Nihilanth and the combine *Spoilers for half life*


Sep 13, 2003
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Nihilanth and the combine *Spoilers for half life*
Blast Of Ki (30): Board List | Topic List | Post New Message | Log Out | Help
From: Blast Of Ki | Posted: 1/24/2004 6:44:44 PM | Message Detail
Here is a pic of the metal thing that comes out of nihilanth.

Compare it to the architacture and material of the combine tower:

Pretty similar, huh?
um, ignore all the weird stuff between "nihilanth and the combine" and "here is a pic..."

I posted this on another board, and didn't feel like posting it again.

Sorry if this has been posted before.
I don't think so, personally...

There's only a very vague resemblance between them, IMO, about the same resemblance as there is between a tree branch and a fencepost.

Similar shapes, but you tend to get that with boxes and spikes, anyway.

Nihilanth has more cylinders, the Combine tower has more angular bits.

No, i don't think there's any significant resemblance.
Well, don't you think it's weird that there would be a metal thing just sticking out of nihilanth for no reason?

and look at how there are little antenai looking things sticking out of the bottom of nihilanth, like the the combine tower and walls.

And they seem to have the same color, also.
maybe its like a genetically engineered one. Or a clone gone wrong, is that an official picture?
No, I don't think it's weird. Nihilanth seems to be engineered to me, and perhaps the metal bit is some sort of life support or floatation device.

I don't think that it bears enough of a resemblance to the combine stuff to give it much thought.

Anyway, the Nihilanth's cybernetic bits seem reflective, whereas the combine tower seems a dull matte colour.
and maybe they made the nihilanth thing shiny to show it was metal.

But only time will tell.
They certainly seem to be biomechanical.

The thing sticking out of the bottom of nihilanth looks alot like the things comeing out of the bottom of scanners but i think thats just coincidence.

Whats more interesting about nihilanth is the things he says...

"You are man, he is not man... for you he waits, for you"

"[He?] decieve you, will decieve you"

"Last, I am the last"

EDIT: "There slaves, we are there slaves"
Yes... there's been a lot of speculation about that... do you think it's referring to the Administrator, the G-Man, or what?
It would makes sense if it was the Administrator or the G-man. You meet the G-man strait after so he was waiting for you.

It kind of gives the impression the G-man is the servant of some higher race that has come to invade xen and earth.

Nin also says "the last, you are the last" which implies your special :)
@ chipmunk: Maybe both.

@ Chimp: Nihilanth could mean that Gordon is the last person who can fix things, perhaps.
The Strider and Gunship are obviously biomechanoids, but they are controlled by the combine.

Unless you mean the combine soldiers, in which case you must be making a reference to the stolen build... hmmm?

well, nihilanth is probably a biomech, so it must be connected to the combine somehow, since the combine are/control biomechs?

And if you want to know about the soldiers, you'd have to talk to me privately about that.
I think the Nihilanth is more of a cyborg.

The metal parts in his lower half remind me of the Floater life support/hover system from UFO: Enemy Unknown.
No. For biomechanical, think Geiger's Alien. For cyborg, think The Terminator or the Six Million Dollar Man.
could you explain that to me? I'm not familiar with any of those examples :/

And even if they are different, don't you think they must be somehow connected, if nihilanth mixes his flesh with steel (you can tell that he isn't sitting on it, or he shoved it in there, ouch) and so do the combine (well, to some of there units).
Don't you think it's likely that they are somehow connected? maybe?
Biomechanical: Where any mechanical parts are organic in nature, Ie: Pistons, joints, projectile weapons and jointed armour are grown biologically. Geiger's Alien is the one in the Alien films. If you look closely, they're covered in pipes, and several variations appear on close inspection to actually have biological pistons and other parts that are mechanoid in appearance, though organic.

Cyborg: Mechanical parts are artificial, and usually added after the creation of the base organism. The Six Million Dollar Man, for instance, has cybernetic parts that were added to him surgically.

Maybe they're connected, but I doubt it.
Remember the green goo that started to form everywhere on op4, usually accompanied by the green spores, i thought that it might be the early growth of a citadel like buildings. I think the reason why the xen creatures attack in the first place was because the BMRF was stealing artifacts.

