We should get Valve to bring back the tau and add more weapons: the Apos proposal

Well often the objects you are picking up aren't right next to you, they're some distance away. So the trip-mine would blow up away from you, possibly even next to someone.

Also, the fact that objects really don't stay where they are for very long at all would mean the chances of you actually picking one up and it exploding would be very slim - objects frequently collide, and this would set the tripmines off too.

I suspect that putting tripmines on physics objects would not be that much of a problem, people would tend to put them on walls around corners etc to have a higher garuntee of killing someone with them.

Although what happens if you put a tripmine inside one of those little laundry/coal cart things in the prison level? So the beam is entirely within the object itself? That might not be set off when you pick it up, but probably would be when it hits the enemy. That'd be fun, and also make those carts useful - they're pretty weak and slow right now.

Heh, imagine putting a tripmine on an exploding barrel in one of those rooms that have heaps - go to pull one out and everything explodes on you.
Hmm, didn't somone E-mail a Valve member and they said they would be adding the crowbar? I'm pretty sure I saw that E-mail on this forum or another if it wasn't a fake.

Anyway, tripmines are the one weapon that I would like to see, tripmines were in HL2, just you couldn't use them.

The magnum is just too powerful, period. It's very, very frustrating to pump somone with a clip of SMG ammo and them to hit you with one bullet from the magnum and it killing you. Aside from that and lag issues, HL2DM is fun, and there is so much room for expantion!
i agree with a lot of those things, so i do think they should bring the tau cannon back, at least in mp!
I really like your suggestions, Apos. The Tau cannon definitely needs to come back, and the suit armor idea is stellar.
HELL NO! The tau cannon was the one thing I HATED about hl1dm! It COMPLETLEY ruined the experience for me! Whenever I signed on a server that had assholes jumping around the map and picking everyone off, I just exited. The tau cannon made hl1dm unfun for everyone but those 1337 folks who flew around the map and simply killed everyone. suddenly hl1dm became "gauss match" with the gauss/tau cannon being so EXTREMLEY unbalanced that no other weapons were used on most servers. To valve: THANK YOU FOR NOT INCLUDING THE TAU CANNON, it has made hl2dm much more fun.
Didn't you two see the Incredibles? If you dumb everything down so that everybody is special, nobody is. Besides, the suit power restriction would prevent rampant abuse. And frankly, good players are always going to own you anyway, no matter what weapon they use. That's no reason to make the game blander and have it have less depth for players to attain skill with.
Yes Apos, good players do always win, but there is a difference to being killed by someone you can see, and being killed by someone that flies overhead at 60 mph, fast enough that even if you did see them you wouldn't be able to kill them anyway.

I really really hated that aspect about the gauss - the easiest way to nurf that is to, obviously, tone down how much of a kick-back it gives you. I also think adding into the suit armor is a good idea - there aren't heaps of armor around in the current maps, and it means using the tau will put you at more danger than if you used another gun. Which I think is fair (I mean the whole bad thing about the tau is that there's virtually no risk to you).
Well, they could also increase the fall damage to prevent too much bouncing. But a LITTLE is certainly tons of fun. And I've played HL1DM: it was never THAT bad. Occasionaly someone would bounce and longjump around a little, but they would run out of tau ammo fairly quickly anyway.
Nah, I bother those guys way too often already. And it isn't Gabe that is in charge of deathmatch development, it's Adrian Finol, Scott, and Jess that seem to be heading it up.
Apos said:
Well, they could also increase the fall damage to prevent too much bouncing. But a LITTLE is certainly tons of fun. And I've played HL1DM: it was never THAT bad. Occasionaly someone would bounce and longjump around a little, but they would run out of tau ammo fairly quickly anyway.
You haven't seen what some people could do with it, then. It REALLY was a BIG problem.

I recall people who got records of 40/2 on the map Boot Camp by soley using the tau cannon and jumping over the entire map - the server I played on ended when someone got to 40 kills.

The problem also existed on crossfire (or was it doublecross?) as well as gasworks, although not to the same extent.
the one thing i don't like about DM currently is how u spawn with all the weapons.. i mean that setting would be good for speciality maps such as "Boot" from OP4 where the map setting allowed to give u all weapons, max ammo and shield as u spawn and off u go to duel.

but i don't like that with regular maps.. players should start with the crowbar and USP pistol only...
I think the pistol/Mp7 are a good spawn start: the pistol is good for longer range and a final backup, and the MP7 is a decent basic weapon. The grenade you get at spawn might be a bit much as people get good with nades, but even that's not so bad.
Lanthanide said:
You haven't seen what some people could do with it, then. It REALLY was a BIG problem.

