No Hiring of White Men Allowed!?

Solaris said:
-but if a white person was to use slang against their races we would get suspended for a long time if not expelled
As they should.

Oh so it's alright for other races to use highly offensive slang against whites with no problems at all right? Forget all that equal treatment stuff right?

and TheSomeone you bring up a good point. I do my best to treat all races equally (for example I sit at a really ethnically diverse lunch table at school)..I have many black and hispanic friends also. So I dont know but still I dont agree with affirmative action programs either way..
Zeus said:
Oh so it's alright for other races to use highly offensive slang against whites with no problems at all right? Forget all that equal treatment stuff right?

and TheSomeone you bring up a good point. I do my best to treat all races equally (for example I sit at a really ethnically diverse lunch table at school)..I have many black and hispanic friends also. So I dont know but still I dont agree with affirmative action programs either way..

I never said it was alright.
I just said if a white person talks racially abuses someone they should be punished. So should anyone.

The action is nessacary, The someones example was excellant imo, if youre police force was 95%black would you think its fair? No I don't think you would, and the only way to solve it is too hire more white officers. It has to be done. Its a shame that the force in question isnt represntative, and imo thats a bigger outrage than this affirmative action.
Solaris said:
No hes wrong.

A police officer has a position of power.
Its a big problem if a Police force is racist, like it used to be in USA 1960s.
In the city in question the department had 95%white men police officers, this is breeding grounds for racism. So they are now trying to balance it out a bit.

Well... whether you like to believe it or not, non white police officers also participate in racial profiling. Its something that unfortunately gets picked up from the job.
Solaris said:
No hes wrong.

A police officer has a position of power.
Its a big problem if a Police force is racist, like it used to be in USA 1960s.
In the city in question the department had 95%white men police officers, this is breeding grounds for racism. So they are now trying to balance it out a bit.

-but if a white person was to use slang against their races we would get suspended for a long time if not expelled
As they should.
A government institution can't enforce any 'balancing' act or something of the sort by disenfranchising people simply due to their color. There is no excuse, period.

Solaris said:
The action is nessacary, The someones example was excellant imo, if youre police force was 95%black would you think its fair? No I don't think you would, and the only way to solve it is too hire more white officers. It has to be done. Its a shame that the force in question isnt represntative, and imo thats a bigger outrage than this affirmative action.
The job should be given out on merit, not skin color. Basing anything on skin color is completely wrong and racist to the ones being barred. Barring black applicants in the example you gave is just as wrong as the barring white. What needs to happen is to stop worrying about skin color period, FORCING something to have a "certain amount" of people with a certain skin color is sort of warped in itself :/

But yeah, imposing racial quotas on jobs is just racist in itself.
TheSomeone said:
I'm left speechless by the pure stupidity of this post.

It really is stange that you replied to it and kept arguing about it, then, right? I, in return, am left speechless by the pure stupidity of this post. :dozey:

But, on the subject, or the new subject, it is 'okay' in a lot of places to discriminate against whites. If you deny this, then, well, you're either mentally challeneged, or are a liar.
It's easy to be rascist. You could have a policy saying your company wouldn't hire Germans. Germans having a higher white population. A prime example of why racism isn't based on colour. Unlike our misinformed friends.
john3571000 said:
he's not too smart is he....
i'll spell it out slowly
racism.... means.... discriminating.... based ...on ....colour ....only

Describe the situation under discussion without using the word colour then. Smells like racism to me...

Vlad_Taltos and john3571000 - Putting ... three...dots...between...each...word...does...not...make...your...gibberish...any...less.gibberish...

john3571000 - Pay for our fore-fathers mistakes? Lets say the police found out your great great grand father murdered 10 people, but was never caught. Now they found out he did it and link it to you? Should you get 10 life sentances?
It's easy to be rascist. You could have a policy saying your company wouldn't hire Germans. Germans having a higher white population.....
That would be an example of discrimination, not racism
A prime example of why racism isn't based on colour
Racism : "1) The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2) Discrimination or prejudice based on race." ( )

A persons skin colour is a signifier of race, so it would be accurate to say that racism is based on colour.

But, on the subject, or the new subject, it is 'okay' in a lot of places to discriminate against whites.
What places would those be then vlad?
SAJ said:
That would be an example of discrimination, not racism
Racism : "1) The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2) Discrimination or prejudice based on race." ( )

A persons skin colour is a signifier of race, so it would be accurate to say that racism is based on colour.

