Nice interview with the writer of the strategy guide

They should have called the book "Rasing the Crowbar".That would have been fitting. :)
lol garrland n1 :)

its weird that it will be out before the game :/ brace yourself for major spoilers 15-30 days b4 hl2 is released
Wow, nice find indeed.

And don't take what he says about it coming out '14-30 days before HL2 release' as a surefire fact the game will be coming out at least two weeks after the book. He isn't even part of Valve, so why he might have be better at guessing when both the book and the game will be released in relation to each other, that hardly means it'll come to pass.

And heh, when this book comes out, I intend to buy it, lock it up, then stay away from both the book and the forums until HL2 comes out and I can play it. Naaaasty spoilers!
Haha, nice. If it's in the CE I will definately buy the CE. Come on, who wouldn't want to even consider reading this (Spoliers or no spoilers).

And Garrland, nice. They should call it "Raising the Crowbar" indeed. Email them and get them to change it. :p
Cheta said:
Feath said:
how on Earth could someone be an "Ex-Brit". No matter where he lives he'll still be British.
this excellent interview has convinced me to purchase it
That was...completely random.
How much do you think this book will be. I really want it :)
Seems like valve wasn't telling us anything and holding all these secrets for the last year so they can make more money off the book
Steven Q Urkle said:
Seems like valve wasn't telling us anything and holding all these secrets for the last year so they can make more money off the book

Oh my god, it's all about the oil!!!!

I mean money.
I want to get it ALOT.

But he says it will be limited... I hope I can get one! :(

Also scared about the spoilers. :(
Steven Q Urkle said:
Seems like valve wasn't telling us anything and holding all these secrets for the last year so they can make more money off the book

Yeah, Righttttt....

Somehow I think they are going to make a tad more money off of HL² game sales than a 'limited' edition behind the scenes at Valve software book. Wonderful as it might sound (and I'm down for a copy), I doubt it will be causing John Grisham or Tom Clancy any nightmares in the Best seller stakes. :dozey:
They also seem to think that it came out last year.
Im getting one, the dude said the stragety guide was finished so when we see the guide in stores shelves that means 1-2-3 weeks untill we see the game in stores. When do you think the guide will be in stores, and how long does it take to publish the guide .
This would make a nice addition to the Collector's Edition package and help justify the astronomical price tag.
Hi there,

Yes this book will be sold exclusively by Game. It'll be a fantastic
hardback limited collector's edition, and every book will have it's own
limited edition stamping. It will retail for £19.99 and there will only be a
very small quantity available so they'll go fast! Preorder your copy now by
clicking on:-


-----Original Message-----
From: Bimbi, Pamela
Sent: 14 September 2004 00:55
To: Vadnais, Jason
Subject: FW: Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar - A Behind the Scenes Look

-----Original Message-----
From: David Featherstone
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 4:49 PM
To: Bimbi, Pamela
Cc: Web Marketing
Subject: Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar - A Behind the Scenes Look


I recently read an interview regarding the book Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar - A Behind the Scenes Look
( I have only managed to find mention of this book on US websites. Will this book be
available to purchase in the UK? If so, what's the expected price and date it will become available?

David Featherstone
[email protected]

I find it strange that it will only be sold in Game, but I'm preordering it anyway. £12.99 is an alright price.
:dozey: Damn a limited book, I want one... looks cool, plus it'll gve me something to read, something I actually want read.
All the stores keep saying it's gonna be paperback, isn't it supposed to be hardcover?
Feath said:
I find it strange that it will only be sold in Game, but I'm preordering it anyway. £12.99 is an alright price.

Yeah. I'm also considering taking the mod makers guide and perhaps the strategy guide with me as well.

Since i'm shipping overseas i can as well get it all :p

Also free spiderman ruck sack if i do :p
orderd it from amazon today... damn $11US for shipping. But I dont think it'll reach Australia, so amazon it is.