Nintendo,Xbox,Sony Online play!


Feb 3, 2005
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no fancy quotes or speculations. read the facts

glad to hear Nintendo getting on the ball with online capabilities!

Sorta off topic, but does anyone else having problems dealing with 3 game systems?
Each system gets a hand-full of must have games in it's life-time. System sellers.

It would be sweet if I could have all the new systems, but with the price they are when systems are released, I think everyone needs to figure out what system is going to have those games you must have.

you can tell I've already selected Xbox360 . duh!
I want Forza Motorsport 2, Perfect dark, Oblivion, Condemned, and Kameo, for starters.

-Oblivion and Condemned are also coming to PC though, so PC gamers hang in there.

Never really liked Metal gear, and i prefer Forza MS over Gran tourismo now. So Sony ain't got much for me.

What about Nintendo?
What games are they working on?
Meh. Never liked online play (except for HL2: DM and CS:S of course :E).

VirusType2 said:
It would be sweet if I could have all the new systems
VirusType2 said:
I want Forza Motorsport 2, Perfect dark, Oblivion, Condemned, and Kameo, for starters.

For the price of all these games, you can have a Revolution and a couple of its games! Not bad if you ask me.
VictimOfScience said:
Meh. Never liked online play (except for HL2: DM and CS:S of course :E).
I liked online play for Street Fighter, Phantasy Star Online, Everquest, and finally World of Warcraft. And thats it. Ever. But If they can do it right, online play is insane fun.

VictimOfScience said:
For the price of all these games, you can have a Revolution and a couple of its games! Not bad if you ask me.

yup thats exactly right. Thats how I ended up with a gamecube
I'd rather have all the systems and a handful of the very best games each offers than one system with loads of just 'good' games (it probably won't cost anymore in the long run either)

It'll be interesting to see what Nintendo bring to online gaming and i'm looking forward to co-op fps, sports, driving, and beat-em-ups on Xbox Live.