no shadows from prop_statics?

The Dark Elf

Oct 5, 2003
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Ok, hopefully this is something im doing wrong. I know prop_statics cast shadows generated during compile, its in the game. Question is, how cause they just aren't working for me. And I can't use the extra method for Rad cause it refuses to do it.

Anyone know whats going wrong? Brushes cast baked shadows, realtime objects cast realtime shadows. But static props don't do anything, and during compile it says it can't find them (even though Hammer and HL2 load them fine without problems)
Taken from Valve ERC, here.

"Static geometry - models that do not move. Does not contain physics properties other than collision, and cannot break. Cannot have any joints or animation. Casts lightmap shadows. Inexpensive geometry to render."

They do cast shadows, just not the dynamic "hard-edged" types. Trying making a basic room with one light (preferrably near the floor rather than the ceiling) and stick in a nice big prop - like a grave or something - and you'll see it does indeed cast a shadow, just not the same sort of shadows prop_dynamic and prop_physics entities cast.
Some models don't work at prop_statics since they were made to be used as a physics object instead, static props will cast a baked lightmap shadow.
SeriousStu said:
Taken from Valve ERC, here.

"Static geometry - models that do not move. Does not contain physics properties other than collision, and cannot break. Cannot have any joints or animation. Casts lightmap shadows. Inexpensive geometry to render."

They do cast shadows, just not the dynamic "hard-edged" types. Trying making a basic room with one light (preferrably near the floor rather than the ceiling) and stick in a nice big prop - like a grave or something - and you'll see it does indeed cast a shadow, just not the same sort of shadows prop_dynamic and prop_physics entities cast.
well like I said, I don't want the dynamic shadows from these, they _should_ be casting baked shadows like the rest of the map (brushes are casting shadows without problems and all that is working fine, but the prop_statics aren't casting anything. :(


Pretty sure these are meant for prop_statics, those large combine barriers, have tried other objects too but those are the same, no shadows baked during compile :(
I believe you can set prop_static items to not cast shadows. select the prop, hit halt-enter and see if the option 'Disable Shadows' is set to No.
still nothing, if I could get it to compile in extra mode I might find it works then.. except it doesn't, just gives a list of commands when put in extra mode, this is getting really annoying now :(
try prop_dynamic, i use those for static mdls that can't be displayed as a prop_static, and they cast good shadows.
poseyjmac said:
try prop_dynamic, i use those for static mdls that can't be displayed as a prop_static, and they cast good shadows.
yeah tried it but don't like the dynamic shadows. Besides these are supposed to have shadows in the baking process.

Anyone know how to get the extra mode working? I'm guessing thats the cause now.
in the object properties there was an option for whether you wanted a shadow or not. Perhaps yours defaulted to off?
Triggerhappy41 - doesn't make a difference, besides as I keep saying I don't want realtime shadows. I want them to bake correctly like they are supposed to do.. Right now NO props period are generating baked shadows during compile.. Baked shadows not being dynamic shadows, i don't want dynamic shadows, I can have dynamic shadows but I dont want them I want this to work like its supposed to.

Hazar - cubemaps don't effect baked shadows.


This is baked shadows generated during compile that these things are supposed to do, not realtime dynamic shadows which I can get working but don't want. I don't like them for this, they dont look right. Nobody else suggest them.

Any links to getting this rad extra mode working?
Okay, so I can't offer much more help... my prop_static entities cast baked shadows no problems, and I don't think I have anything special about my map. I'm assuming you have no leaks either, but even than I don't think that might make any difference. I could be wrong though.

Maybe I could upload my map that features shadows coming from my prop_static entities for you to download and check out? It's only a small map (half a mb).
NoisyMonk said:

No, but thanks for the link (wanted to set that up later anyway)

attached pic shows the thing I want to get working.. if I use it it simply gives a list of commands, doesn't run it in extra mode. I'm guessing its that what needs to be running to give shadows to prop_statics. Just wont run, which is annoying/strange cause it did in the "other" HL2 :p
SeriousStu said:
Okay, so I can't offer much more help... my prop_static entities cast baked shadows no problems, and I don't think I have anything special about my map. I'm assuming you have no leaks either, but even than I don't think that might make any difference. I could be wrong though.

