No localized ragdoll effects??

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After playing a few games that have this effect I feel going back to where the enemy just sits there until you damage it enough to kill it before it makes any kind of movement is just lame. If you not sure what I'm talking about go play some games like Far Cry or painkiller. I just hope they can put something in soon after release or something. Now when I shoot an enemy I expect to see some kind of reaction not just when I shoot him enough to kill him. It just seems lame now not to have this.
How do you know it doesn't?

Chances are it'll work perfectly when the games out.
id like to see this too... it makes the game seem ALOT less realistic when the enemies act like they dont know they are being shot... they dont have to do it so they cant fire back while being shot, but at least make it look like bullets HURT, or something.
You have NO IDEA how many threads there have been on this subject :rolling:

Anyway, we dont know whether or not it will be in the initial release of HL2 or if it will be added latter.

Basically, we dont know.

Edit: Just noticed

Im pretty sure they don't have it in. I read it somewhere on the "info from valve thread" Plus if you look at the videos you can see the enemies just have hit decals where you hit them no physical reaction to the bullets. When you damage them enough then they die and the ragdoll effect kicks in. This feature is in havok 2.0 but Valve is using havok 1.0 with some modifications they coded in.
Do Farcry and painkiller have localized ragdoll, or just pain animations? Because I'm pretty sure HL2 will have at least the latter.
We also have Rick saying that we've yet to see all the physics effects for the full game.
There really is no way on earth that the final game will feature enemies just soaking up the damage without seeming affected until they die. No decent game does that even now, and it is not Valve's way to make such a half-arsed attempt.

What do you mean by localised ragdoll btw, do you mean animation blending with ragdoll?

Personally I don't care if they use animations for pain movements, or animation and ragdoll blending. I think when either method is done with due care and attention you can get the desired effect. In fact I kind of don't really like ragdolling at all, I prefer full animation. But then I like to animate for my mod, and have full control over what happens, so I'm biased.
It wouldn't have to be animation blending with ragdoll just something besides hit decals would work for me. In some of the videos that is all it appears they have. I realize that was just a video and they could have left stuff out. Just seems wierd they wouldn't put something as simple as that in their videos.
You know, considering that they make extensive use of animation blending (for things like how a character can turn their head to follow you around the room even while doing something else), I can't imagine that it would be that hard to add some flinching.
There is no doubt they could do it, and thats why I really don't worry about this issue. There is no reason why they would leave out flinching on impact unless they had snookered themselves with some other feature they haven't told us fully about yet..
Not having another thread like this again, if you must discuss it again, dig up a recent thread. Closed.
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