Not bad at all, but not great.


Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I just completed Ep.1, and have mixed feelings about the expansion. I loved HL2 and still think it remains the pinnacle of gaming, but I can't help but feel a little let-down by Ep. 1.

Not because it was a bad game by any means, but it just didn't excite me as much as HL2 did. The combat was extremely repetitive, and the level-design was mediocre and straightforward at best. People have been harping about Alyx being at your side like the second coming of Christ, but to me it was just more of the same. Only this time she helps you kill things.

Maybe I just set my expectations too high, and was expecting an experience near to HL2. I'm not saying it didn't have its moments, but I really don't feel it was worth $20. Maybe $15 tops. I really wish Valve would scrap the idea of releasing 3 hour long episodes every 5-6 months, and just put out the whole sequel, even if it means we have to wait another 1-2 years.

Let the flames commence.
I agree

Especially the leveldesign disappointed me. Sometimes I had the feeling I was playing a mod. Episode One wasn’t bad, some part where great, but overall it was mediocre compared to HL2
If you go into episodic gaming looking for a completely different experience, you're destined to come away disappointed. I did feel that the train station could have been scrapped, though. Valve had been diligently avoiding any shepherding of NPCs for the whole of the episode, and then there was an escort mission? Gah!
I wasn't looking for a completely different experience. Everyone knew it would be about escaping City 17, but it just lacked the excitement that HL2 created. Given the fact that the Citadel was about to explode and City 17 would be annihilated, Valve seemed to do a poor job at creating a sense of urgency.

My main point is it just seemed bland at times.
I disagree with you, but each to their own its your opinion :)

I'm actually looking forward to EP2 more than I was to EP1, EP1 appeared to me to be more about rounding off HL2 where as EP2 seems like we will see new locations (no citadel or city 17).
sk0aL said:
I really wish Valve would scrap the idea of releasing 3 hour long episodes every 5-6 months, and just put out the whole sequel, even if it means we have to wait another 1-2 years.

Let the flames commence.

3 hours?? Are you playing on easy/medium and rushing?? Took me almost 5 hours, and I didn't get stuck anywhere, except in the dark when you are waiting for the elevator.

I think it was good, but not "amagad the pwnz0r!"-good. It was some nice shooting, fun mapping, and a good piece of HL-mythology. Definitely worth the money. Im playing it for the second time now, and I think i could play it again. So the way I see it, it's 20$ for 15+ quality hours, wich is real good.
I disagree in every way possible and some that are essentially impossible ;)

To me Episode One was the most interesting and refined FPS experience evah. And Alyx elevated the game from cool to revolutionary. :cool:
Not at all impressed with it, I was disappointed in HL2 anyway, we were waiting ages for it and they release a decent engine but little else (same guns, replace one or two of them with a grav gun and that is it)....

HL2 was short and did not capture a single thing that made HL one of the best ever FPS....could not care about barney or Alyx (though are more like comical side kicks) and kept waiting for the valve genius to kick in but nothing.

EP1 was no better, when they said it carried on from HL2 I did not realise they meant it literally, I was expecting something new but it was as predictable as ever....there is the flying bug thing and a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo....a strider and unlmimted rocket ammo....wave after wave of combine and then zombies and antlions...move to the next house....

Is this how the episodic series will go? release a small amount of advancement and then end it prematurely? Will the next game be about getting off the wrecked train and then to another safe haven before EP3? I imagine it would be, and it will have the usual grappling combine, a road full of zombies and wrecked cars and finally a sniper, no different to HL2 or EP1.

Shame, was looking forward to this, thought that valve/steam could not balls it up twice in a row....
mutant_llama said:
Not at all impressed with it, I was disappointed in HL2 anyway, we were waiting ages for it and they release a decent engine but little else (same guns, replace one or two of them with a grav gun and that is it)....

HL2 was short and did not capture a single thing that made HL one of the best ever FPS....could not care about barney or Alyx (though are more like comical side kicks) and kept waiting for the valve genius to kick in but nothing.

