Nforce 3 drivers.


Jul 9, 2004
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Is it necessary to download the nforc3 3 driver updates from Nvidia? Or is it best to leave them as they are?
Some would say always keep your drivers up to date, others would say if they ain't broke, don't change them !!!

So up to you tbh. Do all of your games etc work just fine ? No compatibility issues ? If so then not much need to change the drivers.
Ya they work I am just about to reformat due to getting a new hard drive so I was just wondering when I downloading the new june 23, 2006 drivers for my 6600 gt
i'm a whore for the bleeding edge, so i want to say yes.. but, check out tech sites (like the forums, xtremetech, ars.technica and all the other ones) for peoples opinions/experiences, and most of, the changelog; if nothing looks worthwhile, just leave them if your system is running fine.
For drivers on chipsets and other things like that I don't mind keeping them up-to-date. Bios updates is the one where you really shouldn't update just to update. Graphic cards can give you issues too I guess. Solve a few issues with certain games but cause more with others.

If you are reformating then go ahead and grab the newest driver. That would be easiest. Not many other places to get 'old' drivers. lol

But if you already have drivers installed then it would be a good idea to check out the change log before blindly updating and see if it will fix a bug or improve performance.
Example: If it fixes a game you don't play (graphic card drivers) or if it fixes a RAID bug and you don't use RAID. If none of the things changed are relevant to you then why update? /shrug
Thanks for the insight!! After i get done burnig countless dvds of legal music i am going to format bye.