I recall people who got records of 40/2 on the map Boot Camp by soley using the tau cannon and jumping over the entire map - the server I played on ended when someone got to 40 kills.

The problem also existed on crossfire (or was it doublecross?) as well as gasworks, although not to the same extent.

Well, put it this way: wouldn't making the tau cost armor energy in part solve the problem? That way (and without the longjump) you couldn't be TOO reckless with it.
I don't like the MP7 spawning. It's too weak and crappy as a gun, but it needs to be because it is a spawn weapon. Be much better IMO if it wasn't a spawn weapon, and it did more damage/more accuracy.

The pistol should have it's fast fire rate removed and made into a 2nd fire like it was back in HL1.

As for the armor for using tau - yes, I fully agree that this is how it should be handled, as well as reducing the boost it gives you (probably by about 1/2 would be a good compromise, I think).
Apos said:
I think the pistol/Mp7 are a good spawn start: the pistol is good for longer range and a final backup, and the MP7 is a decent basic weapon. The grenade you get at spawn might be a bit much as people get good with nades, but even that's not so bad.

well my reasoning for allowing only the crowbar and USP pistol is in hopes of at least being able to run off after respawning instead of some player capping u before u even have a chance to get away.. and its kinda hard to get away when they have the weapons as they spawn.

anyway i think it might keep the spawn kills to a minimum.. but thats just me speaking.
I agree on giving the pistol a secondary fire (the charge fire is a glitch I'm sure they will fix). And maybe the mp7.... but really if you spawn with it, then doesn't that give you at least a better chance against the people camping your spawn?
Lanthanide said:
You haven't seen what some people could do with it, then. It REALLY was a BIG problem.

I recall people who got records of 40/2 on the map Boot Camp by soley using the tau cannon and jumping over the entire map - the server I played on ended when someone got to 40 kills.

The problem also existed on crossfire (or was it doublecross?) as well as gasworks, although not to the same extent.

LOL ummm, ya I never ran outa tau juice in bootcamp there was always plenty. and 40-2 is nothing I personaly have gone over 50-0 in bootcamp manymany times and have seen some OUTRAGOUS scores like 1000-13 (no joke)
Apos said:
I agree on giving the pistol a secondary fire (the charge fire is a glitch I'm sure they will fix). And maybe the mp7.... but really if you spawn with it, then doesn't that give you at least a better chance against the people camping your spawn?

well...technically, yeah it should, but it doesn't work that way now does it? :P
generally speaking, ur not even expecting to be attacked right away after u respawn.. and personally speaking.. for the one hour which i played, i got spawn killed quite a few times.. .357 style :(

oh well.
So wouldn't you want a machine gun to take on people with weapons as insanely powerful as the magnum?
Apos the old news ninja is right on everything in his post :) I agree with all of it. I just wish VALVe would agree with you and add it :x
for those tau jumpers, make running into a wall really fast do dmg! remember in in single player? if you run into a wall too fast, from, anything, you take dmg! so add that feature, with lots of fall dmg. and for the armor thing, i think they should use regular suit power for regular shoot, and suit armor for the charged shot, i think thats fair, wha do ou think? also, shotgun sucks right now, and smg sucks, but the nade is good, regular nade sucks, crossbow needs to be buffed, only speed, and needs more chance to pin people on the wall by increasing the pushscale. the rpg is way over powered. grav gun needs a BIT nerf, used too often. the pistol needs more power, with the bug removed. need crowbar. and bugbait is a must! make it so you have a limit of bugbaits in your hand, so you cant spam. magnum needs to be nufed a bit, like, hits on let, arm, and lower chest only does 70 dmg, and chest and head does 100. another thing, i noticed that head hitbox is missing or misplaced. suxor
i personally think they should make the mp7 or whatver stronger, but not a spawn weapon, make you spawn with a crowbar and a pistol
Well, I could just wait for mods, but then I'm doing that anyway. What I really want is for the official DM to ALSO have a bunch of cool weaponry beyond just the gravity gun and the pulse rifle secondary fire.

