No Func_useableladder In My Fgd -- What Kind Of $#!+ Is This?



There appears to be no func_useableladder -- as seen on this tutorial -- neither in my HL2 or my HL2DM game definition files. Which is a real BITCH since ladders are, shall we say, REALLY EFFING INTEGRALto the map I've been working on for weeks now.

Not to mention the fact that god only knows what else is missing from those files.

I've been to the "dev dev revolution FGD repository" but they had f*ck-all HL2 content. Can anybody point me to a REAL goddamn FGD I can work with? Pretty please?
Ok, just been over to Half-life 2 Files, which was top of the Google list for

download "Half-life 2" fgd

and that guy's supposedly using

a somewhat outdated hl2 game definition file (FGD) which a friend sent me [ Which also lacks any mention of useableladder ] . I think it's from the hl2 leak, but at this point I don't really feel using it as a crime.

I'm guessing he's stopped using it since that's the last I ever hear the FGD mentioned, by him or any other site, after Steam started dishing out the FGDs, other than to say "get it off Steam".

Well, I GOT mine through Steam, so NOW what?

If any of you out there have an FGD with the CORRECT ladder entities, could you pretty please mail it to me at

illiterati (AT) mail2me (DOT) com (DOT) au
Righto then. I've been informed that the editor accepts manually typed entity names without problems.

Moral of the story: RTFMs.


All of them.

Otherwise not only will you be clueless about using and configuring a lot of entities, you won't even know that some of them exist.

OK, turns out this function is a point entity, and I somehow missed it as I combed the lists over and over and over, wasted hours resetting and reinstalling all manner of sh!t when I really should've been turning down the friggin' resolution. Hello optometrist.
you can just write the entity name into the combo and it will automaticly be filled in
Thanks, but I found that out already. As well as the fact that the entity is indeed in there and I kept not seeing it for hours -- see my last post.

Mods, you might as well lock this.