Noob gun award of the year goes to...

I hate when they say that there is no n00b weapon... if a weapon kills all the players with one shot, it not a n00b weapon?

The_Great_Walter said:
Geez, so now the "elite players" are forbidding people from using the Magnum unless they want to be called skill-less, dishonorable, noobish cowards? Come on, that concept of "noobish weapons" is simply idiotic. They are all weapons included in the game, thus, we should use it, and if we happen to have the powerful magnum, we shouldn't just change back to the Gravity Gun because "you're cooler and more skilled if you throw toilets at people". The magnum isnot a "noob weapon", it's just a powerful resource one should use for a few easy kills and a higher gotta use what you got that is best at killing people, it's the objective of the game! ....okay, i got carried away. I don't think anyone was actually implying that, but I just felt like blowing some steam...

I agree.
MigaS_tX said:
I hate when they say that there is no n00b weapon... if a weapon kills all the players with one shot, it not a n00b weapon?


No, it isn't. As said above, it's a more powerful resource . A 1337 player is better with any weapon than a n00b is. Hence, there is no "n00b" weapons.
Tantalus said:
No, it isn't. As said above, it's a more powerful resource . A 1337 player is better with any weapon than a n00b is. Hence, there is no "n00b" weapons.

But it's unfair. ADMIT DAMN IT! lolol
It's unfair, cause there is no chance to survive, even if you are the 1337 one!
the magnum requires certain skill to use, as its accuracy aint the best... i would say rpg is the noobiest gun, but then again, who gives a shit? this is deathmatch, and if u get killed u respawn in the next second anyways. cant find a good gun? ur fault, learn how to play the game and run faster, then u will have fun too.

crossbow is by far the most skilled weapon to use at far range on running people
MigaS_tX said:
But it's unfair. ADMIT DAMN IT! lolol
It's unfair, cause there is no chance to survive, even if you are the 1337 one!

so what? this game isn't about who's "1337" and who's a "n00b", it's about who gets more kills. And it just so happens that the Magnum is one of the better methods of killing other players.
MigaS_tX said:
But it's unfair. ADMIT DAMN IT! lolol
It's unfair, cause there is no chance to survive, even if you are the 1337 one!

Dude. No. Any 1337 can take out a n00b, even if they have the pre-updated revolver.
I agree that the .357 is a little noobish, at first I thought it was exrtemely noobish. I was playing the night HL2-DM was released and there were so many people being killed by the .357,
including me. A note of interest would be is that was the first night so evryone was a noob, as far as HL2-DM. I notice now magnum usage has gone down significantly(from my perspective of servers I have played).
WebNos said:
A note of interest would be is that was the first night so evryone was a noob, as far as HL2-DM.

Of course everyone was a n00b to HL2-DM, but why the hell does that matter? I won my first game (of course the server was pretty easy) even though I was a "n00b" to the game... but you can't base if you are a n00b or not based on experience in a certain game...I have my experience from Halo, HL DM, and Quake III arena. And I did not start out with "n00b" like skills.
I have no idea what you all are talking about. Since Deathmatch first came out, a magnum hasn't always been one-shot kill. If you can't hit straight, you don't kill them. Many is the time that I've been playing in this cyber cafe here and somebody has said, "$*&%^! I shot you with the magnum, why didn't you die?!?" And I laugh and say, "Yeah, but you didn't hit me dead on. I just lost [20-80 health, depending on how it hit me].

Of course, when I play against 16 year olds that have been playing CS and others like it since they were 10, and are just incredibly good (they own NetFrags when they play CS), they own me with the magnum since they just have such quick reflexes and they shoot so darn accurately. Of course, if they miss me, then I take them out with my bowcaster! (I love that weapon, and it's so much fun to use years of hunting skeet practice/leading with a weapon practice to own others in HL2: Deathmatch.)

So, I don't think the magnum is particularly a n00b weapon. A true n00b (defined as someone completely new to the style of FPS deathmatch-type games) can't hit straight enough to consistently kill with it.
I hate the magnum. But it isn't a n00b weapon, I consider it to be a 'score aid'

If someone uses it 24/7 on HL2DM then they are simply revolver whores...