Nintendo Press Conference vids & summary


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Taken from ntsc-uk:

Check Mii Out channel:
DS Download System:
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles:
Monster Hunter 3:
Pokemon Farm:
Super Mario Kart Wii:
Super Mario Galaxy:
Wii Music:


Nintendo held just last night its retail conference for Q4 of 2007. Here is summary of the event:

- WiiFit will be out at December in Japan.
- WiiWare launches March, 2008
- First WiiWare games:

* Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land (1500 Wii points)
* Dr. Mario
* Unnamed Bomberman title
* Star Soldier R
* Pokemon Rancher
* Mojipittan Wii
* JOYSOUND (Karaoke Channel)

- DS Demo Station service coming for Wii, probably to coincide with launch of WiiWare.
- New titles announced:

* Monster Hunter 3 for Wii. According to Capcom's press release, this move was made due development costs.
* Mario Stadium Baseball for Wii. No word about developer.
* Fire Emblem DS.
* Card Hero DS.

- Sonic: the Hedgehog in Brawl
- Brawl delayed to January in Japan. US date is currently TBA too.
- Mario Kart Wii delayed to spring. Will feature bikes in addition of karts.
I personally think this was a better showing than their E3 performance! So much great news: DS demos from your Wii, Sonic in Brawl, Monster Hunter 3, Mario Kart info and bikes, Fire Emblem DS, WiiWare info, etc etc etc. Very cool and I can't wait for this stuff to hit the US! Bad news on the potential delays, but I don't mind since they will likely be perfect upon release.
Agreed. Monster Hunter is absolutely huge news. Perhaps not so much for us in the west, but in Japan it sells systems by the truck load.

Wii Music could be very cool.
Combined with Nintendo's update for the Wii yesterday, it's now a very good time to be a Nintendo fan.
heh, Monster Hunter is massive. Alone responsible for the sales of sooo many PSP and PS2 systems in Japan. You get together with people and, um, hunt monsters.
"Get together" as in online, or on a single console?

The videos I'm finding of past iterations look like it could be pretty fun.
They were online.

I've never played any of the series, but know how massive they were for Capcom in Japan. Ditching Sony for Nintendo with Monster Hunter is a pretty big deal. Apparently the Wii is now Capcom's main focus this generaton.