Nose Surgury


Jun 26, 2003
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I just had my first surgury, and if you couldn't tell by the title it was nose surgury, I actually had it done Thursday.

Some of the drugs they give you when you are about to go into surgury are really cool, lol.

I can't breath through my nose until monday, they have a ton of stuff stuffed into it and it is bleeding still, was bleeding A LOT when I first got out.

I spent the whole day at the hospital because of some complications with the stuff that makes you fall asleep, don't know how to spell it, and don't want to try. I should have only been in there for about 3-4 hours. They were going to take some chest X-rays because I they though I had a lot of fluid in my lungs and were going to keep me overnight but they just gave me some pills and sent me home.

One good thing is that I get to have a VERY long thanksgiving break because I got out of school on Thursday and Friday, will also be out Monday and Probably Teusday and then Thanksgiving break starts and I am out of school for all of that, of course.

All in all though, nose surgury sucks.
I hate you, how much did it cost? When I start earning with a full time job the first thing Im buying a nose job :)
Get well soon.

You don't have to answer, but I'm curious as to whether the surgery was cosmetic or necesary?
Good luck, just make sure it doesn't fall off. :cheers:
yay.....that all we need is another jacko....with a plastic face :P
Well, the surgury was cosmetic I geuss, because all I wanted to do was straighten my nose out, and that is what they said they would do but I also was having some breathing problems when I tried to breath out of my nose because it wasn't straight, so my health insurance covered it because of those breathing problems. So I don't know how much it cost other than what I pay for health insurance.

The breathing problems weren't bothering me at all, but they said it would straighten my nose as well as let me breath through the plugged up nostril so I said go ahead.

So I geuss it was more cosmetic than something that needed to be done, it really didn't need to be done at all but my nose was pretty crooked.

As for pics, I would post some if I didn't brake my old digital camera. Need to get a new one. Who woulda thought throwing them across a room would brake them. :D

I could take some pics and scan them on my computer. It isn't really pretty though.
You can get face transplants now. Not quite Face Off but its getting there..Although i have to say i wouldnt like the idea of wearing the face of a dead man. I was also thinking that it would be a bit of a weird shape considering muscle and bone structure.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
You can get face transplants now. Not quite Face Off but its getting there..Although i have to say i wouldnt like the idea of wearing the face of a dead man. I was also thinking that it would be a bit of a weird shape considering muscle and bone structure.

oh i read about that, seemed weird, deffinately a last resort kind of thing, it mentioned having to take certain kinds of drugs for life to basically stop your face decaying and falling off. But yeah, the whole bone structure thing got me thinking aswell, I suppose if it was broken then reset but then they can kinda do that already, just not very well

I'm reminded of that scene in Texas Chainsaw massacre 2 when I think about the face transplant thing *shivers*
Yes, for it is your moral obligation...

*/me me looks at the ceiling and doing Gandalf parody*
Is it really a full body transplant if they doont replace the head?

Imagine a 90 year old head ont he body of a 20 years old...:eek:
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow

Imagine a 90 year old head ont he body of a 20 years old...:eek:

If you reverse that you get that ugly hag from E! Television...whatever her name is, something along the lines of Joan Rivers, or Jo Collins or something.
Oh Lordy, what next? Talk of brain transplants? :hmph:

I dunno - it seems VERY odd... Why undergo such a complicated procedure to prolong their lives if they can't move or feel anything?
Would people PLEASE not take that the wong way - I don't mean: KIll all quadroplegics, that's evil. Just for the fact that it's SO complicated and with relatively little benefit.
ooh, they put you to sleep? you've gotta have a weird story about that... people usually do crazy things when they wake up. my cousin woke up after getting her wisdom teeth out and she made them give her teeth to her. i woke up after having surgery before 5th grade.... first i tried to get up really fast except there were those tubey thingies in my arm and they had my head wrapped up... and then i tried to kick the doctors. they were standing around me and i totally freaked out and tried to kick them. well they wheeled me out of there pretty fast.
so c'mon, you've gotta have done something crazy. don't be ashamed to tell :) otherwise i'll feel bad if i'm the only freak who goes slightly insane after being put to sleep :D
So now your dalkig wike dis?

Anyone heard of that monkey head-swap operation they did?
funny how a thread can go from a nose surgury to a full-body transplant.
I got the packing removed today.

I can breath now, sorta, YAY!!!!

When that stuff was coming out, I was suprised and disgusted with how big they, meaning the things that they shoved up there, were.

They were about 2 inches long and covered in a ton of snot and blood and a ton of other disgusting things, sorry but I had to say all that.

My nose is now draining a bunch of stuff out of it as well, there's nothing in there to stop it now so I geuss that would be the reason.

Well gotta go.