Norway Under Siege Media Update

Sep 28, 2003
Reaction score
The Norway Under Siege team recently released some new media from their mod, which is set in Norway during World War 2. [br]

[br]To view the rest of the media they've released, visit their website.
bbyybb said:
They are better than Misc buildings with trademark Half Life 2 textures.

That looks nice.


So if I make a picture of a stick figure that looks exactly liked some other guy's stick figure, then make a horrid work of art that shows off a flower that couldn't possibly be allowed to come into existence by biology because it would be so ugly that anyone who saw it would automatically trample it upon sight but with color, you people would say "whoa! nice job!"?
Those are not good pictures. I can gladly say one is good, but the others are just rancid.
those that can, do
those that cannoy, review.

I think they are promising, especially the river shot (the ice looks sexy) and the menu backdrop.
i hope this mod comes together well,reminds me of hidden and dangerous
i'd rather have an indian v cowboy mod than another wwii mod. Actually indian v cowboy could actually work
First screenie does look awesome, the other is questionable...

WW2 is a dead horse. Put down your sticks, boys.
Pesmerga said:
WW2 is a dead horse. Put down your sticks, boys.


well put

(though thousands of veterans, holocaust survivors, war widows, etc, may disagree with you on that one)
kmack said:

well put

(though thousands of veterans, holocaust survivors, war widows, etc, may disagree with you on that one)

Yeah, I'm sure the Vet's would love for us to continue making games out of there most disturbing and painful memories.
The pic in the middle would look so much better if the HL2 engine could handle light better. Everything is so flat it seems.

Otherwise I think its look pretty good.
What the hell is up with you guys?
There have been released far worse media updates by other mods, and they didn't get this much shit!
I the screens looked very nice! 'Specially that river one, and the inside of the house.
I like that idea indian v cowboy in Norway... Sniping with a bow could be cool, you'd have to make the arrow go in an arc.
* reinstalling hammer *
* dusting off visual studio *
* registering *


SystemShock2 said:
i'd rather have an indian v cowboy mod than another wwii mod. Actually indian v cowboy could actually work
I wont even reply to some of these posts, because they are so ridiculous.

A lot of people dont like ww2 games anymore, but if you dont you dont have to let the entire world know everytime you see pics from a mod that tries to make it. And keep in mind that some people still do, and we are trying to show the war from a different perspective than a lot of other mods.

You guys cant expect all mods to be as great as day of defeat, insurgency or other top mods, but at least respect us from trying and dont just throw a lot of useless crap. Noone cares if you say it sux. (at least I dont)

Say instead how to improve it.

Im just so damn tired of some people in this community that cant say a single nice thing unless its from a top mod.
But I give up. I've said this many times when people are flaming other mods too, but noone seems to listen.
So from now on I'll just ignore the stupid comments, and unless I see proof that you can do better I'll just expect you to be some 13 year old that just wants to say something to cause an argument..

But thanks for the good comments and I promise you that this mod will be a lot different from other ww2 mods.
I can't speak for everyone but I'm tired of seeing WW2 mods, and I'm not saying you guys have no talent, you surely know what you're doing, but you have to understand that this type of game has been done time and time again. I'm not saying it sucks, but its already been done, it makes no difference if the battles take place in Germany or if their in Norway, its still just the same old WW2... unless you have some sort of amazing, origional gameplay features that will revolutionize the way you play WW2 battles?

Hey guys, I'm making a semi realistic counter-terrorism mod for half life... but don't expect it to be as good as counterstrike though :?

All I'm saying is that if you're getting some intelligent negative feedback about the subject matter (Ignoring the ******s saying "OMG YOU GUYS SUCK AT MODDING" and all that bullshit) then maybe you should reconsider what your mod is about. You guys obviously know what you're doing, so why not work on making a more unique, origional mod? How about WW3? :p

Feel free to PM me if you'd like to discuss anything with me further, maybe I can help you guys out if you want to make a new mod.
As for the idea that WW2 is cliche'd...well, it is, but at least they're taking it from another perspective. How many WW2 mods focus on Norway? The majority are about Americans, and D-Day.

-Angry Lawyer
How is progress coming along in props department atm? because... i recon that with a bit more life and that in there, that'd be nice. I like the look of this mod - I like the screens too...

As for the WWII game, maybe it has been done to death, but that doesn't mean there's no room for improvement.
Well we are going to get features in that we hope to revolutionise the way of playing, but it will take time to implement them ;)

The mod btw will have both single player and coop multiplayer. ;)
Just want to defend my friends a bit.

I've worked for some months with these guys, and they are working very hard and have clear goal. They also plan some special features that will improve the gameplay.

(I've stopped working for the mod now, because I felt they worked much more than me, and I don't have much time on my hands for the moment....but maybe I sometime will return, finishing of the map I was starting on.. ;))
I'll make the whole damn world know I think WW2 games are dry, if it promotes creativity and individualism in games they should be working on.

I fail to see how "gameplay features" will make it a good game. Sure, it might be better than DoD or some other WW2 mod, but shouldn't you stop sucking for blood out of a stone?
I can't speak for everyone but I'm tired of seeing WW2 mods, and I'm not saying you guys have no talent, you surely know what you're doing, but you have to understand that this type of game has been done time and time again. I'm not saying it sucks, but its already been done, it makes no difference if the battles take place in Germany or if their in Norway, its still just the same old WW2... unless you have some sort of amazing, origional gameplay features that will revolutionize the way you play WW2 battles

Well, if WW2 was "overused" as a game's background, i would ask which war was not. So i came to the conclusion that we need a new "big" war to provide an interesting new scenario for wargames, which bores nobody..... Hmm maybe we should ask the president of the USA, I am sure he is the right man for our problem (dont ment this in a political negativ way, so dont try to argue on this one please). Not some lousy conflict like operation "Iraqui Freedom", we are in need of a really biiiiiggggg war :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :angel:
Ok for serious now, we had aliens, knights, soldiers of all wars worth mentioning, we had secret agents, nazis and even uber robots so what the hell are u guys waiting for, just let the modders do their work and live with the fact that u have to play another WW2 mod or go to hell :devil: , or just dont play it :smoking:
SixThree said:
Yeah, I'm sure the Vet's would love for us to continue making games out of there most disturbing and painful memories.

they seemed to enjoy the movies :dozey:

what about their pride? and i think its a good way to keep people from forgetting, especially younger americans.