No Snow in Door County, Wisconsin


Jan 19, 2004
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Some of you may Door County as a massive tourist destination in Wisconsin, although I do doubt it. Our economy basically depends on you damn tourists, even though everyone actually lives here hates you.

Anyway, here this is going to be the first christmas I have ever had with no snow. It snowed 2 weeks ago but it went away. I'm use to have huge blizzards and it being incredibly freezing the point where my balls are going to fall off. I like not having any snow and having the weather warmer.

However it just does not feel like Christmas. It sucks. I can only hope for a massive blizzard today or early tomorrow.
It doesn't feel like Christmas at all over here.

It's not even cold!
Same here, it was like 65 degrees yesterday, I drove to work in a T-shirt with the windows down.
Gah, up in Ohio here we've only had snow once and it was a while ago, looks like no snow for christmas :(
The last time it snowed was two weeks ago. Out of nowhere, it was a massive overnight snowfall, over 3 feet, the largest London Ontario has seen in nearly a hundred years. It was completely gone two days later, when it rained and was 15 degrees Celsius.

It rained last night, too, and it's barely jacket-necessitating weather right now.
There's usually snow here in early January. There was a bit of snow a few days ago but it didn't last long.
No snow here in Wales, but there never is. Just cold rain. Always rain.
Yep. It's 55 degrees here, and I think that's the coldest it's been all week :P
no snow here - although it never snows here :P
although it isn't raining so maybe there is hope
It snowed here a while back *you guys remember that thread.* and since then, maybe some frost on the windshields, but no actual snow. For some reason my weather tracker on firefox says snow on monday, but then the temperature says 44
Damn you CRAB PEOPLE!! It's all your fault!
It was 6 degrees (and it felt warmer) in the place where the arrow points to today.

We've had just enough snow here to open the local ski resorts.
lol @ snow nubs
I have uber snow here
all your snow are belong to us

....seriously we got a lot here
lol @ snow nubs
I have uber snow here
all your snow are belong to us

....seriously we got a lot here

Plz give me some.

Seriously, I don't think THAT much of xmas anymore, obviously cos I'm grown up I guess and don't see much family, but snow really makes an xmas for me :D
Me too. I'd rather my Christmas morning didn't look like a beach resort :P
Blast! This'll be the second Christmas in the last 5 years to not have snow (Southern Ontario, Canada).
Funny, I've at one time lived in Door County, and Boston MA (the second posters location), we haven't owned land in DC for ages though, nor vacationed there. No snow in here atm either (I live in Whitefish Bay, suburb outside Milwaukee). Global Warming perhaps? :P This is actually the second or third year here in this area of Wisconsin that we have had a snow-less Christmas :(
It's been raining so much here there are flash floods. Apparently it's the third highest level of rainfall in a single day in 75 years.
Funny, I've at one time lived in Door County, and Boston MA (the second posters location), we haven't owned land in DC for ages though, nor vacationed there. No snow in here atm either (I live in Whitefish Bay, suburb outside Milwaukee). Global Warming perhaps? This is actually the second or third year here in this area of Wisconsin that we have had a snow-less Christmas
Thats cool, another kid who lived in Wisconsin and Door County.
What school did you go to or were you just here for the summer? Gets so damn busy here during the summer. The day before the fourth of july is the biggest business day.
We've not had snow on Christmas for a long time. :(