No Mutants Allowed = Crybaby manboys?


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score

What gets me the most about this is that Fallout was a game released 10 years ago. I'm 22, so I was 12 it came out. Admittedly, I was young for that kind of game, but I still played it. Assuming that these guys weren't younger than 12 when they first caught the "Fallout magic," that means that they are all adults in their 20s, 30s, shit, maybe even 40s. And they talk like little bitches on the internet.

After reading this, I'm ashamed for ever liking Fallout 1 and 2. I was almost associated with these idiots.
Yeah, I read that and it definitely seems like fandom gone way too far. Its great to have a community and like Fallout, even a lot (especially given where I'm typing this) but keep your head on planet Earth.
Yes, yes they are, they have been since day 1 tbh. One of the reasons after I finished Fallout I moved on so quickly.
Wut lol

They better keep all the mature stuff in, or it won`t be the Fallout I remember.
Crybaby manboys? Yes, and irritating twattish ones at that. Is SA any better? No, so their selectively quoted toss doesn't mean much to me.

Having one shitty site troll another shitty site in order to produce 'hilarious' responses is quite possibly the lamest-bitch pathetic thing you can bear witness to on the internet.

I couldn't give a crap about the Friendless Ones at NMA, but in the midst of all their emotionally-frustrated guff about how much they hate Bethesda there are some good points lying buried about how designing a game with top-drawer graphics has absolutely nothing to do with producing a good cRPG.
Isn't the basis of this entire thread just unconstructive trolling?

Put a poll in at least. ;)
Crybaby manboys? Yes, and irritating twattish ones at that. Is SA any better? No, so their selectively quoted toss doesn't mean much to me.

Having one shitty site troll another shitty site in order to produce 'hilarious' responses is quite possibly the lamest-bitch pathetic thing you can bear witness to on the internet.

I couldn't give a crap about the Friendless Ones at NMA, but in the midst of all their emotionally-frustrated guff about how much they hate Bethesda there are some good points lying buried about how designing a game with top-drawer graphics has absolutely nothing to do with producing a good cRPG.

Yeah, but Fallout fanboys deserve it more.
I still can't get over the vast irony of the forum title.
jebus sometimes gamers are sooo ..stupid for lack of a better word ..also irrational and never-getting-laid-ers
"I want a 3d fallout!"
"Your being ignornant."
"How am I being ignornant? It's what I want."
"You don't understand why isometric was used."
"But I don't want isometric."
"Yes you do."
"Ugh I give up. I'm going to play Oblivion."
"Oblivion is shit!"
"So you admit to buying shit? Obviously you'd have had to buy it or borrow the game. So at some stage in your life you held shit in your hands, how did it feel?"
Crybaby manboys? Yes, and irritating twattish ones at that. Is SA any better? No, so their selectively quoted toss doesn't mean much to me.

Having one shitty site troll another shitty site in order to produce 'hilarious' responses is quite possibly the lamest-bitch pathetic thing you can bear witness to on the internet.

I couldn't give a crap about the Friendless Ones at NMA, but in the midst of all their emotionally-frustrated guff about how much they hate Bethesda there are some good points lying buried about how designing a game with top-drawer graphics has absolutely nothing to do with producing a good cRPG.


But this is what NMA is like every day with every post about Fallout 3 as far as I can tell whenever I check it just for an "alternative" perspective. I can appreciate passion in fans (check the sig), but this is to the point of being extremely unpleasant. It's just endless, hyperbolic tirades about how Bethesda is murdering and raping the franchise or how everybody at Bethesda is an avatar of evil. Members who post positive or even ambivalent opinions are mercilessly ripped apart without sound criticism and are often insulted without provocation for not being "true" Fallout fans. This vitriol has bad tendency of creeping onto the front page news posts. When it's not present, you can usually readily access it by just clicking on the associated "Comments" links. Very colorful stuff.

Mikael is a member of it though, so I'm curious as to what he thinks of this (assuming he even cares at all).
I heard Bethesda is getting rid of the bloody mess trait and instead of blood the enemies will spurt out advertisements for Halo 3. Finish the fight. This Fall.
We and Something Awdul are not on good terms, as SA tried to invade and troll us and either hit Roshambo (who is a man who can make you commit suicide when replying to your post) or were ignored and deleted. Plus, they are butthurt about something, so they are not a reliable source.

