no, no please tell me this is not can't be..i refuse to acknowledge it!


Aug 6, 2004
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Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology 'cult

The incident happened during a protest against the Church of Scientology on May 10. Demonstrators from the anti-Scientology group, Anonymous, who were outside the church's ?23m headquarters near St Paul's cathedral, were banned by police from describing Scientology as a cult by police because it was "abusive and insulting".

it can't be just cant...pinch me please
the word CULT is a ****ing official word for describing this type of a "religious" organization.

it goes

Church->Denomination->Cult->and theres something i can't remember right now.

It's ****ing OFFICIAL!!!! ****ERS
What the hell? I watched this documentary yesterday about Christian Fundamentalists in the UK. This one guy was handing out anti-gay leaflets at a gay festival and the police were there and saw what he was doing yet they did absolutely nothing about it.

I think we need to help this guy Spartacus style.

I'm not really one for the anti-Scientology protests but this is denying my right to abuse and insult religions.

I say London anon's and non-anons alike surround the court when the trial takes place with placards saying: Scientology is a cult.

I'm willing to do the same in Manchester.
The City of London police and the Metropolitan Police, corrupt gang of thugs at the best of times, have been thoroughly infected by the cult. Sounds sensationalist, but it's truth. Just Google with terms like "metropolitan police" and "scientology" and you'll see a couple of shocking things. I'd do it but I'm too lazy.

Actually no I'm not. Here are the first 2 Google hits from that search:
'Police officers accepted gifts from Church of Scientology'
'New Humanist Blog: UK police hand out Scientology booklets in schools'

Kudos to the kid for sticking to his guns and I'm very impressed he had that court ruling ready to quote when challenged. That is a real protester.

BTW, the nonchalant, fatalistic tone of this post belies the vast wealth of molten, bubbling fury that this event instils in me. What. a. ****ing. shithole England has become.
So is anyone still under the illusion that the UK is not a police state?
Umm, the police are part of Scientology.
They were banned from a ****ing protest for being insulting? :|

Only in America..
You sho' bout dat?

So...they hope that if they can forcefully make people unable to talk badly about them, then it will make them good by default?
You people do realize that we say that sarcastically because it is happening someplace other than the states, right?
You're supposed to say 'Only in (country that isn't America)'

Then it's a proper parody.
I imagine that this would only get anon further enraged...

...we can only hope:hmph:
What can they possibly do though? It isn't Scientology that has retarded Britain to the point where an event like this is possible. Are Anon going to start black-faxing and trolling the British police and Crown Prosecution Service...?

All the more retarded an incident because Scientology DOESN'T have tax exempt status as an official religion in the UK, so in the UK there is no word to describe them BUT as a cult.
What can they possibly do though? It isn't Scientology that has retarded Britain to the point where an event like this is possible. Are Anon going to start black-faxing and trolling the British police and Crown Prosecution Service...?

All the more retarded an incident because Scientology DOESN'T have tax exempt status as an official religion in the UK, so in the UK there is no word to describe them BUT as a cult.

They're gonna fight it legally... and vehemently.
What happened to freedom of speech?

With the current government of politically correct undemocratic (gordon brown was never voted in) spineless assholes this is not surprising. The acceptable limits of free speech exist in the UK now - racism, sexism, or just voicing a controversial opinion is an arrestable offence.
I like that Time magazine describes Scientology as a cult. Nothing on that law suit yet, though.
The kid apparently cited a Court Ruling from the 80s where a High Court judge called Scientology a cult. Then the cop gave him summons.
You're supposed to say 'Only in (country that isn't America)'

Then it's a proper parody.

No, you're wrong. It's not supposed to be a parody. It's said to be a sarcastic mockery of every time somebody says "Only in America". The fact that it's in another country other than the United States is enough, and doesn't need specified the country where it's taking place.

That ruins the whole point of it.

In Scientology doctrine, Xenu is a galactic ruler who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of people to Earth, stacked them around volcanoes and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Their souls then clustered together and stuck to the bodies of the living, and continue to cause people problems today. These events are known to Scientologists as "Incident II", and the traumatic memories associated with them as The Wall of Fire or the R6 implant. The story of Xenu is part of a much wider range of Scientology beliefs in extraterrestrial civilizations and alien interventions in Earthly events, collectively described as space opera by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.

Gotta love our "Freedom of Religion" right here in the US. :rolleyes:

the word CULT is a ****ing official word for describing this type of a "religious" organization.

it goes

Church->Denomination->Cult->and theres something i can't remember right now.

It's ****ing OFFICIAL!!!! ****ERS

Twisting of a religion or its words
An organization where it is hard to get out after joining.
Brought to you by the Merriam Azners.
With the current government of politically correct undemocratic (gordon brown was never voted in)
Do people in the UK elect their prime minister? Ours is chosen by the parliment.

Only in America.
Only in fracking America.

btw super lols at the number of people in this thread that thought Muffin Man was being serious
I remember when i first heard about Scientology. It was Tom Cruise whacky new religon. I did'nt really care about it intill i saw it on an episode of south park, thinking: This can't be right.
One google trip later an-Oh My God!