The Freeman
- Joined
- Jun 12, 2009
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- 93
I only come here because it's familiar. It's no startling realization or sudden epiphany--I've been thinking it for awhile. No particular reason I'm bringing it up now, either...this thread's a product of boredom.
And that's what you've become, Halflife2.net. You're boring. No, don't get upset, don't get all indignant on me. You're boring. Flat-out, 100%, no-redeemable-qualities-to-be-found-here boring. And I've brought along the charts to prove it.
I want to start with an overarching chart of my experience over my almost five years on HL2.net.
You can see that when I first started out here I was interested. This was back in the day when I never posted outside of Rumors and Speculation, when all my time was devoted to talking about Half-Life and the UPCOMING Half-Life 2. My interest in the site took a nosedive just before HL2's release, came back afterward, and steadily rose up until some point around...when is that...2006? 2007? And it just kept dropping from there, held up by a few interesting threads and posts.
Before I go any further I'd like to state this isn't one of those fageddy, oldtime bitchfits about how stuff was better in the past, because it wasn't. Actually, if you'll take a look at the next graphs, you will see that Halflife2.net is surprisingly formulaic and has remained so for the past several years. For nearly five years now, these are the threads our forums have consisted of:
I've all but stopped visiting the Half-Life forums. There's only so many G-man threads one man can take, and I've got no interest in replying what I think GORDEN/GORDAN Freeman's first words would be for the eight-millionth time.
My first stop's usually The Lounge, but it's just a regurgitation of things I've read in the newspaper/online this morning, or more accurately things I read YESTERDAY morning, or the day/week/month before, because news seems to travel slowly across this community, but inevitably when someone hears it--no matter how late--ALERT THE PRESSES, HL2.NET MUST BE INFORMED. Thanks for that, btw.
The rest of The Lounge is, "I have X problem, please halp," and polls on everything from "What's the most attractive body part on the opposite sex" to "Which hand do you wipe your ass with, Halflife2.net?" We've had so many polls about our community's habits, preferences, and daily lives that one would think we'd be able to all write biographies on one another, but sadly when it comes time for the bi-monthly "Write about the poster above you" thread nobody knows a good goddamn thing about who they're talking about, so it becomes a discussion about avatars and INSERT RAPE JOKE HERE.
I could visit the Image/Video Dump, but it's also stuff I've either seen before or giant wastes of time. Every single image dump has read like "4chan seven months ago," "lolcats," and "bad image motivators." Videos posted to the forum include, "Look at these f*cking people and reply how much you hate them," "Best fight ever part nineteen: Yep, it's the guy with the hook in his eye again," and "Youtube Jamboree: Random Edition."
I was tempted to blanket post "Shit nobody cares about" under the rest of the Off-Topic forums, but eh. Really though, it's ALL shit nobody cares about. You don't even care about it, reader. You couldn't care LESS. You don't want peoples' opinions on games, movies, and music; you want people to know your opinions and you want to be the first person to report on new or interesting stuff. You're mainly in it for postcount +1.
And poor art forum, nobody gives a shit about you. The only time people care is when someone draws Alyx tits.
That's Halflife2.net in a nutshell. So why do I come by?
Are you blind? Read the title. Familiarity, folks. It's routine. I've gotten used to coming here and come here only out of habit. You can almost guarantee Darkside's not going to be one of those fagets that posts an, "I'M LEAVING HL2.NET FOREVER" thread and then returns with some bullshit excuse, simply because I would've left years ago if logging into this site wasn't an almost automatic exercise in bookmark-clicking.
Well, what about the members? I enjoy the lot of you, but you're all rather familiar too. I got graphs for that shit too, check it out:
So, I didn't post this for circlejerkery (I hate that), but just as a reference. I'm sure if most of you were to create a chart of members like this, yours'd look pretty similar. The good news is that the vast majority of members on here are pretty cool dudes, which helps if you're stuck in a community where absolutely nothing of interest is going on. Pat yourselves on the back for that one, folks.
Also, made another pie chart for mods:
True story.
And that's that. I wasn't going anywhere with this, so if you've read this long, hope you enjoyed the graphs, el oh el. I'm not going to say how Halflife2.net can stop being boring, or even give you a "Thanks for being familiar," because really that ain't my purpose. In fact I really don't even give a shit on YOUR ideas about how Halflife2.net can be less boring, because there's really no solution. This board ticks by on the off-chance somebody's going to post something magnificent about werewolves or some other kinda thing that everybody gets in on and it grows to twenty pages of awesomery. And in the interim, well, just so you know I wipe with my left hand. I just saved you a poll.
And that's what you've become, Halflife2.net. You're boring. No, don't get upset, don't get all indignant on me. You're boring. Flat-out, 100%, no-redeemable-qualities-to-be-found-here boring. And I've brought along the charts to prove it.
I want to start with an overarching chart of my experience over my almost five years on HL2.net.

