Noob problem trying to run HL2



Got a problem,
Registered with Steam.
Insert disc
Half life(R)2 options page displayed
single click "Play Half-Life2
connects to steam
seems to display HL2 deathmatch?????
then HL2 options page as earlier.
then NOTHING!! Game does not run.
HL2 as running aplication in Task Manager
shows running process HL2 ...exe in Task Manager

PC will not RESET from keyboard.
cannot stop HL2 .exe in Task manager
PC has to be reset on p/b on front of PC
(running Windows XP btw)

Can anyone help pls
Starting from the start, when you have the steam logo by the clock just right click it and go to Monitor. Is it still downloading updates?
Just says "Steam is not currently updating any games
By Specs? do you mean what PC I have?

Tagan 480-u01, ASUS A8n SLI Delux, AMD 64 +3500(Winchester), 1GB corsair RAM, XFX 6800GT, Seagate 200GB SATA HD,
Hope that helps
Try connecting to steam, then hitting play games on steam menu.
Right click on half-life 2. Click proporities.
It should have
Amount Acquired :
Status :
what does it say next to those?

Also try start up Half-Life 2 from steam, with the latest patchs you don't need the cd's.
Tried change

Amount Acquired: 100%
Status: Ready to play
Offline mode: Ready
Disc useage: 838Mb

Preparing to play Half Life 2............


Task Manager..Applications..........."Play Games"
Task Maager....Processes....Steam.exe 45,080 K.......hl2.exe 3,564 K

going to "START"..."Turn OFF COMPUTER"....."Restart".........
Trying to shup down Windows....

Going to "Restart" on P/b

Sytem Restarting...wat a pain in the bum!!

Thanks for trying fellas
Much appreciated
Sorry to say this, BAD Hawk, but you've got a piece of CRAP game on your hands!

Yes, HL2 is BADLY overrated.

You see, I've been wanting to say that for ages, being as I'm actually a BANNED user, but you wait, the police will be here in a minute to shut me down.

But the Hl2 police will never work out who I am! So there.
Kaonashi said:
Sorry to say this, BAD Hawk, but you've got a piece of CRAP game on your hands!

Yes, HL2 is BADLY overrated.

You see, I've been wanting to say that for ages, being as I'm actually a BANNED user, but you wait, the police will be here in a minute to shut me down.

But the Hl2 police will never work out who I am! So there.

Haha, mental noob ^^. Quick shout that again and RUN AWAY!
Tried all that stuff, guess I'll have to go play summat else
Thanks for trying
Possibly overheating?

Conflicting drivers?

I think this is a hardware thing.
Did you actually ask a question at the Steam support section? They're very helpful, well, they were with me when they eventually got back to me
Thanks for the help,
got it running at last
1) Removed "Norton Ghost"
2) Turned on "Windows Firewall"
3) Turned off "Norton "Internet Security" (left Norton Antivirus" on)
4) Started from "Steam"
Thanks again
What ur system specs?

btw.....why does it smell sperm here?
Ravioli said:
What ur system specs?

btw.....why does it smell sperm here?
LOL wtf? get some weirdos around here dontcha?
Ah good old Norton Antivirus :) Ever try to uninstall the damn thing? Use Avast AV now, it's FREE for home users and you can slap it silly if it gets on your tits. Use a hardware router for firewalling if I were you....saves all those system resources.