No discussion of religion allowed in Off-Topic forum?

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May 24, 2003
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Well yesterday i made a thread that had a poll of which side of the spectrum you were most leaned to, evil or good. i didnt insult anyone. everybody voiced their opinion fair and square. then the thread was closed. and called stupid. so i must ask, are religious threads not allowed in Off-Topic discusion?
your thread wasnt locked because it has religious content. It was closed because it was pretty meaningless
Clearly religious threads are allowed...there have been many in the past, but it was a pointless thread. The way you went about it was completely wrong. Many people in the thread obviously weren't happy with it.
Can you be more specific?
Maybe being satanic isn't allowed. Most people seem to laugh at it.
Take for instance the poll....



If you had worded the thread a little more maturely rather then i wouldnt have closed it.
Just to add here is what i see a lot of, not particuraly relating to me but other threads too, It might not be the most Clever thread of ages but it does have some meaning to some people, then the people on the other side insult it and thread gets closed for "flaming", why not just delete that one post instead of the whole thread. thats like saying, if i went on the valve info thread and said "this is stupid i hate you" then someone said "no flaming, closed"... well thats my point of view on how things are done here lately.
Well im not a very big suporter of god. But i did put him in there, even though i wasnt very enthusiastic or however you spell it. anyways i didnt put "satan" or "satan"
:P i gotta go to work now this thread will probably be closed cuz its "stupid"
That would be quite a vauge poll. What is evil and what is good is different to everyone. It's entirely too subjective to create a poll out of it in the first place.
So you put god in a poll which had 2 options... if you hadn't there'd just be the one option. What would be the point of that?
Maybe being satanic isn't allowed. Most people seem to laugh at it.

Thats because its whorshipping someone who hates every human in existance, even those that worship him. Satanism just seems to be a big group of idiots who think its cool to be "dark".
slightly off topic, this discussion about satan etc reminded me of this passage. lemme know what you think.

The Devil - Lucifer - is a force for good (where I define 'good' simply as that which I value, not wanting to imply any universal validity or necessity to the orientation). 'Lucifer' means 'light-bringer' and this should begin to clue us in to his symbolic importance. The story is that God threw Lucifer out of Heaven because Lucifer had started to question God and was spreading dissension among the angels. We must remember that this story is told from the point of view of the Godists (if I may coin a term) and not from that of the Luciferians (I will use this term to distinguish us from the official Satanists with whom I have fundamental differences). The truth may just as easily be that Lucifer resigned from heaven.
Just thought I'd clear something up here..

The Bible never refers to the devil as Lucifer. Or a fallen angel, for that matter. The whole Lucifer thing is more or less made up.
Oh who cares what you believe in, when you die you will find out if you were right or not. (Gotta love that South Park episode with only mormons going to heaven).
No offense, but I think you're an idiot Valved Ray.

JK offense.
religious threads are allowed, but the problem is they turn into flame wars all too often, because people cannot reconcile their difference and accept that other people will have different beliefs.

about your thread/poll you made... the problem wasn't that it was created, but that some people are very easy to offend. and apparently the (as was noted above) the god.. /sigh part was offensive. i dunno why... but yeah. ya gotta be more political about how you go about making your threads :)
I was personally offended by the thread in question. Im nut a hugely religious person, but it shouldnt be cheapened in such a way. You imply that any person who believes in God is crazy, and think its funny to pretend to support Satan, whom you obviously dont believe in either. You laugh at my beliefs, you pretend to have your own, purposely to inflame others, and then continue to make fun of torture; that is why your thread was deemed meaningless and locked.
Pressure said:
Thats because its whorshipping someone who hates every human in existance, even those that worship him. Satanism just seems to be a big group of idiots who think its cool to be "dark".
Watch your little mouth
i don't call you an idiot for w/e your beliefs are. You are clueless to what Satanism is.
Right, so to you, is "Satanism" simply an excuse to wear black clothes, have spikey hair and listen to Slipknot? Or does it actually mean something to you? Do you know what the doctrines of "Satanism" are? Do you know how practising "Satanism" will effect your way of looking at things, and interacting with people?

And no, you watch your little mouth.
i've actually heard of a belief system called "satanism" that preaches that god is within everyone, and is not an external source of love/life/morals/etc... you are your own god. i'm not sure if this is what valved ray is talking about or not... just my 2 cents
Shuzer said:
Just thought I'd clear something up here..

