No. This can't be.


Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
WHY Abom? :(
Axyon? What's wrong with Abom? Damnit, I grew up with Abom :(

/me goes to cry under the bed a bit.
I still say it should go back to Abom|nation :(

I think he made the decision to change because Abom is a really popular name, and people still keep managing to get it wrong :|
I don't know... Axyon may not strike terror in the hearts of the newcomers like Abom does. At least the avatar is still the same :)
Noooo! You cannot change your name! quick! munro! change it back!
Chris got it right, I'm always being asked if I'm Abom from <game> or <site>... it just gets really annoying after a while, so with the help of forum staff (Icarus and Chris mainly ;)), we decided on another name for me :p

Let's not all forgot that the name is irrelevant, it's the person that counts. You attach the name Abom to my bantacular self, and you can do it with Axyon too :D


Please come back to Abom|nation, why do you change :(

I was dissapointed with Fenric for "Dark Elf" (such a cool/original name he had, why change it?) and now .... "Axyon" ?
Heh. All this fuss for a name ? Would people cry if I called myself coconut ?
Hey, that is why I changed my name :D

I like Abom a bit better, and Abom|Nation even more, but whatever floats your boat. :)
The only good namechanges on this forum has been my and The (Former) Agent Smiths ;)
Varg|Hund said:
The only good namechanges on this forum has been my and The (Former) Agent Smiths ;)
Hehe, yay!! What did your's used to be, Varg?
We came up with lots of alternative names for him. Unbelievably, he rejected most of them.
Erestheux said:
Hehe, yay!! What did your's used to be, Varg?
[CoHn]FuSeD :o

Pi Mu Rho said:
We came up with lots of alternative names for him. Unbelievably, he rejected most of them.
Care to entertain us with some of them? :E
Varg|Hund said:
[CoHn]FuSeD :o

Care to entertain us with some of them? :E
They were mostly along the lines of 'Dick McShagg', so you can understand why I chose something else ;)

but I think (generally speaking) that name changes are bad. There are exceptions as always though.
Yeah i liked fenric alot more than the dark elf. Fenric sounded really cool. the dark elf sounds....:rolleyes:

no offense! :p

I'm still going to refer to you as Abom. Sorry.

I still called Fenric, Fenric.
next thing we know Munro will be changing his name to [AtC7]_XiXzr0n_704 :O
Fenric was better, Abom|Nation was better, and my old name, kirby star 62, was much worse.
CyberSh33p said:
Fenric was better, Abom|Nation was better, and my old name, kirby star 62, was much worse.
Well, there is another one for your list there [CoHn]FuSeD... er... Varg ;)

ABOM! Axyon.. whatever... I have a great idea for a new name! Dick McShagg! Short and sweet.

i r teh funneh

Ya know, Axyon is reminding me of Exxon, the gas station. Now, in my head, you are going to be a gas station that talks. How bizzare.
Its a Name Get Over It!

Seriously who the hell cares what he calls himself. Abom or anxyon or w/e hes still the same person. Forums are supposed to b 4 useful info aren't they?
CyberSh33p said:
my old name, kirby star 62, was much worse.
You're not wrong :)

Axyon's not bad but I'ma follow what the cool kids've said: Abom was better, as was Fenric, but I can understand why you changed it.
The guys who are saying "who cares, what if I changed my name", well, you should really understand this a close community that you obviously aren't part of.
Sprafa said:
The guys who are saying "who cares, what if I changed my name", well, you should really understand this a close community that you obviously aren't part of.
*huggles the Sprafa*
Abom|Nation was okay. I loved the burning combine avatar :D

Abom is perfect.

Axyon is what zit-covered CS-junkies name themselves.

But meh. Whatever floats your boat.
CrazyHarij said:
Abom|Nation was okay. I loved the burning combine avatar :D

Abom is perfect.

Axyon is what zit-covered CS-junkies name themselves.

But meh. Whatever floats your boat.
At least it's not stolen from a game :p
Varg|Hund, you should change your name to Varxyon :naughty:
Varg|Hund said:
WHY Abom? :(
Axyon? What's wrong with Abom? Damnit, I grew up with Abom :(

/me goes to cry under the bed a bit.

What the hell are you talking about?

... ah, so Abom changed his name.

I just love threads that don't explain anything, just "WHY X WHY?!?!?!?1+11+1+1+1ONEONEELEVEN"
O. Im so sry i don't spend my life talkin to ppl i don't know about stupid ass names like abom and stuff. Seriously don't u guys have anything else to do?
Campin'Carl said:
O. Im so sry i don't spend my life talkin to ppl i don't know about stupid ass names like abom and stuff. Seriously don't u guys have anything else to do?
I have plenty of other things to do.

I'm a student
I'm searching for colleges
I have a part time job
I play the piano
I hang out with my friends
I spend time with my girlfriend
I chat on AIM with my friends
I talk on the phone
I draw and make art often
I visit other forums
I read online comics
I am currently leading a mod
I visit
There is plenty more

I'm sure the majority of others have plenty of things to do as well, so why don't you think before mocking us?? I treat a lot of the forum members around here much like penpals, I talk to them about things and stuff and post interesting things in discussion.

So, thanks...
I just realized that the | is supposed to be an I

and its really abomination.

I've been calling you abom-nation forever.
nw909 said:
I just realized that the | is supposed to be an I

and its really abomination.

I've been calling you abom-nation forever.
You're a tiny bit late, but nevermind ;)
Am I the only one who likes Axyon better than Abom?
Erestheux said:
I have plenty of other things to do.

I'm a student
I'm searching for colleges
I have a part time job
I play the piano
I hang out with my friends
I spend time with my girlfriend
I chat on AIM with my friends
I talk on the phone
I draw and make art often
I visit other forums
I read online comics
I am currently leading a mod
I visit
There is plenty more

I'm sure the majority of others have plenty of things to do as well, so why don't you think before mocking us?? I treat a lot of the forum members around here much like penpals, I talk to them about things and stuff and post interesting things in discussion.

So, thanks...

SixThree said:
Am I the only one who likes Axyon better than Abom?

Yes, yes you are.

If Abom wasn't a mod, I wouldn't know who the hell he is now. I would assume that he is just some new guy and will be judged in a new way.

When I found out that Fenric (formerly Fenric1378 or something like that) changed his name to The Dark Elf, I thought that he was going through a goth phase, or something, where he was really depressed.

If I changed my name to "An Untrue American" no-one would know who I was formerly. All my work to make a name for myself as A True Canadian would be lost.

How do you pronounce this new name anyway? Axe-On or Axe-In or Axe-Yen? (sounds sillier everytime I say it)
A True Canadian said:
How do you pronounce this new name anyway? Axe-On or Axe-In or Axe-Yen? (sounds sillier everytime I say it)
Pronounce it how you like, I don't really care if you think it's silly or not.
I think it's pronounced [áks-eiôn] if my phonetics are not mistaken.

By now, I've gotten pretty used to The Dark Elf and it does suit him better than Fenric in my opinion.
It's just a matter of time before we get used to Axyon aswell.