No new monsters? That's odd.


Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Gabe Newell
4) Around 9/19 someone made a copy of the HL-2 source tree.
One very simple question: Why doesn't the source contain any new monsters?

If the monsters we know about are all that's in the game for now, does that then mean:
A) That the game is nowhere near finished
B) That the monsters we've seen in the released movies are the only ones that will be in the game
or C) That the code for all other monsters than the ones we know about just happened to not get stolen?

This is the only thing I don't understand. Please enlighten me. :)

(One other thing, don't tell us what kind of new stuff IS in the source, we'd really much rather find out ourselves when the game eventually does come out.)
That is an interesting point mate, im curious aswell, anyone have anything to say?
Uh, I see new monsters, im not going to post the names because people are all tochy right now and shit.
Yeah there are some new monsters in there (although not many), look harder.
Is the prowler present? (not a spoiler really, as we already know it exists).
No, it's not actually. I don't think this is the full source anyway since my attempts to build it have always ended with me being told I was missing files. That and there aren't a hell of alot of new monsters. There are quite a few new npc's though.
Originally posted by nw909
Uh, I see new monsters, im not going to post the names because people are all tochy right now and shit.
Ah, ok, that would be option D. Thanks, I haven't seen the source myself (and don't want to), people just said there were no new monsters, but now everything makes sense. Any mod feel free to close this, I think that's the end of this discussion, we don't need to turn this into a spoiler thread. Thanks. :)
I'm glad the prowler ain't there. Atleast it proves that the source code isn't complete.
There is alot of evidence in the comments that this may be an E3 build which didn't include the prowler.

If anyone with the source noticed, there is also no G-man
So it can't be the E3 build, right?
well it could be the E3 build. There is alot of code commented out with comments like (this is an example) Don't use for E3, eaiser to just script it. And alot of stuff seems to be missing.
off topic I know, but supakoopa, why does your av say xbox, then show multiple generations of the koopa?? Its a nintendo guy. just wonderin.
Did you guys see in the weapons section, the weapon that uses your hand to throw objects in the game? Beerbottle was one of them I saw. OR was this just my imagination getting the best of me?
yeah I did see that throwing things was a weapon, I'm guessing this is how it's gonna start. Gordon is alone and can only throw objects at his enemies.
qckbeam: the GMan is there.



// Purpose: Overridden to switch our behavior between passive and rebel. We
// become combative after Gordon becomes a criminal.


Originally posted by The Terminator
off topic I know, but supakoopa, why does your av say xbox, then show multiple generations of the koopa?? Its a nintendo guy. just wonderin.

well i've been strictly a nintendo fanboy ever since NES..then around the end of the N64 era i kinda got into PC gaming...i sort of "stumbled upon" Starcraft and counter-strike..two very good gaming experiences that got me into PC gaming...i bought those games without reading any of the hype or anything, i just heard my friends say "hey, you should try this, its great." i had a little experiencce with war2 wayy back but i wasn't really old enough to fully appreciate it.

erm yeah the xbox thing...after being a bit disappointed with gamecube, my friends convinced me to get an xbox..and i'm happy with my choice..i'm also glad i kept my cube and got to play metroid and zelda.
thop :
HOLY SHIT @ spoiler :eek:

Thanks for the spoilers f*ckheads.

There was a warning on the last one.

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Actually, wait. That last one by Thop isnt really a spoiler.
He ALREADY is a criminal isnt he? Combine are targeting him right?
Theyre the police force kinda thing, arnt they?

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Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Thanks for the spoilers f*ckheads. :thumbs:

Actually, reading this doesn't make the game less for me, it makes me want it more!
dude that was a *huge* spoiler

warnings do not suffice

sumthin like that needs to be in a new thread
Well, we kinda knew he was in trouble anyway, people just don't shoot at you.
Ok that wasn't a terrible spoiler, something similar was said in the IGN preview.

But please stop posting them anyway. I'm gona be pretty much helpless if someone makes a thread like "The true identity of the G-Man". They'll just spoil the game for themselves and others. :(
im pretty sure its a bad idea to admit u have illegally obtained copyrightwed material

/me looks at [IP: Logged] box of nw's post.
sorry guy's, I didn't think it was really a big deal to know we could throw stuff at people. Not really a spoiler.
Originally posted by XtAkm4p
im pretty sure its a bad idea to admit u have illegally obtained copyrightwed material

If it is available people will download it. That's like saying we should prosecute all of the users on Kazaa because they download copywrighted music and videos. It's inevitable that people will do it.
Originally posted by qckbeam
sorry guy's, I didn't think it was really a big deal to know we could throw stuff at people. Not really a spoiler.

That wasn't the spoiler. Read further down on the last page.
yeah, I was talking to the guy who posted right after me though. The other thing was a real spoiler.
SetBloodColor( BLOOD_COLOR_RED ); :p
Originally posted by spitcodfry
If it is available people will download it. That's like saying we should prosecute all of the users on Kazaa because they download copywrighted music and videos. It's inevitable that people will do it.

technically they should. however i think they are doing the rite thing by only going for the distributers
it's in hl1_npc_gman.cpp. don't ask me why in hl1, but it has some hl2 stuff in it.
Originally posted by qckbeam
it looks like slightly modified HL1 code, nothing special

That's why I think the code is crippled (possibly on purpose). There is no way this could be the real HL2 code or at least one from a recent build.