no posts in image dump in 2 years

I think thats what turned me off with his new album, the rapping about himself. Thats what I hate about most Rap and why I think the genre is full of shit. Sage Francis has a bunch of songs where he goes on about how he's the illest and baddest rapper around, and its just puke worthy. I didn't pay much attention to the lyrics on Cut the Body Loose, so I don't know if there was a lot of self-inflation like that, but I'm so turned off by that sort of thing that even if it seems like thats where it might be going I just tune the song out.

Yeah, I do agree that it's a pretty annoying and super prevalent thing in rap. I'd recommend keeping an open mind though, because while most of it may be just audio chest puffing, there's definitely rappers out there with some really interesting songs and things to say if you can just get past that. Childish Gambino's the best I can think of for trying to break into that.

As for Cut the Body Loose, yeah, the opening and closing songs are both kind of in the soap box category (though Sike is pretty tongue and cheek). Besides that, there are definitely much more personal songs and ones directly about his life, but it's nothing like cocky bullshitting. I'd say this song about an apartment fire might be my favorite song on there.

Interesting, now that I'm thinking about it, fire is a pretty central theme in three quite different songs.
my dog


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Goddammit, I miss frequenting these forums. How time flies!
Good to see you Unfocused! Long time no see. We all miss the glory days!

Does anyone still have the original Sean Connery Is Dead photo from like... 13 years ago? It was some horribly made MS Paint photoshop type deal with Sean Connery on a school bus in the jungle with a banana phone (iirc). I've found the original thread but the image itself is long broken.
I remember that image! Don't have a copy of it though :(
If discord works fine on android yet I'd join. I joined the Arma gang on it for a couple days, but I switch computers so many times in a day that it was a pain to remember to keep rejoining. Last time I tried using discord on my phone it every word typed out backwards, which was hilarious but ineffective.

I've been lamenting you for over a year now, since you left us!
Long time no see Baal.

God bless you Barnz, I should have known you'd have it if anyone did...