What places would those be then vlad?

No hiring of white men? OMG! someone call the Prussian Blue girls!
So, for some reason, discriminating against Germans is not racist? Racism is skin color? Okay, buddy. So some Albino black guy is suddenly not African just because he was white skin? And Germans aren't a race, now?

Places white people are discrimanted against? Well, my article was a good example of that. Anywhere. America, Canada... Germany, UK.

Yup, FleetGuy, funny. But I don't see why they have any relevance to the argument. This thread isn't racist.
Vlad_Taltos said:
So, for some reason, discriminating against Germans is not racist? Racism is skin color? Okay, buddy. So some Albino black guy is suddenly not African just because he was white skin? And Germans aren't a race, now?

Places white people are discrimanted against? Well, my article was a good example of that. Anywhere. America, Canada... Germany, UK.

Yup, FleetGuy, funny. But I don't see why they have any relevance to the argument. This thread isn't racist.
There NOT discriminate daginst. THE POLICE FORCE is 95% WHITE!! That is completly unacceptable, hiring black people over white people, is the best way to solve this.
Mechagodzilla said:
Well, best case scenario would be that the whole hiring process be unconsciously colourblind.
Since that apparently wasn't working, they tried a crappy quick-fix.

It's obviously not perfect, but at the same time there really aren't any easy answers to the situation.
I don't approve, but at the same time I really can't think of an alternative.

Any time you're in doubt, quote Mecha and you have the right answer.

-Angry Lawyer
Solaris said:
There NOT discriminate daginst. THE POLICE FORCE is 95% WHITE!! That is completly unacceptable, hiring black people over white people, is the best way to solve this.

Why is a 95% white police force unacceptable if all of the police are skilled in their jobs? Lets hire black people even if they aren't skilled enough as the white people trying to get the job? Sure, if they are skilled enough or equal, lets hire both. But this isn't a like that. Its special treatment for blacks and hispanics, and normal for white people. That, wether anyone likes it or not, is racism.
So, for some reason, discriminating against Germans is not racist?
Nope, whilst it may be prejudice ,racism it isnt.
Racism is skin color? Okay, buddy. So some Albino black guy is suddenly not African just because he was white skin
Are you trying to be ignorant, or are you just naturally gifted ?
No one is saying that skin colour(the one inhereted from your parents ,btw) ,is the sole measure of racism but it has -and does still- serve as an easy visual identifier for racists.
And Germans aren't a race, now?
No , not now, not ever. Germany is a social construct with legally accepted borders that define it(since 1945 anyway) a form of culture, law , and language(s). Heres a clue for you: that whole aryan thing was pathetic nonsense that led to the deaths of millions , a tragedy that ww2 ultimately put an end to. Dig it up again and Im afraid you will prove yourself lower than a goose-stepping turd.
Places white people are discrimanted against? Well, my article was a good example of that. Anywhere. America, Canada... Germany, UK.
Your article? Somehow I doubt that. That article was nothing more than an example of knee-jerk stupidity in black and white.
America, Canada Germany? Prove it, evidence not flatulance , please.
If they were only hiring white men before(which would explain the 95% of the department being white and male) then make them change their policy and discipline those who were involved in the unfair firing, but leave it as it is if those white men were being judged the same as everyone else who applied.

Not allowing white males is just as bad an not allowing black/hispanic/asian/whatever males. Two wrongs does not make a right. Try to fix the problem instead of creating a new one.
This nonsense has gone on long enough, if you really want to understand the issues ,then read the relevant faq on "employment equity" from the governments own website:
Why are certain positions only open to one (or more) employment equity group(s) (i.e. members of visible minority groups, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and women)? Isn't this a discriminatory practice?

The government has a legal obligation to ensure that its workforce reflects the communities it serves. This means that in some cases, where there is need to better reflect the diversity of our communities, pro-active recruitment targets one or more of the designated Employment Equity groups to help us find qualified candidates. These efforts are helping the government meet its legal obligation to Canadians by redressing the balance in the workforce.

One of the key responsibilities of the Public Service Commission (PSC) is to ensure that Canadians are served by a highly competent Public Service that is non-partisan (i.e. impartial and appointed without political interference) and representative of Canadian society, (i.e. reflecting the diversity that exists in the Canadian population). It does this by carrying out responsibilities provided for in the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) and the Employment Equity Act (EEA).


