No built-in multiplayer for PS3


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
"Online gaming fans are going to have to look past the PS3 to get their fix - Sony has announced that they are not doing a central service for PS3 online gaming. Instead, it will be done in the same manner as the PS2, where each company decides what effort to put into it. Considering how weak the online support has been for the PS2, this may not bode well for Sony, especially with more and more rumours that they won't be launching until at least the 2006 holidays."

while admittedly the xboxlive service sold me on buying an xbox I was quickly underwhelmed and canceled my subscription, not having any other alternative, I gave up playing xbox games all together save for the rare occurance when a friend comes over for split screen games.

...ps3 deciding to not include a multiplayer service could be bad or good for the console
For me it's a good thing, as I would never pay the subscription fee. This way I get perfectly good multiplayer for the games that bother to integrate proper support. And let's face it, the only games that are worth playing online will integrate that support, just like Socom, Modern Combat, and a few other games have for the PS2.
smwScott said:
For me it's a good thing, as I would never pay the subscription fee. This way I get perfectly good multiplayer for the games that bother to integrate proper support. And let's face it, the only games that are worth playing online will integrate that support, just like Socom, Modern Combat, and a few other games have for the PS2.

yes, some very good points games having online multiplayer often feel tacked on just so they can put that "xbox-live enabled" label on the box
I thought you meant there would only be 1 controller port when I read the title. Stupid Sony.
Haha, I thought they were cutting back on controller support as well!

I am not too disappointed in this since I get my multiplayer fix with my PC. I have never taken a console online and probably never will.

Though I wonder if this will have any effect on the proposed "Cell Storage" idea that that Sony had talked about--I was rather interested in that....
Well this could cause developer complications as well as limit a few things but overall I don't think it will really have much of an effect, at least not much of one for the players.
Paying for online play seemed really dumb, in my opinion, on Microsoft's stance yet so many people bought it. Take PC gaming for example.

Messenger = free.
Online play (non-mmo) = free.
Voice chat? = check.
Yeah, online pay should be free. But someone has to pay for the servers and bandwidth.
Clans and other companies pay for that mostly online, so its not free for some :P
I think they've really hurt themselves there, considering Microsoft are including XBL Silver with every single Xbox anyway, allowing people to do microtransactions and such regardless of whether they subscribe... Basically, Sony are just ignoring big bucks.
What was this shit I heard some time back about how Sony PS3's online plan was going to blow the 360's out of the water? I can't remember who, but somebody said it. Maybe it was those pompous pricks at Eurogamer. I dunno.
Absinthe said:
What was this shit I heard some time back about how Sony PS3's online plan was going to blow the 360's out of the water? I can't remember who, but somebody said it. Maybe it was those pompous pricks at Eurogamer. I dunno.

Yes I rememer somewhere someone saying sony had a big suprise with online gaming.

Well I am looking forward to Xbox 360 multiplayer. For the low price you get great multiplayer with voicechat, downloadable content, gamertag and all that (yes I know the PC has it all plus mods etc). I will still do much more multiplayer gaming on my PC.

My brother loves online gaming but doesnt have the money to build a PC so 360 multiplayer seems like just the thing, plus his games will look better then the ones I play on my 6600GT :o
DrDevin said:
Yes I rememer somewhere someone saying sony had a big suprise with online gaming.

Well I am looking forward to Xbox 360 multiplayer. For the low price you get great multiplayer with voicechat, downloadable content, gamertag and all that (yes I know the PC has it all plus mods etc). I will still do much more multiplayer gaming on my PC.

My brother loves online gaming but doesnt have the money to build a PC so 360 multiplayer seems like just the thing, plus his games will look better then the ones I play on my 6600GT :o

Revolution is going to have completely free of charge online services. :cheers:
GhostBoi said:
Revolution is going to have completely free of charge online services. :cheers:

We'll see how many titles are online compatible :rolleyes:

Anyway, I honestly could careless. 360 will have online and I'm a Single player gamer anyways.
GhostBoi said:
Revolution is going to have completely free of charge online services. :cheers:

Yeah, but I would reserve my excitement for when they entail exactly what that will consist of.
I'm a little disapointed to be honest...

With a unified service you have the same quality and features across the entire network...

Plus it's just not all about games... With Xbox Live you get to have friends lists, rankings, video chats, etc etc (Now obviously the online gaming will get a LOT more use than all of those, but the functionality is still there)

TBH, I don't think the PS3 will be all that great... Well, at least from what I've been hearing it won't be... Xbox360 so far is my favorite :)

Now you may think that the pricing is crap, but for the price of one game (which is one year of Xbox Live) you get sooo much cool stuff! Updates, new maps, extra content, etc etc etc

I guess it really depends how much you do gaming and what sort of titles you like... If the only game you play is Socom, then obviously this will probably be good news for you (in a way) :P
I'm glad that it's not gonna be like Xbox Live (pay-to-play) that is.

That reminds me...I have to call the XBL damn support to cancel my account before they automatically renew my account for another worthless year.
I'm actually a fan of Xbox live.

Being able to play decent beat-em-ups, sports, driving games, basically anything remotely arcady, online is something the pc doesn't really cater for .... and something Live does well (and looking to do even better on the 360). Chilling out with your mates to a few games of StreetFighter 2 is worth the subscription alone. Having comms as standard is nice too - hassle free gaming, as it should be.

Also, the 360 seems to be offering plenty of online co-op, something which i've been wanting for a long time and something the Xbox and pc don't provide. Cooperative PD0 should be bags of fun, and even Kameo has co-op over Live.
What Warbie said. The money you're paying is equitable in terms of what you're getting when it comes to Live.
XBox live is lame, you shouldn't have to pay extra money to play your games online.
Why not?

I have to pay for a Ventrillo server and chip in for rtcw/et/cs servers.

Like it or not, Xbox Live is very good, and great value for money. Say what you like about MS, but they offer a good service. I'll continue to subscribe untill there's a better alternative (which isn't on the pc)
I didn't say anything about M"$", i just don't think it's fair to buy a game, then subscribe to something and pay another fee to play it online. If they had somekind of program like Steam then it would be awesome. Steam ftw!
Warbie said:
Why not?

I have to pay for a Ventrillo server and chip in for rtcw/et/cs servers.

Like it or not, Xbox Live is very good, and great value for money. Say what you like about MS, but they offer a good service. I'll continue to subscribe untill there's a better alternative (which isn't on the pc)

I want to agree with you but then I have horrid horrid memories of what they did to the mp of RTCW xbox version ...not too mention that ghost recon never worked for me online ..I bought live specifically for GR and it just refused to work ;(
I agree about RTCW - it was god awful on the Xbox, as was CS. It was never going to work, a joypad just isn't up to the job in a fast paced 'twitch' shooter like Wolfenstein (remember Q3 on the DC? :/)

Don't come at Xbox Live expecting pc online gaming on a console - because that isn't what it is (thankfully) It's console gaming online.
Warbie said:
I agree about RTCW - it was god awful on the Xbox, as was CS. It was never going to work, a joypad just isn't up to the job in a fast paced 'twitch' shooter like Wolfenstein (remember Q3 on the DC? :/)

Don't come at Xbox Live expecting pc online gaming on a console - because that isn't what it is (thankfully) It's console gaming online.

I dont think I'll ever get used to that

in other news: read a great review of Operation Flashpoint today, says it's the best xbox game to date and is an almost straight port of the pc version ya there's some hope that console online games can be as complex as their pc counterparts