nihilanth´s messages



did you know that when gordon meets nihilanth it says several things somehow. its says that this is the end of nothing and it says that g-mans gonna deceive you meaning theres a possibility that g-man is very evil and someday him and gordon they will have a showdown. well i cant remember it all so go into wikipedia and type nihilanth and read you will see some pretty freaky stuff.
Nihilanth messages in game(some may be misinterpreted due to Nihilanths weird accent):

"Ah, another."
"What have you done?"
"Not you alone, Not you alone, Not you alone." (Not sure about this one)
"The Last, I am the Last."
"Truth, you can never know the truth."
Decieve you, will decieve you, will decieve you."
"Die now, Die, DIE NOW!"

Nihilanth quotes that aren't in the game:
"You are man, he is not man, for you he waits."
"There slaves, we are there slaves, we are."
"The last, you are the last"
"Thieves, you all are thieves, you all are."
"No hope, you have no hope."
(I'm not sure if this one is supposed to be in the game. It is only played when you enter "Gonarch's Lair" through a console command. It doesn't play if you enter Gonarch's Lair from the previous map.)

Those are all the ones I remember. You can hear them at-
stef10 said:
did you know that when gordon meets nihilanth it says several things somehow. its says that this is the end of nothing and it says that g-mans gonna deceive you meaning theres a possibility that g-man is very evil and someday him and gordon they will have a showdown. well i cant remember it all so go into wikipedia and type nihilanth and read you will see some pretty freaky stuff.
You know, Stef10, we understand that you mean well but let's pretend the people who post here are enormous nerds who knows everything about half-life and half-life 2 forwards and backwards and three times on sunday. In other words, yes, we do know. In fact some of the stuff on wikipedia I believe was provided by hl2.netters.
"you are man, he is not man, for you he waits" means that the g-man must be an alien and not a human. i cant wait for the time when g-man and gordon have their showdown and where gordon kicks his bottom and saves the world
No he's not barney in the future, I see no connection.
stef10 said:
oh sorry. i am a hl rookie. do you guys think that the g-man is barney in the future somebody thinks.


I really doubt G-Man is anyone from the future, let alone Barney
wikipedia said:
There are several cryptic phrases either spoken or telepathically broadcast by Nihilanth once Gordon Freeman reaches Xen, but are difficult to understand in-game. Below are several of its translated speech files extracted directly from the HL1 data packs, followed by speculation as to their possible meaning. Note that these transcriptions may not be entirely accurate, as the exact contents of Nihilanth's speech are fairly difficult to make out due to unclear articulation.

* "Comes... another...": Said when Gordon enters Xen, this might mean that Gordon Freeman is another human to enter this world, as evidenced by human corpses found on the way.

* "You are man...he is not man...for you he waits...for you...": Most interpret this as a reference to the G-Man, who the Nihilanth implies is not human.

* "The are the are..." / "The last...I am the last...": It is unknown what is meant by Freeman being "the last." Some theorize that Freeman is the last "free" human or the last person alive who can stop the Combine, which hints at the plot of Half-Life 2. The second reference may be to Nihilanth as the controlling intelligence keeping the portals open, and therefore the last obstacle to be faced, or that the Nihilanth is the last of his species.

* "Win... you cannot win...": Said when Gordon enters Gonarch's lair. The most obvious interpretation would be that this is some sort of taunt to discourage Gordon. However, it might as well not at all be about Gordon's ability to slay the Nihilanth, but rather about his ability to stop something we don't yet know about.

* "Done...what have you done...": Said when Gordon enters the level "Interloper." Possibly blaming Gordon for the resonance cascade that opened portals between Xen and Earth, which resulted in chaos for both worlds. This could also refer to the destruction of the Gonarch, due to its timing.

* " all all die...": Probably spoken out of anger, may be related to above phrase.

* "Now": Said during the battle with Nihilanth. Probably said just to intimidate Gordon.

* "Their slaves...we are their slaves...we are...": Probably a reference to the Controllers/Xen Masters.

* "The can never know...the truth...": Seems to suggest that the overall plotline will remain filled with unanswered questions.

* " all are all are...": Similarly vague. Possible reference to one of the crystals from the Nihilanth's chamber that was taken back to Earth, along with countless Xen specimens for zoological study.