How does the government determine when it is necessary to conduct recruitment focused on one or more employment equity groups?

Under Part I of the Employment Equity Act (EEA), employers, including the federal Public Service, must determine the degree of under-representation of employment equity (EE) groups and implement plans to promote employment equity.

Four EE groups have been designated under the EEA for which there has been a traditional under-representation in the Public Service: visible minority groups, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and women.

By virtue of section 5.1 of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), when under-representation of these designated groups exists, the Treasury Board or a deputy head may request that the PSC implement an EE program that may focus on one type of position or more broadly on a part or all of the Public Service.

For an EE program to be approved, departments must demonstrate that they have made the effort, but over time, have been unsuccessful in their recruitment initiatives to redress the balance by increasing their organization's EE representation in line with the Canadian labour force availability. It must be demonstrated that a proposed EE program is really needed and will result in improving low representation levels and restore the balance.

By targeting recruitment efforts to one or more designated groups, departments have a better chance of closing representation gaps and developing a workplace that reflects the diversity of Canadian society.
Says it all , end of story.

Edit; not aimed at you personally, computer5k , just happened to post straight after you is all.

And lastly:
But this isn't a like that. Its special treatment for blacks and hispanics, and normal for white people.
Ooh, dead giveaway that , vlad, you are showing your true colours(no pun intended).
SAJ said:
Nope, whilst it may be prejudice ,racism it isnt.
Are you trying to be ignorant, or are you just naturally gifted ?
No one is saying that skin colour(the one inhereted from your parents ,btw) ,is the sole measure of racism but it has -and does still- serve as an easy visual identifier for racists.
No , not now, not ever. Germany is a social construct with legally accepted borders that define it(since 1945 anyway) a form of culture, law , and language(s). Heres a clue for you: that whole aryan thing was pathetic nonsense that led to the deaths of millions , a tragedy that ww2 ultimately put an end to. Dig it up again and Im afraid you will prove yourself lower than a goose-stepping turd.
Your article? Somehow I doubt that. That article was nothing more than an example of knee-jerk stupidity in black and white.
America, Canada Germany? Prove it, evidence not flatulance , please.

Uhm, last time I checked, a certain ammount of peoples came into areas around Germany and Germany itself, I.E. caucasians, and mixed together to become the people who live in that area; Austrains, Germans, etc. To say these people aren't a race is just severly ignorant and irresponsible on your part. I don't see how a bunch of people who look the same and have the same culture and language group are not a race.

And thanks for the personal insult, buddy, I really love them, especially in a serious argument.

When did I talk about Aryans or anything to do with Nazis? I bring up people being racist against white people, and now, oooh, Prussian Blue, Nazis, Hitler, Aryans. I'm not racist, and nothing I said here indicated that so I suggest you stop with this kind of idiotic debate with me, it is like debating with yourself, which, though it might be fun, doesn't really do anything or ammount to anything.

How about you PROVE how not hiring white men is not racist before you start another argument about another subject, not that you haven't already, but come on.

And, really dude, work on your grammar, its annoying.
SAJ said:
That would be an example of discrimination, not racism
Racism : "1) The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2) Discrimination or prejudice based on race." ( )

A persons skin colour is a signifier of race, so it would be accurate to say that racism is based on colour.

Dear god you are thick.


1 A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
2 A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
3 A genealogical line; a lineage.
4 Humans considered as a group.


1. The act of discriminating.
2. The ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment.
3. Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice: racial discrimination; discrimination against foreigners.

Racial Discrimination ie Racism.

Not too bright is he folks?

SAJ said:
No , not now, not ever. Germany is a social construct with legally accepted borders that define it(since 1945 anyway) a form of culture, law , and language(s). Heres a clue for you: that whole aryan thing was pathetic nonsense that led to the deaths of millions , a tragedy that ww2 ultimately put an end to.

