normal mapping


Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
nebody got some like normal mapping video tut, or well written/illustrated tut... i remember there was a pretty good one on autodesk's site but i cant find it.
that took what 1 minute + google ? im sure u could have sacrificed that much time in even a slight effort to be self sufficient
obviously i looked and i found a tut...but i thought this one had another technique that i couldnt find but it doesnt it just has some of the stuff already done.
simon said:
google ? what the hell is google ?

O....M:.....G....DONT TELL ME you are serious...please god spare this lost soul.....hes just a noob....just a noob.....

Please save me and tell me that you arent serious othervise you have ruined my night with "OMFG:..GOOOGLE:::GOOOOOOGLE"

No offence i dont know if you where ironic but im on the safe side...
of course he was joking you idiot. now im not sure if you also are joking and that you actualy did realise he was joking. otherwise your jsut a big idiot.
mindless_moder said:
stfu didnt i already tell you i know how many different things you can search how many different combinations of the words 3ds max, normal, mapping, tutorials there could be...go back to making shitty textures and shitty concept models.
no need to get so hostile there mate it was a joke . if u type "autodesk" and "demo" in google u will get their demonstration video page for both max 7 and 8 all u have to know is the correct keyword.
no seriously dude its a joke lol i viewed ur video and then posted the quicktime alternative.