Nose bleed


Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
So, just sat here browsing the forums when my nose starts pissing blood. It's trying to audition to replace to fountain down by the damn church it's going so fast.

I cannot think of a reason why my nose would explode in a crimson spray, can you?
Oh very clever my friend, you imply that I was masturbating! HOW SUBTLE.
Might be a pressure change, with fall beginning and whatnot.. Sometimes a pressure change makes the nose bleed, happened to me twice before.
Could be a sign of a cold coming :O
I got a really bad nosebleed in Spanish once.

I usually never get them either :/
You shoulda told your nosebleed that you dont speak spanish, and it would just go away.
This happens to me all the time. I even wake up at night and seconds later my nose starts spewing blood. Its crazy I tell ya.
Well if you were sitting down on the computer for 12 hours, doing something like moving your head to the left can cause mass damage in your body after being stiff.
I'm sorry, but I just don't trust anything that bleeds for no reason and dosen't die
Oh, and you could be infected with an alien baby. Check your stomache for any movement that are not normal. Be careful, a evil alien baby fetus might rip through your stomache and leach on to your face like a headcrab.
Oh, and you could be infected with an alien baby. Check your stomache for any movement that are not normal. Be careful, a evil alien baby fetus might rip through your stomache and leach on to your face like a headcrab.

You mean a facehugger?

I think he means like the worms from System Shock 2 - the Hybrids.. The worms bust out of the chest, and suck onto the face/neck.
block the holes on yout nose so it stop bleeding