If you look carefully that tends to define a Race.
Racial discrimination is almost exclusively used to describe issues regarding 'blacks', 'whites', 'asians', etc... At least where I live. No need to raise a huge fuss over nit picky details.
Solaris said:
There NOT discriminate daginst. THE POLICE FORCE is 95% WHITE!! That is completly unacceptable, hiring black people over white people, is the best way to solve this.
youre an idiot. you acknowledge the institution is racist now, but you suggest it becomes an entirely NEW racist institution, instead of whites its favoring other ethnicies? didnt your mommy ever tell you that two wrongs dont make a right? get used to it folks, this is what a liberal establishment will bring to america. youre a white man who has always wanted to be a cop but you cant just because of your skin color. previously there were no inhibitions to becoming one if you were black, but now there are if youre white. fubar.

if those white cops are doing a good job and are skilled in their profession there is NO reason to start only hiring certain ethnicities. you hire based upon talent, intelligence, experience, and other law enforcement priorities. race is not one of them. if the police departmen tis proven to be racist then they should be punished, but they havent.
Ghost is absolutely correct. Affirmative action in almost any organization is just wrong. A person should be hired, or accepted, or whatever, because they can do the job better than the next man who wants in. If that means a white man is better qualified than a black man, then you hire him, even if it upsets 'diversity'. Or visa versa.

Lets take fire departments for example. Almost all firemen are, well, 'men'. There are high standards, especially in regards to strength, that an individual must meet in order to perform their duty. Most women don't meet these standards. Should we therefore, lower our standards and try to hire women to become 'diverse'. Absolutely not! I want someone who can pick my arse up and carry me out of a house, and I don't care whether your man or women as long as you can do it.

While I realize my example isn't the exact same as the issue at hand, the point at its heart remains the same.
Uhm, last time I checked, a certain ammount of peoples came into areas around Germany and Germany itself, I.E. caucasians, and mixed together to become the people who live in that area; Austrains, Germans, etc. To say these people aren't a race is just severly ignorant and irresponsible on your part.
Whilst it may be debated that nationality constitutes a (very specific) definition of race , its not consistant with the arguments of race/racism being used in this thread. You cant have it both ways or else the debate ends up with "all forms of prejudice is racism" because we are all members of the "human race"(the other dictionary definition of "race").
I don't see how a bunch of people who look the same and have the same culture and language group are not a race.
Well , you see this is an example of why I regard your posts with such suspicion, not all Germans look the same. Your idea of "German" seems to rely on some cozy stereotype of lederhosen and blond hair, whereas in reality a German is someone with a German passport, regardless of how they look.
And thanks for the personal insult, buddy, I really love them, especially in a serious argument.
Youre right , it was unjustified and uncalled for. You have my unreserved apologies.
When did I talk about Aryans or anything to do with Nazis? I bring up people being racist against white people, and now, oooh, Prussian Blue, Nazis, Hitler, Aryans. I'm not racist, and nothing I said here indicated that so I suggest you stop with this kind of idiotic debate with me, it is like debating with yourself, which, though it might be fun, doesn't really do anything or ammount to anything.
Well you introduced the concept of a "German race" into a discussion that until then had revolved entirely around the colour of peoples skin.The last German leader to make claims for a German race shot himself in a bunker at the end of ww2, lets just say its a touchy subject for millions of people. The moral here is, if you dont want to get flamed dont play with fire.
Futhermore; if you google "german race" , besides formula one, every other result is about nazis and aryans. So that is the context in which anyone may judge your comments, fairly or otherwise.
How about you PROVE how not hiring white men is not racist....
Its political debate , not algebra, which is why there are pages of viewpoints and arguments raging back and forth on this board.
....before you start another argument about another subject, not that you haven't already, but come on.
I wasnt starting another argument, I was replying to a point that you made. If you dont want your views contested , why are posting them here? Go write a private diary instead.
And, really dude, work on your grammar, its annoying.
If you want to be helpful then post examples with corrections,as I dont see that your use of grammer is in any way superior to my own.

Back to the matter in hand:
I still dont see that this story is an issue of reverse racism,although it does seem a clumsy and bureaucratic step to take. The reasons for the temporary measures are clearly set out ,hell, I even went to the trouble of finding and posting the equity emplyment guidelines for everyone to see.
The problem is there isnt really enough journalism in that article to give anyone the information needed to get a grasp of the facts. Indeed it seems that the article was only designed to get an emotional response based on its readers own prejudices and in that context it seems to have worked pretty well.
This is why the whole "affirmative action" issue is so annoying. All it leads to is insane complications and people linking to
Solaris said:
There NOT discriminate daginst. THE POLICE FORCE is 95% WHITE!! That is completly unacceptable, hiring black people over white people, is the best way to solve this.

