No 64bit update in forseeable futureNo 64bit update in foreseeable future for source



Sorry it has taken us so long to respond.

I am glad to see that the 64bit port of HL2 is working out for you. We currently don't have anything near term scheduled as far as a specific 64-bit port of TF2, etc. However, we are still working on more general optimizations to make things run more quickly for everyone.

[email protected]


Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 6:21 PM
To: Robin Walker
Subject: 64 bit?

Dear Robin,
I finally got around to get the 64bit version of Xp, so naturally I booted up HL2 to see the difference in performance. When I ran it was a lot smoother, and then I was thinking, how far can I crank the settings? Now as default I run it on high with 1024x768 res, 2x and 4x AA and AF, this I ran it with to the max, and putting AF to 8x for 16x seems to not work well with nivida cards. I enabled every thing, and made sure they were on their highest setting possible, and did the one thing a always avoid when fine tuning my visuals in a game: Vertical Sync. So I started the game and 80+ FPS, so I loaded a combat heavy map, did not drop below 60 FPS. Now this is a huge shock to me, for I rarely get above 40 FPS but it never drops below 20 so I am satisfied. Now I would love to see a performance boost like that on TF2 and Ep2, DOD:S, ect. Here is my question, and point:
What is the word on 64 bit mode for other source games? Will we see it, or are us x64 users just going to have to suffer one more inconvenience?

Ps. I like the new weapon switch menu in the 64 version of the game. Is it necessary? No. Is it cool? Yes.
Uh where did it say no update to 64bit in Source in forseeable future? Just said there isn't probably going to be a 64bit port of TF2....
64bit really isnt a priority to valve.
the majority of people still only run 32bit.
i would rather have content then a 64bit mode, but that still doesnt rule out that they wont create a 64bit mode later.