NIHILANTH quote: " all are theives, you are"

Another interesting fact is that the NIHILANTH also says: "Slaves...we are their slaves, we are."
Does this refer to the combine controlling the xen creatures.
lets wait and find out, I dont want to think in depth just incase I get it right and ruin the suprise a bit ,, lol

good point though Death, that seems to make sense..
Have VALVe said that they made HL with the idea of sequels in mind? It certainly feels like they left the door open at the end of HL for HL2...
Listened to all the NIhilanth files...
I don't think there is a connection between Nihilanth and the Combine.
Maybe the Xen are slaves of the Combine
in HL1 the Xen find an opportunity to be free
where do you access these nihilanth audio files, i cant find them in all of my steam folders. im playing through the game again, and i try to listen to what he says but i usually need to hear a couple of times.
I think the combine are like G-man,someone (or something)whit more great power(because when oneself see G-man in HL1 he dont look scary walkin around there in black mesa or in the final when freeman and he are in Xen)maybe the lider of the combine is another person like G-man a the combine are they "hired soldiers" like G-man hire freeman in the end of HL1,and maybe are more like that "Administrator" and maybe HL2 is about G-man whit freeman vs the combine whit they leader(the administrator?) or just is the goberment who hav controled the Xen but the aliens try to get free and in HL1 freeman stop they(because maybe that "test" is to see who will stop the aliens and hire that person,and maybe G-man will hav control over the Xen)and in this HL2 Xen get out of control and G-man and the soldiers are fihgting to get all the control of the Xen
but I wanna say something is freeman NEGATE e hired by G-man,what will hapenned? maybe freeman will be against G-man to and maybe G-man will hired someone else
I believed more in the superior bean like G-man(and I spect will be rihgt)or not,well that can be a good story
There are a few more interesting Nihilanth quotes that I don't think have been mentioned:

"Alone, not you alone, not you alone."

"Comes another."

"The truth you can never know, the truth."
ElFuhrer said:
There are a few more interesting Nihilanth quotes that I don't think have been mentioned:

"Alone, not you alone, not you alone."

"Comes another."

"The truth you can never know, the truth."
"Alone, not you alone" could be alluding to other planets struggling against the forces of Xen/the Combine.

"Comes another" could be about another "savior" similar to Freeman, who is coming to Earth to help. Or, more realistically, could refer to Shephard, who was another do-gooder who made his way to Xen as well, and was also employed by the G-man.

No idea on the last quote though, not yet at least.
stigmata said:
"Alone, not you alone" could be alluding to other planets struggling against the forces of Xen/the Combine.

"Comes another" could be about another "savior" similar to Freeman, who is coming to Earth to help. Or, more realistically, could refer to Shephard, who was another do-gooder who made his way to Xen as well, and was also employed by the G-man.

No idea on the last quote though, not yet at least.

Well, Shephard was in Opposing Force and I don't think it was even around when Half-Life was released. So I doubt he was referring to Shephard.
My latest theory (which is totally in conflict with my older idea in the Xen Ecology thread) is that the Controllers (little Nihilanths) were a race living alongside the [unenslaved] slaves and Xen wildlife. They seem to have a limited form of telepathy, hence the name 'Controller'. The Combine invaded Xen and instead of occupying it they came up with a more unique way of controlling their subject. Though thier bio-engineering they 'modified' a controller to amplify it's telepathic abilities and put it under thier complete control. So now there's Nihilanth, with enough power to control the inhabitants of Xen (not the wildlife like headcrabs, etc.) while he himself is under control of the Combine. His sickly bloated baby appearance and suffering dialogue seem to suggest the he is not naturally the way he is, don't they? Once you kill Nihilanth Xen is free, but the G-Man and his forces have taken this opportunity to claim Xen for themselves. Now the Combine is pissed, the humans stole their border world and they want payback. They are striking back at Earth, and in particular, the one guy who killed Nihilanth and made it possible for the G-Man. Poor old Freeman :( . Am I making any sense? Or is this just crazy?
Actually, ElFuhrer, that sounds pretty good and accurate to me:)

Though I prefer good ol'Nilly to be the enslaved ruler of Xen, rather than a servant created by the combine. Sort of controlled with some type of strong telepathy,constantly struggling against it and trying to free himself.
Well, I think of Nihilanth kind of like King Theoden at the beginning of The Two Towers. He was the ruler of his people, but there was that nagging little Wormtounge making him ultimately the pawn of Saruman. But poor Nihilanth didn't have Gandalf come to break him out of his curse... just Freeman to blast the crap out of him.
Comes another" could be about another "savior" similar to Freeman, who is coming to Earth to help. Or, more realistically, could refer to Shephard, who was another do-gooder who made his way to Xen as well, and was also employed by the G-man.

Maybe "another" is referring to Alyx.
why all of a sudden are there so many theories which suggest that nihilanth was an innocent ruler of xen. im not arguing, i just find it interesting. especially that last one elfuhrer.
Well, listen to some of the things he says. "Their slaves, we are their slaves, we are". Also, "Decieve you, will decieve you" sounds like he trying to warn us of something. Then there are the Xen slaves that are supposedly fighting on your side against the Combine. In HL1, when you are in the factory some of the slaves ignore you and others attack. They seem to be programmed somehow, probably by telepathy through the collars they wear. Nihilanth also calls himself a slave, but he seems to control the green-collar slaves. I'm not saying Nihilanth is innocent (he could've agreed to enslave his people when offered a reward) but I think he was a pawn to whoever is calling the shots.