Normal worms are nothing... *THIS* is a worm you don't want!

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iyfyoufhl said:
why would you shear this sick shit?

shear? I don't shear this stuff. Share maybe. :)

I share it, because its interesting. Its not really 'sick shit'. People in those foreign countries listed have to deal with this problem.
Ugh sick. Although I've read about nastier things, like the worms (or was it fish?...) that crawled inside your penis when you went for a swim. They were mentioned in a Venture Bros episode.
Gunner said:
Ugh sick. Although I've read about nastier things, like the worms (or was it fish?...) that crawled inside your penis when you went for a swim. They were mentioned in a Venture Bros episode.
Those things are ****ing nasty.
Awwww. Awww AWWWW. AWWWW.

Doesn't seem too bad.
Ewww... that's just gross.

I <3 Wikipedia too though.
Not that bad, i've studied parasites in quite some detail, and theres some worse things out there. Although those ulcers really do hurt like hell. Theres a small fish which is attracted to urea from fish, and eats them from the inside out (getting into the gills to do so)

Now if your in a forest...and you need a piss, and go in the stream or river, it can get confused with what type of urea it is. Some guy walked into a stream, took a piss and it when right up his penis and grabbed on and didn't let go. A doctor had to remove it days later, and it was still holding on tight. How'd you like that then?
Hectic Glenn said:
Not that bad, i've studied parasites in quite some detail, and theres some worse things out there. Although those ulcers really do hurt like hell. Theres a small fish which is attracted to urea from fish, and eats them from the inside out (getting into the gills to do so)

Now if your in a forest...and you need a piss, and go in the stream or river, it can get confused with what type of urea it is. Some guy walked into a stream, took a piss and it when right up his penis and grabbed on and didn't let go. A doctor had to remove it days later, and it was still holding on tight. How'd you like that then?

I'm Cringing :|
What about a nest of spiders living behind your eardrum, in your inner ear, laying eggs which hatch into hundreds of tiny baby spiders?
This kind of disgusting crap just increases my attitude of never wanting go to any third world countries even more.
kirovman said:
What about a nest of spiders living behind your eardrum, in your inner ear, laying eggs which hatch into hundreds of tiny baby spiders?

/me lights ears on fire
I cant imaginate hav a 100 centimeters worn inside my intestines

or a litle fish inside my penis

another animal that should be on this list is some kind of green fly that put eggs in the skin and the larvas grow up inside the skin and come out leting big holes,a larva in the face can be deadly

and the worst thing is that I hav see a lot of that flys, I dont remenber the name
my cousin went to aruba, i believe it was, and got the bot fly (i might be mistaken). It lays the egg under your skin, and when it grows it turns into this blister, and eventually pops, sending out puss, and the fly larva.
xcellerate said:
my cousin went to aruba, i believe it was, and got the bot fly (i might be mistaken). It lays the egg under your skin, and when it grows it turns into this blister, and eventually pops, sending out puss, and the fly larva.

sure thats the one I mean,did the fly was green?
xcellerate said:
my cousin went to aruba, i believe it was, and got the bot fly (i might be mistaken). It lays the egg under your skin, and when it grows it turns into this blister, and eventually pops, sending out puss, and the fly larva.
My science teacher got that, he said the worm popped out when you rubbed it and did a little dance. Eventually he got so many that it would seep through his shirt and leave a huge yellow stain. He had to get them surgically removed IIRC.
did that happen during class?

that would be awesome!
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