking about all the new graphical stuff think its gunna be really interesting....]

ne ways im off to bed :) laters
I think PC Gamer had the same ad for HL2. PC Gamer has the best reviews, their GOTY award is concidered the most important one, or the only one that counts.
Bungie is using the depth of field technology for Halo 2. The article states that not many designers know what to use the tech for. It seems Bungies primary goal to dominate the world is coming closer each day. :)
Now this Edge magazine, do they sell it in the US? Also which issue month is this article in?
Hm, I get PC Gamer only because I only own a PC and their magazine is well, dedicated to PC games, so I wouldn't bother buying Edge since it's multiplatform, and I can't have a gander at it since I'm in the US. But there are some other mags that are very professional and had that, nice glossy paper. I like that but I'm content with my PC gamer. They give good reviews without giving hardly anything away. Not many games in that mag go above 9 but the ones that do, are recommended by the editors and staff at that mag company. So Far, their reviews have not let me down.

My 200th post! yay! I'm so lame....
I used to subscripe to PC Gamer. I forgot why I stopped that lol.
Ichi, judgings peoples age merely from peoples oppinions on a gaming magazine is rather foolish, don't you agree?

For your knowledge too, I'm acctually 13, so you weren't too far from the truth.
Foxtrot said:
I think PC Gamer had the same ad for HL2. PC Gamer has the best reviews, their GOTY award is concidered the most important one, or the only one that counts.

PCgamer is an ok magazine. They never really had any good previews for me really. I think they are like 'Daily Mail' of news papers and Edge is like the 'Independant' and 'guardian'

Zakat said:
Ichi, judgings peoples age merely from peoples oppinions on a gaming magazine is rather foolish, don't you agree?

For your knowledge too, I'm acctually 13, so you weren't too far from the truth.

I wasn't judging u on your opinion. I was judging u on how you write and no offense but u can kinda tell u are still imature. But thats just part growing up. Nothing wrong with it. Just gets anoying for other people some times.

Haha, Yeah, Lets say it varies, sometimes I can express myself very maturely, sometimes not, when I wrote yesterday I was tired and annoyed, sorry.:)
im getting a biased vibes from that.
I skimmed it over and got and intel only vibe.
IchI said:
Hello, I have scanned in images of the next generation artile. This content is from edge magazine and if I am correct I can have images as long as I do not type text from the magazine its not classed as copyright meaning I can get sued (like the new hl2 images)

This is incorrect. Image scans from magazines are what's okay, but scanning the actual content text is not allowable. I'm going to have to remove them, sorry.
ok, theres some stuff id like to say.
A) i am 14! and i find the fact that ur saying this is a bad thing slightly offensive, as by the time i am 20 i probally wont be posting in forums and will be getting on with my job/ life.
B) just because a magazine uses expensive paper, has no humor in it whatsoever, spends all its budget on amazing designers and artists and gives some of the best games ever low scares(medieval for instance, PCgamer gave it 93%, said it was best RTS. pczone= 90%, said it was best RTS. Alltogether praised. Edge say it is flawed and give it eight out of ten) it doesnt mean the magazine is good OR for maturer people.
C) sure, the people who write it like games. SO DO I!!!!! So do all the other people who make games magazines!! thats the point!!
D) when reading the magazine i am actually relatively bored compared to the humorous PC gamer + zone. They spend time entertaining the reader AND giving very acurate reviews, Edge just picks out all the ffeatures that only trained critics would find, such as all the flaws, then reduces the mark for this. I mean, if u r going to buy a game do u really care if there are flaws? there are allways flaws. Whats actually there should be reviewed, not whats not there.
E) please dont make me start on the maturaty issue. i could say so much more, but for now all im going to say is that just because i dont read a humourless "posh" magazines doesnt mean im immature in any way. Just because im 14 doesnt mean i skim all the words and look at the pictures, or dont read a review because i dont like that kind of game. Actually, probally the only reason i dont skip review of the boring games is because other magazines make the crap gam,es reviews enteretaining, while edge just writes a constant list of flaws.
Since the pictures are gone and they arent being discussed now anyway, im closing this thread.
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