No More Room in Hell News



No More Room in Hell is one of the most anticipated zombie modifications that's in the works right now. would like to congratulate NMRiH on them being in development for one year today. Nice work! [br]</br>For celebration, they wanted to release some skinned models for the general public to take a peek at.[br]


[br]Learn more about chainsaws and the undead by clicking this link.
Oh cool, is that police barricade a breakable prop? Do those smaller pieces stay when it gets broken? Lookin good!
is this going to be an SP mod? i'm looing forward to a good HL2 SP mod. Plenty in development but nothing out yet is there?
I really like this mod and im just waiting for it to be released
Azlan said: would like to congratulate NMRiH on them being in development for one year today. Nice

They have been in development for two years.
Thanks for the feedback everyone!
We are working really hard on the mod and I am glad to see everyone is enjoying it.
Yes, we are celebrating 2 years now, it is quite amazing!
That car model in the render looks a bit high-poly in that state to go into HL2 as it is.