Now, for NMA. 95% of people deeming us crybabies and fanatics don't know anything about the history of the site and Fallout. NMA is the longest standing Fallout fansite, which pretty much kept the name alive after Interplay started raping it.

We received two excellent games, Fallout and Fallout 2, and are currently preparing for the 10th anniversary of their release. It all went downhill afterwards, together with Interplay (Herve Caen was in part responsible).

Fallout is an unique game, designed from the ground up as a P&P RPG recreation and revitalization of a stale genre of gaming. It also has an unique, retrofuture setting inspired by the 1950s vision of the future.

We are zealots, I admit. But do you know what created it?

Treatment of the franchise. And lies.

Fallout: Tactics was developed by an external developer. We got over the fact it's a tactical shooter and cooperated with the developers. Not many fanbases can say that. And despite our work, despite Roshambo's input, the game was, at best, mediocre. Nonetheless, we supported it, separate forums, maps, tournaments.

But it wasn't really Fallout. Numerous canon errors, including real life weapons, gas driven cars, fascistic BoS etc. and generally bad gameplay made it a mediocre game. What really fueled the rage was Interplay's behavior, who promised us that the funds from FOT would fund FO3 but instead announced FOT2 (and you should know, that because of that lie, FOT was the most pre-ordered Interplay's game).

The outrage made Interplay cancel the game in pre-production (but first outlines were made and it was supposed to be closer to the real Fallout).

So, FOT was like your girlfriend/boyfriend/dead kitten (option for CyberPitz) getting cockslapped in the middle of a crowded street.

What almost killed Fallout was FO:BOS. A shitty XBoX/PS2 shooter that was a rape of the lore and term "shooter" by Chuck Cuevas. We were outraged and forced Interplay to shut down the FOBOS message boards, due to the amount of flames.

FOBOS was like your girlfriend/boyfriend/*no option for Pitzie* getting hit with a baseball bat in the face.

Then came the light. Van Buren. Fallout 3. Real Fallout 3. J.E. Sawyer, one of the few remaining Fallout 2 designers was the lead designer.

In retrospect, after analyzing the concept art and salvaged design documents (I still wonder how Odin got them), it was generally agreed that it would be a true successor to Fallout and Fallout 2. Well devleoped, coherent storyline, fleshed out characters, multiple options of gameplay, retro 50s stylisation and no illogical parts, like in Fallout 2 (eg. extreme amounts of Monty Python). The tech demo later confirmed it.

And it got aborted. An almost finished game was aborted in favour of FOBOS 2.

This time, imagine your bruised, now pregnant girlfriend getting slammed in the nether regions and your 7 month child kild.

It was a sad day.

And the final nail to Interplay's coffin.

And Caen sold the licence for 4.500.000 $ to Bethesda.

Now, some background. Bethesda lately is, well, raping fanbases and games. Oblivion, now a hack & slash, is the biggest insult and rape of the The Elder Scrolls series, which completely ignores estabilished facts and backstory from Morrowind, Daggerfall and Arena as well as non-sensical plot and quite bad scripting (eg. you saved Kvatch. YAY! Savior! *click* YOU FRIGGIN' THIEF!).

Next, Star Trek Legacy. Here, Bethesda was supported by Star Trek Generations, one of the biggest ST fansites out there, throughout the development and in part was hyping the game. What happened when the game hit the shelves and it turned out not even half as good as promised?

STG got blacklisted. The same method of silencing as with TES fans, who were critical of Oblivion.

Now, knowing how Bethesda ignores estabilished canon, overhypes the games and instead of delivering content they promised (check their previews and compare to the released game) and generally rapes games, how exactly are we supposed to remain neutral, especially in face of such true-to-Fallout material as Orc-like supermutants, nuclear catapults, toilet drinking restoring your health, dumpster-made-power armors and Vault Overseer sending thugs after you?

We aren't, and for a good reason. We waited 9 years for a proper sequel, and were denied one, instead having the licence sold to a company which can't even keep it's own franchise coherent.

So no, we're not crybabies. We're glittering gems of hatred. There's an article on NMA about our history and that term.

Also, we plan to support Fallout 3, make no mistake and quite propably will take it upon ourselves to make the game fit in with the previous games. Even if we have to hack and make an editor ourselves.

And last random facts: Bethesda developers were forbidden from posting on NMA. So much for "talking to the fans".

Plus, Pete Hines told us to go screw ourselves. Indirectly.

So there you have it.