The Bible never refers to the devil as Lucifer. Or a fallen angel, for that matter. The whole Lucifer thing is more or less made up.
If I'm not mistaken "lucifer" (light bringer/bearer) was only used to refer to Jesus. As I understood it, Jerome mistranslated "heylel" (in a passage refering to Satan) as "lucifer" and everyone copied his use of Lucifer as another name for Satan.
Satanism is a very un-organized religion. i never even said i was satanic.
i said i was atheist. what i did say was that if the two sides of the spectrum could actually be proven to exist, i'd have to pick the satanic side.
and zerimski, i listen to slipknot because i'm into heavy metal music, i don't need an excuse or a reason to. FYI slipknot isnt satanic, they just use all that stuff for propaganda. me wearing black clothes, yeah i wear black clothes, it looks good on me.
might not on you O_o but i like it. i never knew that satanic people were forced to wear stuff from hot topic lmao. i don't consider myself gothic, i don't even know wtf that is. so don't drag me into your stereotypicalness if thats even a word. and yeah everything that you do has an effect on how you do other things. just like what you said made me laugh and made me think less of you by trying to insult me. i don't insult your god/beliefs, but i guess it's fair for your because you're staff and can get away with it.
i forgot to add my own atheist commandments

1. i am accountable for my own actions. nobody makes me do anything against my will. if i said it, i meant it. if i did it, i will stand by the consequences, even if i srew up royally.

2. i have no desire to force people to any system of belief against their will.

3. whatever happens with any kind of an afterlife, i'll deal with when i am dead.

4. i never pray for a better world, i get off my ass and make it happen.

5. i have much better things to do on a sunday morning. sleeping in tops the list.

6. faith is an excuse for a lack of understanding.

7. belief is a poor substitute for knowledge.

8. how can an institution claim to be compassionate when it is the greatest harbor of gross intolerance in human history?
ValVed RaY said:
i don't insult your god/beliefs, but i guess it's fair for your because you're staff and can get away with it.

Actually, you do. The most recent case would be the ".../sigh" you put after "god" in your poll choices. And as for my being staff and being able to "get away with it", if another member of staff decides I was out of line then fine, they can delete the post and I'll consider myself berated. However, it becomes tiring having to fire yourself and reinstate yourself every time you want to state an opinion.

Moving on...

Ok, so look at my questions from the point of view of an atheist. As you decided to threaten Pressure because his view of "Satanism" doesn't match yours, I assume you are pretty clued up as to what "Satanism" involves?
Don't ask about stuff you don't want to really know.
if you do however totse com is the place, has a lot of different views.
i'm not gonna say anything further on satanism seeing as how i get put down everytime i touch the subject.
It has nothing to do with the specific religion.

If you talk about anything to do with any religion.

Be prepared for people with assanine opinions and wildly differant beliefs......
OCybrManO said:
If I'm not mistaken "lucifer" (light bringer/bearer) was only used to refer to Jesus. As I understood it, Jerome mistranslated "heylel" (in a passage refering to Satan) as "lucifer" and everyone copied his use of Lucifer as another name for Satan.

I've never heard of this. Lucifer isn't in The Bible, anywhere.
I thought "Lucifer" is latin for "Light-bearer"? Ah well i dont care

Anyway Valved Ray, i was gonna ask you this earlier in that thread you made yesterday. Why would you choose Hell over Heaven? For example, throw-away the more cliche beliefs of what some people see as heaven(clouds and harps) and hell (Fire and pitchforks) and elaborate as to why you choose Hell over Heaven
Mr.Reak said:
Oh who cares what you believe in, when you die you will find out if you were right or not. (Gotta love that South Park episode with only mormons going to heaven).

How will you find out when you sieze to exist? :eek:
Just like saying "Do you remember what it was like before you were born?"
i don't believe in either
but i would choose hell, naturally i know i would deserve it. i am not right in the head, yet i can still function like normal. and besides the cliche i have no clue what it would be like i just know i wouldnt belong in heaven. my happiness comes from others suffering/sadness along with my laugher, i dont feel sad or deppressed, for example if someone at work is having a bad day. i'll feed of it. then i think about how wrong that is and it even makes me laugh. weird eh? to me heaven/hell, good/evil seems as far-fetched as barney comming to life. oh yeah and the fact that when i pick the bad side it immediatly has a negative effect on people that choose the norm. i guess i could consider myself a negative person but i'm always enligthened by it. my friends are pretty much the same way, i guess we've kinda accepted this is the way we are.
lol if i was in hell i would grab the pitchfork and shuv it in satans face then declare myself new ruler and raid heaven. it's all just made believe but the thought of it makes me feel farm inside. myabe i'm not right in the head.
No one should be punished for the way they were born to be.
born to be? Yes i'm sure all of us humans were born to have a special destiny!
(plays superman music)
we're all special
Valve, how many times do you have to be told. DONT start a new thread just to whine about your last one being closed. PM the person who closed it instead.

Apart from this one, as the reason why I'm closing it is quite clear.
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