no matter what I do, no preformance increase? Should I give up?


May 31, 2004
Reaction score
well. i'm starting to lose faith. No matter what drivers I use, it seems that i never gain fps. I updated my mobo drivers, and I still can't get a preformance increase. I'm sure that turning reflect all to reflect world would help loads, but man, I really had high hopes for my system. and reflect world feels..ehh. it feels fake, since like half of the world is gone..i dunno, i'm shaddy about overclocking my cpu, I hear it is a great overclocker, but I have no money for a fan..and my dad would have to pay for it, and he is like "it's not your cpu causing the slowdown!" can see my specs at the bottom, 3dmark scores, ect. in hl2, I get 50-60 fps, but on like the beach, it goes down to 15-30.. and in some other places it will drop down to 40~..

please tell me what else I can do. update my bios? mess with a config? tweak something? i'm sure there are other ways then just shelling out $150 for a new processer.

Did I mention RAM?

I have the same video car and I seem to get better aquamark scores about 51,000, like 8,500 on cpu and 7,400 on gfx. I used to get about 7,200 scores in teh cpu when I had 512 pc2700 of ram then I upgraded to 512mb of pc3200 DDR400 Ram and the cpu score shot up to 8500 points. Ram really helps and I am thinking about getting 512 more of the same ram.

edit: if you havent already dl this tweak guide,
it has everything in it on how to tweak your computer. :thumbs:
I only have 512MB Ram (although it is running at 438MHZ at Cas2 and aggressive timings) with a weaker graphics card (9800P) and I tend to get around 70fps even during slow periods with all options turned up except for AA and AF at reasonably high resolutions. I would suggest trying the tweak that's floating around. It seemed to give me some FPS boost, tho, I didn't do a strict before and after test.
Add to launch options:
+mat_forcehardwaresync 0 +snd_async_prefetch_priority 1
I have not noticed any change in the graphics quality after applying these changes, although I am not exactly sure what they do. If someone does know, provide details, cus I'm curious. I can, of course, hazard a guess from the commands. Let me know if anything is unclear.