I kind of wonder how many of you actually have the balls to try and understand our position and how many will decide it's "funnier" and "awesome" to go and flame us.
while all that you say is very much true. The fact remains that you guys need to lighten up and stop making things so serious business and nerd raging.

Its a game, not a way of life, not a religion, not a political ideoligy, not life or death, just a game.

and though its sucks not being able to get the exact gameplay that you want, you've got to understand that it is not economically viable for a company to release a game specifically tailor made for the relatively small number of die-hard fans of a 10 year old IP. Besides, this is the oblivion engine, there will no doubt be mods to bring the game more in line with what you want.
while all that you say is very much true. The fact remains that you guys need to lighten up and stop making things so serious business and nerd raging.

Its a game, not a way of life, not a religion, not a political ideoligy, not life or death, just a game.

and though its sucks not being able to get the exact gameplay that you want, you've got to understand that it is not economically viable for a company to release a game specifically tailor made for the relatively small number of die-hard fans of a 10 year old IP. Besides, this is the oblivion engine, there will no doubt be mods to bring the game more in line with what you want.
Couldn't be put any better

EDIT: I just got up to the point where the guy slapped his girlfriend because she asked "What's the big deal about Fallout.".
Wtf, when did gaming becoming a way of life?
I think the problem there is not that gaming is a way of life, but rather that that **** slapped his girlfriend.

The violence is the problem, man, the violence!
I envision down the road 10 years from now NMA will gain the sister site, No N'Wah's Allowed.


In any case, NMA should just led Bethesda work on a finished product. It's not due out for awhile and going by Shivering Isles, it seems they learned their lesson on dumbing games down.
Debris, this game is not the ultimate in our lives, most of the moderator and admin crew are happily married and/or engaged, so it's not like we're nerds without a life.

Fallout is important for us, because it's a unique game and it's a shame to see it be dumbed down. Heck, we got over the FPP RPG thing, what bugs us is that it's not Fallout. Bethesda deviates from the previous games significantly, disregarding canon and logic.

On a side note, Shivering Isles isn't any better in terms of lore respect.
I bet if they did something similiar to Half-Life, half the people would be raged.
Fallout fans are little bitches - especially those on NMA.

Oh? You've played the game before?

I once saw a screenshot comparison between a Fallout 3 scan and a loading screen still from a previous game on NMA once. Brother None, was it? Any way, it compared a concrete building to a burnt wooden house.

Brother None then proceeded to point out how the concrete building was superb, spectacular art deco. But the burnt house from FO3? Oh fuck no. "THIS BURNT HOUSE IS GENERIC. IT IS LAME. DON'T YOU SEE WHY IT'S LAME? CHECK OUT THIS TINY 5x5 PIXEL AREA AND YOU'LL SEE WHY. THIS IS NOT FALLOUT. FUCK THAT HOUSE."

I believe he also compared two pictures of Vault Boy and declared the FO3 usage of the icon as "not 1950's enough" on some whim and concluded that Bethesda sucks. If it wasn't him, it was some other person who similarly began reading into pedantic or even nonexistent differences.
I once saw a screenshot comparison between a Fallout 3 scan and a loading screen still from a previous game on NMA once. Brother None, was it? Any way, it compared a concrete building to a burnt wooden house.

Brother None then proceeded to point out how the concrete building was superb, spectacular art deco. But the burnt house from FO3? Oh fuck no. "THIS BURNT HOUSE IS GENERIC. IT IS LAME. DON'T YOU SEE WHY IT'S LAME? CHECK OUT THIS TINY 5x5 PIXEL AREA AND YOU'LL SEE WHY. THIS IS NOT FALLOUT. FUCK THAT HOUSE."

I believe he also compared two pictures of Vault Boy and declared the FO3 usage of the icon as "not 1950's enough" on some whim and concluded that Bethesda sucks. If it wasn't him, it was some other person who similarly began reading into pedantic or even nonexistent differences.
Yeah, nicely picked out. I believe I saw the same or a similar comparison thread.

While I may have many of my own doubts about Bethesda's ability to produce a Fallout game that lives up to the name, this type of fallacious comparison is indicative of absolutely sweet FA. Have fans forgotten just how generic the graphics were for much of the time in Fallout 1 and 2? Granted, there was a cohesive style, but it's not like every single PIXEL was alternate-1950's-art-deco-chic. Exactly how do you depict a 1950's art deco CORRUGATED-TIN OUTHOUSE - or wooden shack, or whatever - anyway?