How is it completly unacceptable? That makes no sense, and is a racist statement in itself. Why is it unacceptable for the whites to be most of the police force. The country is mainly a white nation (hence the reason black people are called a minority), so would it be a surprise if most of the police force was white?
Zeus said:
How is it completly unacceptable? That makes no sense, and is a racist statement in itself. Why is it unacceptable for the whites to be most of the police force. The country is mainly a white nation (hence the reason black people are called a minority), so would it be a surprise if most of the police force was white?
I belive, ALOT more than 5% of the city in question are not white males.
I seriously don't understand how you guys can follow this thread; I was last after page 3 :|.

But to join into the fray :
Gh0st, you're right.

Kyo, you're right about your definitions, but what it is the first you think of when saying 'Racist'? I think of a black guy being mugged by white people, after which the white people are punished. That is the image that has been stomped into my brain. Many people have the same thoughts like me.

And as SAJ said; we are currently talking about white people being discriminated over black people. That is one form of racial discrimination.
If the white people are Jews, Christians, Protestants, it doesn't matter in this case. Neither does it matter if they are German or American or European. We're talking about white people in general here, as a group (Which one of your definitions states).

You're right, but SAJ and the others are right too when they say that geographic locations don't play a role in this case.
Vlad_Taltos said:
what if they stopped hiring black people.
they did that in NO after the hurricane hit, granted it was due to the fact that there were not enough black people to hire. I remember Nagin going on a rant about not letting his city be over run by Mexicans.

as for the orginal post... reverse racisim is found everywhere, but the fact that someone would get a preference for any job becuase they are born into X race, or Y gender is stupid. No matter how bad the minorities had/have it, where do their rights state that they are owed for pass acts done to their race/gender by another generation of majority?
Solaris said:
I belive, ALOT more than 5% of the city in question are not white males.

and so then what, you hire a ton of blacks, who will be biased towards the minorities (using your logic about how white police officers are biased toward white citizens) and now you have another racist police force, only this time they are racist against whites (again, using your logic). What is the point of that?
SAJ said:
Whilst it may be debated that nationality constitutes a (very specific) definition of race , its not consistant with the arguments of race/racism being used in this thread. You cant have it both ways or else the debate ends up with "all forms of prejudice is racism" because we are all members of the "human race"(the other dictionary definition of "race").

I brought it up, you debated it, so obviously, it is consistant with the arguments of race/racism in this thread, because, what, we're debating about it, aren't we? Its become the issue.

SAJ said:
Well , you see this is an example of why I regard your posts with such suspicion, not all Germans look the same. Your idea of "German" seems to rely on some cozy stereotype of lederhosen and blond hair, whereas in reality a German is someone with a German passport, regardless of how they look.

When did I say my idea of German is blond hair? And since when have a lot of people not celebrated their country with lederhosen? I'm not talking about the German country being a race, I'm talking about the people who were there before modern (right now) time, I.E. a people who all relatively looked the same. Its absurd to say there is no 'German race'. And it is also HUGELY absurd to say I'm a Nazi just because I say there is one.

SAJ said:
Well you introduced the concept of a "German race" into a discussion that until then had revolved entirely around the colour of peoples skin.The last German leader to make claims for a German race shot himself in a bunker at the end of ww2, lets just say its a touchy subject for millions of people. The moral here is, if you dont want to get flamed dont play with fire.
Futhermore; if you google "german race" , besides formula one, every other result is about nazis and aryans. So that is the context in which anyone may judge your comments, fairly or otherwise.

The colors of peoples skin mean generally squat in race issues. Look how different European people are from Asian people, and look how similar their skin color is (well mainly those from Japan, China and the like).

I'm not taking a history lesson here, I know the issue of 'German race' is a touchy subject, but really, I don't care if I hurt a bunch of peoples feelings, which I really doubt I am. I'm not afraid to.

I really don't understand how googling 'German race' will help me, becuase, as you put it, a lot of the sites listed would be racist or racialist so I would be flamed for even mentioning anything from one of those pages as right, even if it was purely scientific imformation.

SAJ said:
Its political debate , not algebra, which is why there are pages of viewpoints and arguments raging back and forth on this board. I wasnt starting another argument, I was replying to a point that you made. If you dont want your views contested , why are posting them here? Go write a private diary instead.