EP1 was no better, when they said it carried on from HL2 I did not realise they meant it literally, I was expecting something new but it was as predictable as ever....there is the flying bug thing and a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo....a strider and unlmimted rocket ammo....wave after wave of combine and then zombies and antlions...move to the next house....

Is this how the episodic series will go? release a small amount of advancement and then end it prematurely? Will the next game be about getting off the wrecked train and then to another safe haven before EP3? I imagine it would be, and it will have the usual grappling combine, a road full of zombies and wrecked cars and finally a sniper, no different to HL2 or EP1.

Shame, was looking forward to this, thought that valve/steam could not balls it up twice in a row....

lol :)

How can people actually think of of hl2 this way?

Are you sure you aren't confusing hl2 with another game?
Think I have the right game

I think so, I read the top and it said DAIKTANA..oh bad =/

Seriously, HL introduced some great things and seemed to last forever (finding the headcrab under a collapsed computer, a life full of scientist falling to there doom when I called the elevator, marines throwing satchel bombs into a tub and having to jump into some water before being boomed, that huge blind crater creature that kills barney (in my game anyway!) so when HL2 took an enternity to come out I was looking forward to it... loved the engine but still have a handgun, shotgun (no FPS should be without a shotty), machine gun and crossbow.

Lose the gauss, gluon and satchel charges and replace with anti grav gun...that was a decent gun what about something new?

The game itself was a disappointment, it started to build some great atmosphere but then suddenly ended. Then EP1 comes out and even though it is an episode I expected more, totally disapointed with what was released.

I think I will wait until all episodes are released and buy it on the cheap in 2012 or something....

If it is $20 to go from them escaping the exploding tower to it exploding, how much before Gordo faces the suitcase man (forget his name!).
sk0al... you have destroyed so much.. what is it that you hace actually created?
Can you name even one thing?
I thought not!!

EDIT::llama, he's the G-man
I thought the game was great. The level design, the gameplay, and the pacing.

I was actually glad Valve focused on keeping the gameplay top notch as opposed to merely adding a bunch of new weapons and enemies for the sake of adding new weapons and enemies.

My main disapointment was it was over too soon for my liking. I think that if I paid $15 instead of $20 I might not have been as dissapointed but that is just me. Frys had Episode 1 on sale for $12.95 this weekend. I for sure will not be buying Episode 2 on Steam I am going to save some bucks next time around.
How was the gravity gun not new? I don't recall any other games having a weapon like that except Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil(which came out after Half-Life 2).
mutant_llama said:
Not at all impressed with it, I was disappointed in HL2 anyway, we were waiting ages for it and they release a decent engine but little else (same guns, replace one or two of them with a grav gun and that is it)....

HL2 was short and did not capture a single thing that made HL one of the best ever FPS....could not care about barney or Alyx (though are more like comical side kicks) and kept waiting for the valve genius to kick in but nothing.

EP1 was no better, when they said it carried on from HL2 I did not realise they meant it literally, I was expecting something new but it was as predictable as ever....there is the flying bug thing and a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo....a strider and unlmimted rocket ammo....wave after wave of combine and then zombies and antlions...move to the next house....

Is this how the episodic series will go? release a small amount of advancement and then end it prematurely? Will the next game be about getting off the wrecked train and then to another safe haven before EP3? I imagine it would be, and it will have the usual grappling combine, a road full of zombies and wrecked cars and finally a sniper, no different to HL2 or EP1.

Shame, was looking forward to this, thought that valve/steam could not balls it up twice in a row....

So it's all about new weapons, new environments? Wrong. You're supposed to escape from City 17. You think it could be much different. Nope. Ever read any of those interviews? I don't think so. Please play something like Painkiller if you don't give a damn about storyline and character interactions because that's what Valve is raising the bar in.

Let me tell you this. Valve does not need stupid things like new environments, new weapons, stupid boss battles, stupid new monsters, and the length of a game to make it fantastic. And if you rush the game, that's your problem if it's too short.

