Nintendo DSi XL or Nintendo 3DS?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hi, only really looking for input from people who've had both.

I am in bad need of a portable platform for my summer holiday, and I've played my PSP to death past years so I have no titles on it that interests me and the PS Vita has failed to generate any exclusives that catch my interest so I've decided on getting some form of DS.

My dilemma is as follows: The DSi XL and 3DS costs the same amount here, as a result I have some questions for those who've owned a 3DS and an older DS console.

How noticeable is the added blur when playing older DS titles on the 3DS?

What are the best alternatives for extending the battery life for the 3DS?

Finally there is a question I know I can't expect a real answer for but maybe guesses, how likely do you think it is that we'll see a newer 3DS model announced at E3 making it a poor choice to buy a 3DS now?

Thanks for any helpful input on this.
Get the original DS. The chunky design is superior! The later models are too flat!
I loved my original DS *sigh* Left it on a bloody bus and never saw it again.

Anyway, I'd go for the DSi if thats what you're after. The 3DS is ok, my son has one, but there are too many things that put me off it. I don't like that the 3D only really works fairly well if you are at the right angle - move the screen even a little and the game becomes to blurred to focus on. And even then, I'm not overly impressed with the 3D. As for the blurring of old DS games on it, I'm afraid I don't know... I've not actually tried to play one on the 3DS. My son seems quite happy though.

Also, I think you're right about a new model. They do it every time, so no reason to think the 3DS won't be the same.

I think my input ranks as 'less than helpful'... That, I'm good at!
****ing neither, they're dust collectors bound for death in lieu of cellulars with processors which trump them and do more shit.

Buy a nice new suit jacket or something.
He's tired of snow shoeing and terrible electronic music clubs so he's decided to walk around his property in circles playing largely bad games on a hardware platform on the brink of extinction.

Before wasting all of your magical fairyland Swedish currency that regenerates itself anyways, replay one of the thousands of Steam games you own.

I love you, I just hate everyone today. The Swedish and their bizarre and outdated culture of eating seal fat and having infinite resources from a magical benevolent snow-viking with a DotA obsession are no exception. You have some hot, albeit stupid women though. Blonde, boobs, largely not fat. A good formula.
Eejit I know dude and we tease each other regularly. I'm not serious and I love Sweden. Though the down/upvoting system is ridiculous anyways. Thanks for your thorough disapproval, Caesar. ARE YOU NOT AMUSED?

In the meantime: handhelds are a stagnant and boring market that is gradually becoming irrelevant as phones become game friendly.

Sorry for the double post, I mistake the alert about a downvote as a post--you know, something worth receiving a notification for or worthwhile criticism, feedback or wit.

Facebook won't stop having rough sex with every web app in existence and soulless thumbs are infesting my internet.
Wait, what? Why?
Because no TV and no games makes Gargantou go something.. something..

BHC, I have yet to find any good games for Android in terms of RPGs, the DS on the other hand has Chrono Trigger DS, DQIX, Radiant Historia, Front Mission DS and more.

Anyway, I still haven't made a purchase, heard from a friend that Nintendo might be reducing the price of the DSi XL by 30% here soon, in which case I will probably pick that up. Definitely decided against a 3DS since I am don't consider it unlikely for a new 3DS model to be announced at E3.

But heck, I guess if worst comes to worst I could always make use of my time at the summer house to read some books out of my literature backlog.