Nine inch nails


Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
I'm getting into this band and have decided to go ahead and get a cd.
So, what should I go for?
It's hard to recommend one album, because they're all so different. My personal favourite is The Fragile, but since it's a two-disc long progressive rock beast, i wouldn't recommend it as your first album. If you want to get a taste of NIN as a whole, I suggest getting their live album "And All That Could Have Been". Apart from that, I guess "The Downward Spiral" would be a nice start.

Get these tracks as well:

March Of The Pigs
We're In This Together
La Mer (absolutely amazing live, if you can check out the live DVD)

Just listening to these will show how diverse NIN as been through the years.
i would say, start from the beginning.
Downward Spiral is really good. I think of the album as NIN's career peak.
Heh, I'm completely and totally obsessed with Nine Inch Nails.

I'd recommend The Fragile if you're one of the prog/art rock types that likes to really listen and get into it, but if you're just being a casual listener get The Downward Spiral and then Further Down the Spiral.

Pretty Hate Machine kicks a lot of ass too, but it's an aquired taste (sort of dance-y).
\m/. Love this band. Downward spiral is wooo....
the fragile reminds me 100% of my girlfriend

she shines in a world full of ugliness
she matters when everything is meaningless
fragile, she doesnt see her beauty

Damn, I've been gone for a long time - I don't recognize your name, Wraith, and you have over a thousand posts.

The Great Beyond is an absolutely orgasmic song as well.
The next Halo will be entitled "With Teeth", and should be out in a few months.

I've been a nine inch nails fan almost my entire life. They were one of the very first bands I ever listened to as a kid, with The Downward Spiral coming out while I was in grammar school. In middle school I had probably a dozen NIN shirts, before moving up a rung on the dark music ladder and discovering black metal. I'm even thinking about sending him a copy of my album when it's done, just to say "this is the music I made after being raised on yours." Wonder what he thinks of black metal anyhow...

History aside, Trent is a musical mastermind. Listen to it all.
Yeah, I can't wait for the next Halo to come out (non-believers BEGONE! I'm not talking about Halo 2). Isn't there a DVD, Closure, that either is about to come out or recently came out?
What is this Halo thing?

I went for it and bought the Fragile. The first CD is unbelivable but the second really isnt doing much for me at the moment. Hope it grows on me.
Oh, it will. It definitely will. Nine Inch Nails grows on you to the extent where it's a part of you.

Each CD has a Halo number, that is, the first CD is halo 1, the second is Halo 2, the third is Halo 3, etc. We're on what, 17 or 18 now?
Some quite funky bass lines too, this is good, my two favourite types of rock-
soft/sad rock + funk rock
What songs are you referring to?
Audiophile said:
Yeah, I can't wait for the next Halo to come out (non-believers BEGONE! I'm not talking about Halo 2). Isn't there a DVD, Closure, that either is about to come out or recently came out?

Wait, they're re-releasing Closure on DVD? I bought that when it came out on video, and I've been waiting for the DVD version for ages, I couldn't imagine why it hadn't been done already.

I don't really have a favourite NIN album, but my favourite track at the moment is the 'Quiet' version of The Day the World Went Away, which was released on the single.
I saw a commercial for it on the site yesterday, in the media section.

I want to hear the quiet version of The Day the World Went Away! *buys single*
I've been meaning to listen to some NIN...

/me adds it to list
The Art of Self Destruction, Part One has the coolest first minute of any song anywhere ever created by anyone.