That said, I have my own concerns about how good the writing for FO3 is going to be, but I'll wait and see how it turns out.
So while I feel your pain Mikhail, I only feel it because it was argued in a logically consistant manner. Looks like a few of your brethren on NMA are fools. FOOLS I SAY.
That said, I have my own concerns about how good the writing for FO3 is going to be, but I'll wait and see how it turns out.

Haha, well yeah, that's the given seeing as the original writers aren't on the team?
Haha, well yeah, that's the given seeing as the original writers aren't on the team?
Obviously they're not. What's a given? I'm saying that Bethesda need to really improve on the shocking dialogue in Oblivion if this is going to be a good addition to the Fallout series. I've little doubt that there will be an improvement, but I'm not betting against the possibility that it will still fall well short of what's needed.
something that should be noted is that the old hands/mega grognard mentality that arises from overly insular gaming groups does more damage than good to the very games they interest themselves in. You get a bunch of guys hostile to any growth of a series and xenophobic against newbies, and they become more of a hazard to the designers than anything else.

Thats how battletech ended up going down the crapper, among many other settings/games/series.
We aren't hostile nor xenophobic, provided our users can argue their viewpoint in a well argumented way. People who give us bad publicity are usually users who got axed/vatted because they can't argue properly.

Usually these arguments went lke this:

*New topic* Fallout FPP
OP: Fallout FPP is a good thing.
US: Why?
OP: Because it's (insert various forms of "cool")
US: Does it fit Fallout's P&P RPG recreation?
OP: Hey, it's the future, they would propably do Fallout in FPP now, cause they couldn't.
US: No, it was a concious design decision. Besides, Daggerfall.
OP: ...

OP offsite: NMA, what assholes.

Granted, it is an exaggeration, but that's how 90% of arguments went and 98% of them ended up in the Vats.

Also, Absinthe, I recall the comparison being made between the loading screen and screenshot because loading screens from Fallout depicted the world how it looks on the inside. And since Bethesda is doing Fallout 3 from an, well, inside perspective, it's not illogical.

Last, flyingdebris, I don't think the comparison is correct - after all we , as a fanbase, kept the franchise alive. Plus, I don't get how we are dangerous to designers when J.E. Sawyer's Van Buren project was supported with cautious optimism.

And yes, we have FOOLS, FOOLS, FOOLS, FOOLS! *slams laptop into the ground* One of them is Sorrow. One of the Falloutofascists. No, he is not officially supported by NMA.
I'll reserve judgement about Fallout 3 until they actually release it, but by gods, if Bethesda ****s this up I will hunt down their lead designer, murder him, put his skull on a pole and plant it outside a concrete bunker.
interest was what kept it alive, yes. But its been more of a life support than anything else. The only decent fallout game since 2 was tactics once you accepted that it was a tactical combat game set within fallout's setting rather than a sequel.

It comes down to this, as a fan base ages, if nothing is happening with the IP to attract a steady stream of newcomers what you'll get is a situation where members of said fanbase will over time lose interest and move on, leaving behind the diehard ultra opinionated fans. Most people do not like diehard opinionated fans and thus avoid those groups, furthering the problem. Meanwhile most game companies cannot afford to market towards that tiny niche market unless they are suicidal. This of course pisses off the diehards more because it is percieved as an insult to them/selling out/not giving them what they want,etc etc. They then get really vocal about it, making it incredibly difficult for newcomers to get into the new game, and can easily sabotage said game. Don't get me wrong though, many times it IS the game company's fault for trying to make a sequal into something that goes completely against what came before it and having their shit ruined for not realizing they had alterd the very thing that made fans love it in the first place.

So i'm not saying you have no right to complain and critique, but vitriol and nerd rage does more harm than good in the long run.

On an unrelated note, the other hazard that can destroy a game community faster than a chainsmoker in an oil refinery is getting your community oversaturated with 13 year old boys. Your community might as well be a radiation hazard because no one will want to touch it. Thats what happened with tribes vengeance.
Good singleplayer... pity about the community! :D
Also, Absinthe, I recall the comparison being made between the loading screen and screenshot because loading screens from Fallout depicted the world how it looks on the inside. And since Bethesda is doing Fallout 3 from an, well, inside perspective, it's not illogical.

And my point was that he was comparing a concrete building to a burnt house and somehow on some undetectable criteria claimed that one is more "Fallout-y" than the other.
