Noise cancelling headphones.


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
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Holy shit. Ive always just used cheap 20 dollar headsets, and I decided to upgrade to a whopping 60 dollar headset yesterday that has noise cancellation. Dear god... the silence is beautiful. My roomate on the other side of my wall is playing his guitar (its ****ing 10:20 at night douche) and I can hardly hear it. When I turn it off, I can hear him, plus my ceiling fan, plus all the noises outside, but when its on, its just

I love these things. Why didnt you guys tell me about this!
When you turn it on prongs actually puncture your ears.

If you were worried about Ninjas sneaking up behind you, now anybody can do it.
They're even better on a bus. Active+Passive noise cancelling is the best, as long as you can turn off active to save battery.
I have these passive skill which makes me yell and mock other people to shut up if I can't hear my music in the buss.

You say waz waz in the buzz.
I just spemt $130 for mu shure noise channeling headphones.
Viper's mandatory entry:

~$120 (Randomly chosen midrange noise cancelling)


Lower = more noise is cancelled.

/feeling like a broken record since March 2008.

I can understand, however, if you're against canalphones for comfort reasons. They can feel a bit weird.
You could wear them over ear canal headphones! You wouldnt even hear a nuclear bomb going off!
That's 'cuz they're not buds!

You can pick 'em up pretty much anywhere. Being in America, I'd go for Amazon.
Oh shit where can I get some of those? All ear buds i've ever tried don't fit but those look great!
Ear Canal Headphones != ear buds
(ear canal headphone list in above link)

a tip, don't get the models listed cheaper than $80...
I have a pair of "ear canal headphones" which I got off WOOT for $30 and the sound is terrible. Very tinny. I don't recall the brand off the top of my head but they looked like this. BUT I do have a pair of Shures and they are incredibly awesome.
Hah, I've never been interested in those more expensive headphones but now that you guys are saying it's so wonderful...
It's all down to personal taste. I honestly don't like the feeling of objects clogging my ears, so I prefer cans.
It's all down to personal taste. I honestly don't like the feeling of objects clogging my ears, so I prefer cans.
Yeah. Situation might make a difference too.
I think cans are a little more comfortable although the ones I like don't block outside noise. And the ones that DO block noise end up having a little reverb. :(
When I need something either quick or don't have background noise then I put on a good set of cans (gaming, music on my PC). Otherwise I have my plugs (traveling, in a public building, brother has friends over).