I'm only here because it's familiar (come in for graphs and shit)

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I totally agree with OP, but at the same time find it sort of funny because it's just another in the vein of LOL DECLINE OF HALFLIFE2.NET threads.

I post here because of the users, but discussion's been stale lately. Oh well. I'm honor bound by my word to post on this site until the day the forums return a 404 error, so I guess I just have to man up and deal with it ;)
Pies are good, but you really needed to use some Venn Diagrams. These forums just generally need more Venn. And I'm not sure why, but I don't remember the forum being anything above 'interesting' 2 years ago. I guess the forum has never been a big part of my day...

And 1/3rd of the Half-Life chat may be 'G-Man theories', but anything is better than the equivalent from back in the day.

That's just it though, Ennui; it ISN'T a decline. It's always been this way, the problem's simply with the user and not the threads or the forums themselves. Basically I'm seeing all the same stuff that used to bring me here, but it's no longer the draw.

I post here out of habit. I suppose that also makes me bound to this site until it dies, but not because of honor. Which is ironic, really...I find this place boring 98% of the time, and yet when the site doesn't load I get mad and go on steamchat to find out who broke the forum.

Kupo, even back in the day there were only G-man theories. There were G-man theories and...and there were some worse things before HL2 came out. Things involving Adrian and the Combine.
With regard to what Krynn said, that brings up some other things.

Halflife2.net isn't actually a big forum. Remember that time we were rating each other? In that thread I actually typed out the lot of us; there are just shy of 200 active users. You might think, "Wow, 200 people is a lot!" but it really isn't, not in an online community. With that many users you DO get diversity, it's true, but at best you'll only have a handful that like what you like or who you're able to discuss with.

Now, if you look at a larger forum, something with thousands or even tens of thousands of users, you'd get diversity but there's the chance you'll have more people to talk about the things you like to talk about.

And remember that we're a Half-Life site--the common thread between us all is Half-Life. Beyond that, all this off-topic stuff, that's all sideways. What movies you like, what music you listen to, games you enjoy outside of Half-Life; it's all up for grabs. If you look at a place where there is less diversity in topic, specialized forums, then you're always guaranteed to have a discussion about things you like rather than posting on a forum where that is not the board's uniting interest and hope for the best.

So we're not specialized enough for everyone to enjoy all the topics posted, but we're not large enough for the diversity to be appreciated.

As an example, I could post in the games forum about fighting games but in all the times I've brought them up nobody really seems to care. Likewise I don't care any time someone on here posts about cars. Judging by the first page of the Lounge it seems the only thing people are getting down on are dinosaurs. Everybody loves dinosaurs, though.

It's really weird, but I think of halflife2.net as my house on the internets. This is my main base of operations, and I only rarely venture out to go to my friend Kotaku's house, or go to Facebook or Myspace parties.
Sure the conversations on here are hit and miss (and then mainly miss), but it's just like a family. You all rarely have little interesting to talk about unless it's news-based or something you've thought of recently. Other than that it's all rehashes of previous conversations that you all already know the answer to.
I think of Halflife2.net as my comfortable family. People I can just hang around, not saying anything of particular interest.
I love you guys. If it were legal, I'd be having hot, hot incest with you all right now.
you know you could search my posts for your answer ..it's not filled with "How *post* are *post* you *post* doing *post* today *post* ? *post*

I dont see why I have to rationalise my postcount whenever somebody feels the need to stick their noses in other people's business ..so I'm not going to :P
Sorry Stern. It just such a huge post count you know? I can't help but to be amazed. :)

I've actually seen one other member here that has something like 45,000+ posts, but I'm sure it's just a forum bug. I can't remember his name. He was in that thread about Heath Ledger's death.
Different sections of this forum go through cycles of greatness. The HL sections go up and down with the quality of speculation, but it's not always to do with the release of new games. Sometimes there's just something in the air. This might not be the most consistant website, but it is, IMO, one of the best out there, for me. This is, as dekstar put it, my home on the internet.
Oh, and what's going to happen when Munro finally gets bored of this site and decides to close it for something like, "Half-Life 3.net" or, "Portal2.net?"

What's going to happen is: I'll be there, you will be there, all of us will be there.