You can see that when I first started out here I was interested. This was back in the day when I never posted outside of Rumors and Speculation, when all my time was devoted to talking about Half-Life and the UPCOMING Half-Life 2. My interest in the site took a nosedive just before HL2's release, came back afterward, and steadily rose up until some point around...when is that...2006? 2007? And it just kept dropping from there, held up by a few interesting threads and posts.
Before I go any further I'd like to state this isn't one of those fageddy, oldtime bitchfits about how stuff was better in the past, because it wasn't. Actually, if you'll take a look at the next graphs, you will see that Halflife2.net is surprisingly formulaic and has remained so for the past several years. For nearly five years now, these are the threads our forums have consisted of:

I've all but stopped visiting the Half-Life forums. There's only so many G-man threads one man can take, and I've got no interest in replying what I think GORDEN/GORDAN Freeman's first words would be for the eight-millionth time.
My first stop's usually The Lounge, but it's just a regurgitation of things I've read in the newspaper/online this morning, or more accurately things I read YESTERDAY morning, or the day/week/month before, because news seems to travel slowly across this community, but inevitably when someone hears it--no matter how late--ALERT THE PRESSES, HL2.NET MUST BE INFORMED. Thanks for that, btw.
The rest of The Lounge is, "I have X problem, please halp," and polls on everything from "What's the most attractive body part on the opposite sex" to "Which hand do you wipe your ass with, Halflife2.net?" We've had so many polls about our community's habits, preferences, and daily lives that one would think we'd be able to all write biographies on one another, but sadly when it comes time for the bi-monthly "Write about the poster above you" thread nobody knows a good goddamn thing about who they're talking about, so it becomes a discussion about avatars and INSERT RAPE JOKE HERE.
I could visit the Image/Video Dump, but it's also stuff I've either seen before or giant wastes of time. Every single image dump has read like "4chan seven months ago," "lolcats," and "bad image motivators." Videos posted to the forum include, "Look at these f*cking people and reply how much you hate them," "Best fight ever part nineteen: Yep, it's the guy with the hook in his eye again," and "Youtube Jamboree: Random Edition."
I was tempted to blanket post "Shit nobody cares about" under the rest of the Off-Topic forums, but eh. Really though, it's ALL shit nobody cares about. You don't even care about it, reader. You couldn't care LESS. You don't want peoples' opinions on games, movies, and music; you want people to know your opinions and you want to be the first person to report on new or interesting stuff. You're mainly in it for postcount +1.
And poor art forum, nobody gives a shit about you. The only time people care is when someone draws Alyx tits.
That's Halflife2.net in a nutshell. So why do I come by?
Are you blind? Read the title. Familiarity, folks. It's routine. I've gotten used to coming here and come here only out of habit. You can almost guarantee Darkside's not going to be one of those fagets that posts an, "I'M LEAVING HL2.NET FOREVER" thread and then returns with some bullshit excuse, simply because I would've left years ago if logging into this site wasn't an almost automatic exercise in bookmark-clicking.
Well, what about the members? I enjoy the lot of you, but you're all rather familiar too. I got graphs for that shit too, check it out:

So, I didn't post this for circlejerkery (I hate that), but just as a reference. I'm sure if most of you were to create a chart of members like this, yours'd look pretty similar. The good news is that the vast majority of members on here are pretty cool dudes, which helps if you're stuck in a community where absolutely nothing of interest is going on. Pat yourselves on the back for that one, folks.
Also, made another pie chart for mods:

True story.
And that's that. I wasn't going anywhere with this, so if you've read this long, hope you enjoyed the graphs, el oh el. I'm not going to say how Halflife2.net can stop being boring, or even give you a "Thanks for being familiar," because really that ain't my purpose. In fact I really don't even give a shit on YOUR ideas about how Halflife2.net can be less boring, because there's really no solution. This board ticks by on the off-chance somebody's going to post something magnificent about werewolves or some other kinda thing that everybody gets in on and it grows to twenty pages of awesomery. And in the interim, well, just so you know I wipe with my left hand. I just saved you a poll.