Noob Question


Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
Hello all

Just started playing around with Hammer and I ran into an issue. I tried to create a door but when I run my map I get a strange messeage:

Node Graph out of data.

...and the door does not work.

Any help you guys could give would be great.

Thanks :thumbs:
try going to map>check for problems that my fix it
You're more likely referring to "Node Graph out of date," which is not an error and is completely unrelated to just about everything you'll ever do as a mapper.

If your door doesn't work, you set it up improperly.
Raeven0 said:
You're more likely referring to "Node Graph out of date," which is not an error and is completely unrelated to just about everything you'll ever do as a mapper.
Unless that message has to do with building the network between all the AI nodes that you manually placed in Hammer. Am I correct? :)
Stigmata said:
Unless that message has to do with building the network between all the AI nodes that you manually placed in Hammer. Am I correct? :)

Quite correct. And, since so few of us are SP mappers...
Thanks guys

I figured out my door issue.

However, since I am looking to make a SP map, how would that error relate?
It's not an error, and depending on your standards might not qualify as a warning. The message is informing you that the automatically-generated AI node graph does not match the BSP's checksum, ergo the engine had to recreate the graph for the new BSP.