no, no please tell me this is not can't be..i refuse to acknowledge it!

Religion gets way too much ****ing respect in this country. Even if Scientology were a religion, that gives them absolutely no moral immunity to critisism whatsoever. It's truely frightening how far political correctness has gone now. Political correctness was meant to be about being polite when talking politics, and I don't know what the **** went wrong to turn it into this perverse monstrosity.

"abusive and insulting"

No, it's a perfectly sober, technical word refering to a group of exceptionally zealous followers of an unorthadox set of beliefs. Maybe they thought it sounded too much like cunt?
This is making a news shitstorm apparently.

I liek it. :3

Good. I reckon this will do Scientology more harm than good, due to all the publicity.

I actually find that stuff about the Metropolitan Police taking big cash donations from cylons to be a small comfort, because it suggests that this is stemming from a corrupt police force rather than purely from insane political correctness (although that was obviously exploited here).
The Memphis Org closed down too....