Maybe I could upload my map that features shadows coming from my prop_static entities for you to download and check out? It's only a small map (half a mb).
that would be pretty cool thanks. Atleast then if its not working its definately something f*cked up on my end. As I say, these things _should_ work. There's nothing I can see thats stopping them, nothing set telling them not to cast shadows the way they should be.. Thats why its so damn annoying lol. So yeah would appreaciate that, thanks :)
I have the same problem, here's a screen to point out what I mean (and TDE too probably).

I'm not sure about the bars being meant as static props, but the hole certainly is.

Extra RAD won't run with me either.
PvtRyan said:
I have the same problem, here's a screen to point out what I mean (and TDE too probably).

I'm not sure about the bars being meant as static props, but the hole certainly is.

Extra RAD won't run with me either.
Yep, the bars should be casting shadows (lets face it, this worked in the stolen build, it works in the final game)

Extra hasn't worked for me since the SDK came out.

PvtRyan, check the log, do you get a message saying it can't load the mdl's? Even though Hammer displays them correctly and so does HL2.
YES!, prop_static shadows are working properly now after the last update, thanks Valve! :):)

I guess then, in that case Extra isn't required. And that the lightmap resolutions basically do what that would do, only with more control, and Extra isn't needed just to get prop_statics to be noticed by vrad.

Coolies. Now, I wonder if anyone at Valve wants to give up the secret on how to make the Striders work ;) hehe
so another update just came out right now?
*edit* lol.. so it did :D
NoisyMonk said:
so another update just came out right now?
*edit* lol.. so it did :D
yep just a few minutes ago. RAD was broken and not working on some machines, which explains why some didn't get the problem and the rest of us did. Seems to be working ok now.

Triggerhappy41 - yep thats what its for, well actually decreasing the lightmap number (think of it as pixels, the smaller they are the better it looks) I guess it replaces the need for extra RAD and lets you change the lightmap resolution on a per surface basis, said that on ther VERC site, and that works. the fixed RAD now does the shadows properly so things seem to be ok now :)
what does 'extra' lighting do anyway?

i wish more props could be prop_statics, but only certain ones will appear. im forced to use prop_dynamic to get things to show up. like the bedframe for instance. argh
I guess I was just imagining things then! Because when I checked again, they weren't casting any shadows.... I coulda sworn that they were at one point. Wierdness...

Oh well, glad everything's sorted. I'm just updating now, I'll see if they start casting shadows :p
Triggerhappy41 said:
hey i got a question, would upping a lightmap resolution make sharper baked shadows?
By default the lightmap is at 16. If you put it lower than 16 your shadows will be sharper. It is definately not recommended to do a "select all" then put the lightmaps on 2. It'll increase the filesize of your map and take ages to compile.
StardogChampion said:
By default the lightmap is at 16. If you put it lower than 16 your shadows will be sharper. It is definately not recommended to do a "select all" then put the lightmaps on 2. It'll increase the filesize of your map and take ages to compile.

hmm, but does it cost any framerate? wouldn't it be smart for a final compile to set all lightmaps to 2? or no?
poseyjmac said:
hmm, but does it cost any framerate? wouldn't it be smart for a final compile to set all lightmaps to 2? or no?
doesnt effect framerate, its just how good the baked shadows look

you only need it high (low number) where there's a difference light/dark.. and/or near where the player can go, or where you just want it to look nicer. if a surface has no shadow edges on it, it can be lower, speeds up the compiling, makes the map smaller. less data to store in it.
I know that it is at least ok to make lightmaps smaller on some stuff. Like i have rows of some small poles, so I need to set the lightmap to 4 on the surface that the shadow will be on, no need to make a higher quality lightmap on something that gets no shadows on it, that juts makes hte map take more kb.