Unofficial fixes and patches


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I was partially inspired by this thread to gather all the old game fixes I've gathered (not that many) that bring old games up to full (or at least, better) functionality and share them with everyone. I'm also hoping that people will submit their own fan patches they have and I'll add them. Go here for downloads.

Currently this includes:
  • A programme that allows you to force fullscreen only games to run in a window (I use it for Oddworld)
  • A link to Hamachi (seeing as this is still an active thing I figured it made more sense to link to it than have my own download)
  • dll to disable GFWL in Grand Theft Auto 4.
  • Dinnesch's Bad Company2 FOV calculator (both hosted and original linked to)
  • A patch that makes the Steam version of Commandos playable (fixes gamespeed, savegame and sound issues)
  • Command & Conquer patches, including LAN play fixes, bug fixes, bots for Renegade and adding missing FMVs.

Please submit anything you have to add to the collective. Also, I don't know HTML at all and can't be bothered to look it up. If anyone wanted to give me a better layout to use I wouldn't mind. Don't need to write the page. Just tell me where to copy and paste the links into.
GTA4: xliveless which allows you to play without GFWL(Fixes 50% of cases where the game doesn't start)

And of course Hamachi to play LAN-only(or servers taken offline) games over the internet.

BF Bad Company 2: FOV calculator, to set field of view correctly for your monitor.
Dungeon Keeper 2 - Run in Windows 2000 compatability mode, change res to 800x600 or lower (stops crash when clicking Objective button), disable Hardware Acceleration checkbox in options.
can someone post about the patch for the game vampire the masquerades?