no texture in hlmv

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after compile my model and textures, i get all the .mdl files and what not, but when i open it in hlmv, there is only that checkere purple\black texture on the model, any thougths?
this is stupid... there is no documentation that shows exactly how to do this step by step..

One thing I would try is holding down right click when in the model viewer and zoom way out. That may fix it.... that was one of my problems, but the second problem is my model is covered in the null texture....

I know this is a problem with texturing, but I swear, ive tried every way I know of texturing but nothing has worked.

what the hell is $cdmaterials?????! and what do I set this too? this may be my problem...
$cdmaterials is basically where the vtf files are located

I'm trying to convert this M4a1 to CS:S from CS1.6 and i'm not sure if this is right

$modelname "v_rif_m4a1.mdl"
$cd "\mymod\bin"
$cdmaterials "\models\materials"

the smd files are in mymod\bin
materials in vtf format are in models\materials

It compiles ok but when viewing in HLMV it's the old puprle and black checkered texture story. HLMV gives no error that it can't find the texture, it should at least prompt you "Can't find materials/blahblah.vtf, reverting to checkered crap."
a. your cdmaterials is not targeting the right folder
b. you didnt create a vmt file.
so this purple/black texures means that i absolutely messed up in my $cdmaterials?
i did compile vtm/vtf, if your talking to mr-fusion, im under the impression he did as well, since he has the vtf (vtm creates itself, will just be blank if he doesnt specify what shader and whatnot to use, as part of the cmdprompt command used to run vtex (and thus compile the textures) (right?)
You're right.

It looks like this now

$modelname "weapons\v_rif_m4a1.mdl"
$cd "\mymod\bin"
$cdmaterials "models\weapons\v_models\v_rif_m4a1"

Ok i think i fixed the target directory and made a VMT file but now i'm getting a black and white model instead of purple checkered


It compiles the mdl file to
The VMT files are in

But how does the mdl file know which VTFs are assigned to what? I think the reference SMD files still think the BMPs are assigned to it? That part is confusing me the most.
well, i compiled the it_lampsomething1, to see if it'd work, and it did.
however, when i look in that model's .qc file, it points to "model/cs_italy" yet i failed to find that folder anywhere
open the .vmt file in notepade, and make sure it has "$model 1" and that is points to the right file.
"$model 1" ???? you sure? cuz tut's out there say "$model" 1....
and what what file should it correctly point to?
no, you're right...

it should point to the .vtf... so if the vtf was

c:\mymod\themod\materials\mode ls\weapons\v_models\v_rif_m4a1\m4a1.vtf

it should point to \mode ls\weapons\v_models\v_rif_m4a1\m4a1
(no extensions)
the vmt dosent make itself, u need to make it. all weapons and generic models will have the following vmt:
$basetexture "folder/to/vtf-file" //no extensions, dont put in materials in the path
$model "1"
this will just make a generic vert lit shader. If u want reflectivity u need to add in
$envmap "env_cubemap"
$envmapmask "path/to/maskvtf" //a mask is a grayscale image to tell what pixel is reflective and which one is mat. Black is mat, and white is highest reflectivity. If u dont use an envmapmask your material wont show the basetexture.

if u see a checkered texture on a model, it cant find a vmt file. if u see a white thing, u probably ****ed up on your vmt file. Check the "$basetexture", and all paths in case you messed up.

also, make sure that the filename you assinged in your modeling app is the same name as the .vmt file.