Yes, the second I started in the debate I knew it wasn't algebra. I mean, there are simply no numbers or anything in this thread, I mean, come on, even a retard could see this isn't algebra. And, 'furthermore' the topic in which this thread is posted is politics, not mathermatics or anything, I mean, seriously.

If you want to be sarcastic, trust me, you're fighting a loosing battle in that department.

If I didn't want my views contested of course I wouldn't post here, what gave you the idea that I don't want my views contested? Political arguments give me a hard on.

SAJ said:
If you want to be helpful then post examples with corrections,as I dont see that your use of grammer is in any way superior to my own.

Lol. Okay buddy, just look at your sentences. My spelling may not be that great but why the hell put no spaces between your commas or too many of them? Of course my grammar is superior! I am German! SIEG HEIL! Actually I'm barely even German.

SAJ said:
Back to the matter in hand:
I still dont see that this story is an issue of reverse racism,although it does seem a clumsy and bureaucratic step to take. The reasons for the temporary measures are clearly set out ,hell, I even went to the trouble of finding and p
osting the equity emplyment guidelines for everyone to see.
The problem is there isnt really enough journalism in that article to give anyone the information needed to get a grasp of the facts. Indeed it seems that the article was only designed to get an emotional response based on its readers own prejudices and in that context it seems to have worked pretty well.

Reverse racism is a retarded thing to say. Ooh, only white people can be raicst, so if black people are racist, something is really screwed up! Reverse racism! Anyway, I wasn't centering the entire thread around one single article, I gave another link and I invited people to find better sources. Whatever the other facts may be, the racism of not hiring white people, for any amount of time, for any reason, even if it is the best reason in the world, is simply unacceptable. Get my point, now? No form of argument or facts will change my opinion, and, as I've mentioned before, this isn't about one tiny case that happened in Canada its about the entire issue of '''''reverse racism'''''.
Direwolf said:
This is why the whole "affirmative action" issue is so annoying. All it leads to is insane complications and people linking to

Lol. I know what you mean, but the whole 'black people should be hired over white people, I dunno, because... uh, they used to be slaves, didn't they?' is pretty annoying, too.
gh0st said:
get used to it folks, this is what a liberal establishment will bring to america.

I agree with you for the main mate, but don't bring the whole 'liberal/conservative' american polarisation thing in here, because it's bullshit, whether it comes from you or No Limit
jondy said:
I agree with you for the main mate, but don't bring the whole 'liberal/conservative' american polarisation thing in here, because it's bullshit, whether it comes from you or No Limit
no. it isnt. under a conservative (in american political terms) administration this kind of shit would never happen.
Zeus said:
and so then what, you hire a ton of blacks, who will be biased towards the minorities (using your logic about how white police officers are biased toward white citizens) and now you have another racist police force, only this time they are racist against whites (again, using your logic). What is the point of that?

Erm nope, there keeping this system till the police force is representative of society. There only not hiring white men, they need women, and black people to be representative, it should never have got this bad, but it has and something needs to be done. I'm not saying the police officers are racist, but it makes in institution look racist if it has 95% white men, in a society where only like 30-40% of the pop. are white men.
gh0st said:
good. white people are terrible. they created this shitty country that is responsible for so many dastardly deeds.
gh0st's posts are so ridiculously hilarious!

Also, this is a very hilarious thing to say:
Zeus said:
I do my best to treat all races equally (for example I sit at a really ethnically diverse lunch table at school)..I have many black and hispanic friends also. So I dont know but still I dont agree with affirmative action programs either way..
"I keep my friends at 10% black, 35% hispanic, 35% white, 15% asian, and 5% other!!!"
CyberSh33p said:
Racial quotas are racist instutishens.
Erestheux said:
I keep my friends at 10% black, 35% hispanic, 35% white, 15% asian, and 5% other!!!"Yes.

"I'm sorry, but you can't eat lunch with us today, the table's reached its quota for white males"

-Angry Lawyer
Erestheux said:
Also, this is a very hilarious thing to say:"I keep my friends at 10% black, 35% hispanic, 35% white, 15% asian, and 5% other!!!"Yes.

Nope sorry you've completly missed the point of my post. Absolutly 100% incorrect as to what I meant by my post.