And then we're going to have fun with the new site!
Lots o' X's on the images.. could it just be I'm at school?
Also, do you like me, Darkside? D:
Some mod please give her an infraction at the very least. I know I'm giving the bitch the attention she wants right now but for the love of God!
Poor toaster. But well that was off topic. But poor toaster. But well that... was offtopic. Anyway I like it here a lot. I don't know why you complain, when the EP3 is released it's going to change again.
Lets instead talk about riomhaire's manboobs.
Eh. I never really thought about the reason why I come here.

Doubtful if anyone noticed, but I've stopped posting so often. There's just not much that interests me anymore here; at least interesting enough for me to post. I too come here out of habit. I come home, see what's going on at HL2.net. It's really, eh, a home I guess. And yeah, the process of being recognized at a new forum, **** that. I'm known here, and it's part of the draw. I can post something and feel good that people might actually read it instead of skimming over it.

There's just nothing to talk about, I guess. I'm not sure. Relationship problems (it truly has become helplife2.net), lolamerika posts and other news stories, blah. You're right... who cares? But it's the experience. It's the community. I've been here a long time, and to up and quit would be stupid, because I do enjoy the community (a lot less now than before, granted, mainly due to my inactivity in TF2/MSN). We do have a lot of interesting characters here, and it makes me smile sometimes. More often than not, however, it seems I'm less and less motivated to post.

Not sure what's the problem.

Most likely, though, it's our ages. When Halflife 2 came out, we were all 13-15. Now we have lives outside of the internet, or more so than before. I've got shit to do, and what some people on the internet posts isn't that important anymore.
Reading that very much reminded me of one of the first forums I used to visit. For the first 3 years or so the place usually had tons of members on all the time. It started dying afterwards eventually I think in its 5th year we would only have anywhere from 10 to 5 guys posting, but we all came back because it was familiar. The thing finally died not too long ago when it got down to like 3 people left. Admin shut it down.

R.I.P. PGNx ;(
She wasn't the one who brought up her name - Darkside did in his original post, and I think she's relatively warranted to respond to it. Not to mention that feeding the attention whore only makes them stronger, so if you have some kind of issue with it then just don't say anything, report her posts or PM a mod instead.

Viva la Halflife2.net, by the way. I understand that it's a little boring around here (and has been for a looong time) but I'm way too attached to a lot of you for it to be alright for you to slowly stop posting and disappear altogether.
No complaints about zombieturtle in this thread? F*cking lame.
When Halflife 2 came out, we were all 13-15
Yeah...y-yeah, that's right. We all were really young then. All of us...r-right, guys?



****ing old. ;(

She wasn't the one who brought up her name - PULSE did in his original post
Please don't attribute things to me that I didn't say, thank you.
YOU'RE pulse?

Well! I don't remember anything from then.
I took a bit of time off from this place end of last year. REALLY didn't last long, as the habit kept me randomly logging in when I wasn't paying attention. I had no real reason to leave, other than I was just getting REALLY bored with the forum, and that thought hasn't really changed. I'm trying to make this place a little more entertaining for me, and it's slightly working. What other people consider spam and what not, I consider random banter to make this place change a little bit day to day. The same useless dribble that has the chance of happening now and then is going to happen AGAIN and again. But might as well try to enjoy it in between?
YOU'RE pulse?
Apparently I'm lots of people to Ennui. A week ago he confused me for both Riomhaire and Glirk Dient when 4chan was brought up; today I'm Pulse.

Eventually all members will look like Darkside55 on Ennui's screen.
Apparently I'm lots of people to Ennui. A week ago he confused me for both Riomhaire and Glirk Dient when 4chan was brought up; today I'm Pulse.

Eventually all members will look like Darkside55 on Ennui's screen.

That's rediculous.
Darkside, yeah, correct.


If it's personal, like, if you personally are bored...

I dunno. It's not our fault.

I'd have to agree, though. This place is sometimes great, often mediocre, but I like it here.

Ugh, now I have to go vomit.
I contribute nothing to these forums other than pure quantity posts.
I think there is something wrong with you Pesh.
I've been puking for the past two nights for apparently no reason at all. It's weird. I feel fine during the day, but then all of the sudden my tummy gets angry with me in the evening. I think I'm going to go ahead an blame you for this, if that's okay...?

My font looks awesome quoted.

Blame it on my friend, Claire. It's all her fault.
There is no damn avatar fad. What the hell is wrong with you guys, its just me, Darkside.
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