:) No its not warz

Hmm looks kinda nice but I will look at them when I get home cuz these cheap 15 TFT's suck, my Sony will do that a bit more truthfully to the pics ;o)
Red Does own but I get the urge to frag some guys with a frack cannon sometimes :)
Does this MOD work with the regular UT2003? Say I make a level and I want to play UT2003 with this, does it work?
Yeah you may have to have the latest patch installed for ut2003. Im using this mod on my own maps that I made :)
This has 3rd person right? Because I will put on the slomo cheat, take out the dual rifles, and d/l the Max Payne Skin and play Max Payne 2!
press the tilda key and type behindview 1 that makes it 3rd person. But it wont be like max payne 3rd person. Also download THE ONE MOD so you will have bullet time too!. :)
Is it possible to have 2 MODs working at once? Also how do you activate this/these MOD/s?
Yeah I can use almost every mod that ive downloaded at the same time :)
Goto instant action and look for the mutators tab at the top. You can load the mods and configure them there.
I have heard the phrase before many times, but what the hell are mutators?
Mutators are mods. :)
Mutator= something that mutates the game.
Mod= something modifies the game.

Very much. If I am not mistaken there are no tabs when you play UT 2003. Can you give me detailed directions to this Mutator tab you speak of?
Lol awesome! Thanks a lot. One final question oh great one. How do I load this with my custom level? Do I press play level? Or, do I to type in my level in the console? I don't know how to type my level in the console so you will have to help me.
Have the map that you want to play selected then load the mutator and then play as normal.
How do I select the map? Do I press play level from UnrealEd and load the Mutator? If I do that how do I load the mutator from my level? Are you getting tired of me?
Ok. You got it. I can't wait to play this! Do you know where I cna find both of these MODs together?
All I gotta say is, wait till Unreal 2: XMP comes out. It owns anything UT2K3 brings to the table.
Where can I get The One MOD? I have searched on every UT 2003 site I know.