* "Deceive you... will deceive you": Quite possibly this is a reference to the G-Man and the way he employs (and uses) Freeman. It could also be a reference to Dr. Breen, the Black Mesa administrator seen in Half-Life 2.

* "Alone, not you... alone, not you... alone": Very vague. Possibly saying that Gordon is not alone, perhaps a reference to the G-Man, Adrian Shephard, the U.S. military's invasion of Xen, or even the impending Combine invasion.

* "FREEEEEMAAAAAANNN!!!!!": The Nihilanth screams out Freeman's name at the very beginning of the game's final battle, indicating that it knows Freeman by name. (Assuming that the messages are delivered via telepathy, this is quite credible.) The reason for this shouting of the protagonist's name could be a way for the Nihilanth to coax Freeman into terminating its life, which would end its suffering.
That wiki is mistaken or incomplete, im sure the phrase "Last...I am the last..." Just before the jump into the red teleporter
I've always found the clips you hear from just before the resonance cascade being played again just before you teleport to the Nihilanth much more intriguing than what the big baby blathers about.
Maybe the Combine recruit and enslave the Nihalith type as Combine Overseers? they look almost similar...
esplin said:
Nihilanth messages in game(some may be misinterpreted due to Nihilanths weird accent):

"Ah, another."
"What have you done?"
"Not you alone, Not you alone, Not you alone." (Not sure about this one)
"The Last, I am the Last."
"Truth, you can never know the truth."
Decieve you, will decieve you, will decieve you."
"Die now, Die, DIE NOW!"

Nihilanth quotes that aren't in the game:
"You are man, he is not man, for you he waits."
"There slaves, we are there slaves, we are."
"The last, you are the last"
"Thieves, you all are thieves, you all are."
"No hope, you have no hope."
(I'm not sure if this one is supposed to be in the game. It is only played when you enter "Gonarch's Lair" through a console command. It doesn't play if you enter Gonarch's Lair from the previous map.)

Those are all the ones I remember. You can hear them at-

Those are all in the game except "No Hope, you have no hope" which I've never heard.

And it's also "Comes Another" :thumbs:
Eejit said:
I've always found the clips you hear from just before the resonance cascade being played again just before you teleport to the Nihilanth much more intriguing than what the big baby blathers about.

Are those clips from before the resonance cascade? I thought that was the reeaaally faint sound of a scientist and a Barney arguing about trying to get Gordon out of Xen.
losermeetsworld said:
Maybe the Combine recruit and enslave the Nihalith type as Combine Overseers? they look almost similar...

Nope, Combine arn't on Xen. Check the sticky thread called "Combine vs Xen: The final solution" for more details :cheers:
Llama said:
Nope, Combine arn't on Xen. Check the sticky thread called "Combine vs Xen: The final solution" for more details :cheers:

True, but I thought the Nihialith or however you spelled it FLED to Xen? So that means there could have more like it elsewhere in the universe for the combine to recruit
losermeetsworld said:
True, but I thought the Nihialith or however you spelled it FLED to Xen? So that means there could have more like it elsewhere in the universe for the combine to recruit

..Thats a good point actually, im not sure.

I'd assume it was created after the Xenians fled to Xen, but you might have to ask Angry Lawyer about that
(In this section of the forums what he says goes. Think god, but with more schechs appeal :p)
I'm seriously pondering that... If Freeman can kill a the Nihialitnttriernth then i'm sure with enough force and helicopters the combine could supress one, fit it with restrainers and have an all seeing all knowing advisor...
AJ Rimmer said:
let's pretend the people who post here are enormous nerds who knows everything about half-life and half-life 2 forwards and backwards and three times on sunday.
I'm new and know next to nothing of the story. I just started playing through HL1 all the way.
_Z_Ryuken said:
I'm new and know next to nothing of the story. I just started playing through HL1 all the way.
Then welcome! Soon you will be one of us. It is inevitable. It is your... destiny...
AJ Rimmer said:
Then welcome! Soon you will be one of us. It is inevitable. It is your... destiny...
Cool beaners.
But I'm more hinting at the fact that even if this info is really old, it still can be appreciated.
I didn't even know what a Nihilanth was until a few days ago.

Yesterday I found out while playing the G man follows you around HL1.

I'm kinda glad I played HL2 first because his placement in 1 is so obvious and just sucks the mystery out. :/