Not Another Borealis Thread!

Borealis thing is so simple, once the Aperture AI went mad all the people working there had to get out, they got in the boat and portaled randomly out before they got killed by glados, and had many weird adventures.

Now they have managed to get back to earth somhow and wondering what the hell is going on.


Oh yeah and the cargo are crystals from the nil chamber. And maybee a working teleport... or glados... superweapon or somthing.
I'm not quite sure it is.
It defenatly seems to use less power to have a sustainable portal. It's kinda like a railway network as opposed to trucks. The trains can only go to specific places, but they're far more economical.
Eli doesn't want the cargo. He wants it destroyed. Anyway, the crystal was probably destroyed or siezed when the Combine attacked Black Mesa East.
But you can use that to your advantage. You can appear behind enemies disappear and close the portal again

Portals make distinctive sounds when opening, to open them you need to fire a brightly-coloured projectile at the wall, they can only open on certain surfaces, and you can be shot through one.
Andrew LB said:
Borealis isn't manned. It's ran by a Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System... or GLaDOS. It's specifically mentioned in the slide room in Portal.
Eli says that the boat disappears with all hands. Why would a ship need people if it was controlled entirely by the AI?
Eli says that the boat disappears with all hands. Why would a ship need people if it was controlled entirely by the AI?

Scientists, the building where you play Portal within was also full of people AND was controlled entirely by the AI, before she gassed them.