No last minute tweaking before release.


Sep 22, 2004
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I would not advise anyone to do much tweaking in the hope of improving HL2 performance so close to release time.
I decided to tweak a few processes and such.The result....machine dead in the water.It has taken me 2 days to sort it out.
Imagine switching on and finding your PC dead on the 16th.
I'm going to defrag the harddrive and leave my machine on for the next 4 days. :LOL:
That's why you make profiles. That way you have a couple of alternatives to fix the problem in.

Also you can use the recovery console to start up any service you might need, if that's the problem.
another solution is having an OS installed on 2 different partitions
tomo13 said:
I would not advise anyone to do much tweaking in the hope of improving HL2 performance so close to release time.
I decided to tweak a few processes and such.The result....machine dead in the water.It has taken me 2 days to sort it out.
Imagine switching on and finding your PC dead on the 16th.
I'm going to defrag the harddrive and leave my machine on for the next 4 days. :LOL:
the only thing i'm doing is a clean install of XP with all updated drivers.
I've cleaned out old ati drivers with driver cleaner, defragged, and am ready for HL2 now. The X800 is ready to get some! I suggest covering anything that leads to the psu on your computer, a cricket jumped into a fan on my psu, half the body is missing, half the other fell out of the psu :x Oh well it was a shitty 400W :p got True480W now :E