nooby question *sry*

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no you need Halflife 2, its a mod of Halflife 2 so you need that to run it. Valve spent money making CSS as well, they wouldnt give it away free. You are correct, nooby question.
wtf is with you and asking for free Source stuff all the time?
Im a noob to all this crap so somone tell me what a source engine is.
chibizerov4 said:
lol, im just really curious about these kind of stuff

Just looking through your past posts and you've managed to put 'lol' in nearly every post. ;)lol
Funny the mere mention of Warez on other servers would get you banned for life. Sierra comes to mind. People worked hard on these and I think they deserve the money and recognition that goes along with the hard work. So that you by the way could buy it and enjoy it for what it is. Warez is evil and people using it and getting craked versions are the bane of honest gamers everywhere. Where do you think the cost of all those illegal copies is translated too ? Well to the buying honest consumer in higher prices for better secure games. Hence Valve and Steam clients.
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