I'm not in the end demanding that HL2DM be exactly like HL1DM, or even anything like it. But I do think it needs to reproduce something like the diversity and complexity of the HL1 arsenal. Currently you just have like 5 different types of guns of varying power, an rpg, a grenade, and the gravity gun. While we don't necessarily need HL1's weapons back, that DM mode had the regular guns but then also a ton of weird and creative weapons like the hivehand, snarks, tripwires and detpacks, the gluon gun, the guass, etc. HL2 needs its own roster of fun and creative weaponry beyond just the GG and the pulse secondary grenades.
The person suggesting suit power for primary tau and armor for secondary tau - NO ONE uses the primary tau fire beacuse it's inaccurate, slow and does crap damage. If you just charge it up, even for 2 seconds, it can kill people in 1 hit, as well as go through walls.

Also using two different ammo systems like that would be confusing. It's all or nothing, I'm afraid.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Just wait for this mod http://www.adrenaline-gamer.com/ it will bring back some of the old weapons + those guys are really good at modding ag for hl1 was the best dm game ever.

i played AG and i know how its like...definitely not a mod which will catch onto the vast majority of players because in mods such as AG, knowing how to use the tau in every possible situation is so important.. the original mod is too tau based and if thats the case porting it over to the source engine i doubt it gain too much more popularity than before.
theotherguy said:
HELL NO! The tau cannon was the one thing I HATED about hl1dm! It COMPLETLEY ruined the experience for me! Whenever I signed on a server that had assholes jumping around the map and picking everyone off, I just exited. The tau cannon made hl1dm unfun for everyone but those 1337 folks who flew around the map and simply killed everyone. suddenly hl1dm became "gauss match" with the gauss/tau cannon being so EXTREMLEY unbalanced that no other weapons were used on most servers. To valve: THANK YOU FOR NOT INCLUDING THE TAU CANNON, it has made hl2dm much more fun.
tbh, If you just use the tau, you're gonna get owned. Lots. Seriously.

Speaking as a tau-flyer myself, I prefer the xbow or shotty for 1 hit kills.

And the crossbow in HL2DM is fine,hard to use, but ****ing ace when you get it right!

I used to be a tau complainer untill i decided to learn how to use the gun and yes it requires skill unless you shoot through a wall.
It was most powerful but took most time to learn, Dm wont be complete imo without tau and jumppack.

Worst comes to worst if we cant have jumppack in dm atleast some type of infinite sprint until death.

And i agree with a few of u about the weapons - we definately need more
the gravity gun oughta have it's power level tied to your aux power, so using it will affect your ability to run away after lobbing a toilet at someone, and will make it so you can't continually chuck stuff at people - forcing you to make use of more than one weapon. It might also help cut down on lag - less crap constantly flying all over the place...
The gauss/tau, satchels and crowbar definitely need to come back. The ability to shoot it thru walls should be changed - make it a straight-thru shot, rather than having splash damage on the other side of the wall. that way you still have to be accurate to kill someone camping behind a wall.
Psychx said:
i personally think they should make the mp7 or whatver stronger, but not a spawn weapon, make you spawn with a crowbar and a pistol

wbcninjaofmist said:
I used to be a tau complainer untill i decided to learn how to use the gun and yes it requires skill unless you shoot through a wall.
It was most powerful but took most time to learn, Dm wont be complete imo without tau and jumppack.

Worst comes to worst if we cant have jumppack in dm atleast some type of infinite sprint until death.

And i agree with a few of u about the weapons - we definately need more
Gravgun-jumping is MUCH harder than tau-jumping ever was :E

But it's possible :E I can't do it right quite yet :P
I saw this thread title and thought Warhammer 40k: Half-Life 2?
Lanthanide said:
The person suggesting suit power for primary tau and armor for secondary tau

Er, what? Suit power and armor are the same thing, at least how I meant them. I was NOT talking about the same meter that counts energy from running and such: just the energy power that acts as armor in HL.

NO ONE uses the primary tau fire beacuse it's inaccurate, slow and does crap damage.

It's more powerful than the machine guns, and you may not always have time to charge in a heated battle.
Laser Trip Mines and Det Packs would make HL2DM unstoppable. They would add a much needed strategic element to the game. Hopefully Valve will see that and add them in soon.