No! Noes! And D:!


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, so ever since I get my CS:S, its been playing up. I've played it at my freinds, but seriously, I wanna play it here. I loved the origanol, and I'm not having problems with TFC, CS or CS:CZ but my CS:S...
You see, whenever I bring up my server list, where the servers should be is five words that will haunt me forevermore: Cannot Connect to master Server. If I try to make a game (even if it is with bots) it says "connection failed after 4 retrys". It does it be Steam online or Offline.:x

Is this summat to do with my firewall (Norton) or steam or my internets (BT)? Can someone help me? I'm desperate. Thanks in advance :thumbs:
In the console, type "sv_lan 1". Make a server. See if you connect. Then, if you do, open the console and type "sv_lan 0", then "heartbeat". ask a friend to try and connect to your server. If s/he can, I have no idea what's wrong, but you managed to make a server at least.

If you can't even connect in the first place... no idea.
Looks like your firewall is stopping it sending out packets. Do this:
If you have a router, goto: and log into it. Then tell the router to allow the port: 27015 for incoming and outgoing traffic. Do the same with your software firewall.
Alright i'll give it a try. Wait is "" a file or summat?
/is confused. How do I get to it? Some guy did my computer and stuff, not me!
Alright i'll give it a try. Wait is "" a file or summat?
If you have a router, it's the IP address of it (can range from to something like IIRC). Usually the router will require a logon and password which by default is admin and password respectively.

If you don't have a router and only have a modem you don't need to do this, skip to the firewall step.
Also look at: for more help on port forwarding.
did you use as your password, because thats not it
It's not always admin and password. For example, mine only has a password, no username. And when I bought it it was 12345. Check your manual.
Norton is bad. It blocked my friends CSS and he could not get it to work, even after opening the ports. So, I told him to uninstall Norton and b00m he could play CSS again. Anyway, if you really do not want to uninstall Norton then make sure you have these ports open in your router and in Norton. Here are the ports to open:**&p_li=&p_topview=1#ports
You can also check directly if the ports for steam are open, make sure you have steam up and running in online mode and click this link: steam://support/?Issues=*&Tests=Ports

If you have a router, then go here: Select your router, select "Steam Client" under the S's, and follow all the instructions to open the ports on your router. Then you should be all set up and ready to go. It seems that your problem is indeed blocked ports. So, if you open them all up in your router and in Norton then it should work! Hope this helps man! If all else fails, uninstall Norton.
The easy way to test if norton is the problem is just to disable the firewall part for a bit - just to check if this is it. :)