NightFall needs help


Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
Hopefully you have heard of psychological horror-mod NightFall. We've recently been in a spot of bother as you can see from our latest media release...

Basically we are in quite a serious need of new dev members, or NightFall will never see the light of day. In particular we require...

- Mappers
- Dedicated Texture Artists
- Prop Modellers

All offers of help will be appreciated and considered.

Warm Regards,

Nigredo Studios
I'd be willing to prop model and texture. Hit me up at [email protected]. My MSN s/n is at that address, and my AIM screenname is xx3m0n3yxx. Talk to ya soon.

Still after a mapper though...
wow, i went to ur site... im extremely impressed with it. whoever made that site should be commended on their work. Screenshots also look very proffessional. I used to model alot but I gave that up due to other commitments, now I just play around with hammer when I get time. I'm a bit rusty, but i'd definately be interested in working on your mod. I could model props in XSI and maya if I was given access to the right exporters. I wuld like to make maps in hammer, altho I dont have much experience with the hammer editor, I'm a fast learner and I am familiar with the application. I wuld appreciate your consideration.