
Delay Delay Delay. lol everygame I can think of bar D3 and Far Cry have got valve fever.. although HL2 release isnt far off , we think.. . Im holding my head high for games that hit there release date,. but its proving that announcing these games early seems more like a preview, and hype tactic. and now for sure im convinced.. but it seems to be pissing most people off... but does that make us want it more..???
Clarky, you hv an interesting Q there in your last sentence.
Do delays make us want it more?
I think so.
no way, i wanted HL2 much more before the delay. partially because i just get bored thinking about one thing for more than a couple of months, but also because it's no longer as impressive as it would have been in september (after seeing other next gen games). i can't say i'm looking forward to it anymore than farcry or stalker personally as far as FPSs go.
The game I'm looking forward to the most is Ninja Gaiden.
I've been waiting 12 years for this game to be redone, and after I have played it through, I know I can die a happy man.
GhostValkyrie said:
The game I'm looking forward to the most is Ninja Gaiden.
I've been waiting 12 years for this game to be redone, and after I have played it through, I know I can die a happy man.

Too bad I forsee a car crash in your future before it even gets released. Sorry man :(.

But for me its MGS 3 all the way. Come Fall time of 2004 I'll be in heaven. MGS heaven that is, in a jungle during the Cold War Era blowing peoples head off while hanging from a tree by one hand with a fish in my mouth...THATS RIGHT A FISH! MUAHAHAHA! And thats why I married your mother...oh wait where was I? Oh yea, um the Sims was ok.
Kadayi Polokov said:
Heh, Sims is delicious fun occasionally. I generally spawn up a house made up of my old uni pals then wreak havok over their lives for a bit :D

Personally although the sequel looks like it has much better graphics and gameplay, I'm not keen on the lifecycle aspect. I remember creatures had that, and that game was pretty duff. The creatures only had a life cycle of about 15 hours, and by the time you'd managed to teach them to be self sufficent the ****ers usually croaked.
yeah, i had that game when it first came out. They were all suicidal. My creatures would eat nothing but those poisonous mushrooms. Stupid ****s
My Norns always avoided the poisonous food... but they kept wandering off into the Grendels' territory. It was an interesting game.
So I'm not the only one that played the Creatures series... that game was hilarious, and there was a ton of customizing you could do very easily... it was great.