If you can't figure out why any of those above make sense, and don't know how many Episodes there are, and think that Gordon is going to battle the G-man, you are not a HL fan. You are a crazy-ass epileptic. I suggest playing Troy: Divine Playground.
I'm going to have to agree that it was too short. But I thought the game was fine, if a bit repetitive after HL2.

The levels were different than in HL2, but not a lot different...but I think people might be expecting too much originality considering its a continuation of the same game. It isn't like in the middle of this FPS, you're suddenly going to be playing Backgammon or somesuch. It's perfectly natural to expect to be fighting zombies and Combine, gunships and striders. What else would you do in Episode 1?

But I felt the game was too short, even for a measley $20. But it was fun to see what happened afterward, to continue playing through the story and the pairing of Alyx with Gordon was a good idea: It made me feel like I needed to protect her instead of just running around blowing stuff up.

Anyhow, is there any way to view the preview for Episode 2 without going through the ending of Episode 1 again?
Ruthless12 said:
Anyhow, is there any way to view the preview for Episode 2 without going through the ending of Episode 1 again?
Just select the trailer from the chapter selection scene. Or extract it from EP1's gcf file in the media section.
Wow bigburpco, touched a nerve?

"Please play something like Painkiller if you don't give a damn about storyline and character interactions because that's what Valve is raising the bar in."

The reason I am so disappointed is because THAT is what I wanted...I wanted a decent storyline, I wanted to care about what happened to Alyx and Barney, I wanted to sit there and think MAN THAT ROCKED but instead I came back and thought 'oh, that's it'.....

Its great you enjoyed it, it really is, but I didn't...I did not expect or want it to end when it did so disappointed me.

I was not expecting more weapons, just something different. Drop the handgun, modify it, do something to make it stand out a little. I don't expect it every 5 minutes or each new episode but alternate it somehow.

Cannot have a FPS without a shotgun, it just isn't right, so some guns have to stay.

A crazy ass epiletic? How dare you call me epiletic?? I admit to never reading any of the interviews or indeed researching ep1, I saw it was released and bought it expecting to enjoy it, just didn't. Didn't enjoy painkiller or doom3, and doubt the Gman is ever going to do anything other than talk to Gordon, if I made mention to this is was meant to be humouros, guess your struggling with that....

Loving oblivion at the moment as well, massively indepth, decent story, really nice looking as well, I am by no means a shallow gamer but somerthing really has to make me care first.

Anyone up for replying like an adult?

As for needing to protect alyx she was taking on antlions with a handgun head on while I was cowering with little energy behind a barrel, if I could have grabbed her round the neck and used her as a human shield I would have done!

Ruthless you said it perfectly, I was not expecting the episodes to be just that, I was expecting it to give more of something new not the same as happened in HL2....
Response from other thread.

xirow said:
Episode One polished?
I expected Episode One to be one of the most polished games, but it definitely wasn’t. Some part where polished, others weren’t. Sometimes I had the feeling I was playing a mod. In some part of the game (especially the streets of City 17 parts) the leveldesign was really weak.

Hohoho, you're kidding. :LOL:

AJ Rimmer said:
That's the point. It is empty. Most buildings have been torn down by rampaging striders and most of the citizens are dead or have already evacuated.

I can't believe some people don't realise this. I mean, the first look you get at City 17 is just really large piles of rubble. :LOL:


mutant_llama said:
OK, to wrap this up for me (I don't want to post forever):

1) Too short It's an Episode for a reason.
2) Felt more like a mod and don't like paying for a mod (Day of Defeat started as a mod and that game is excellent for a mod, better than this is compareable as a paid for game) You are kidding, right? No? :|
3) If no one had hardly said a word and Dr.Sphincter (or whatever his name was) was not on the large viewers I most likely would not have noticed Okay, you fail at being a HL fan. If you... uh... strive to be one.
4) The outside levels were small and far between, HL2 gave a decent notion of ground being covered but this felt like running through a neighbours house and garden to get to a train. Some of it was predictable (zombies stuck behind a hospital door, guess what will happen the minute my back is turned) Why? Because City 17 has gone to hell! Doh! I mean, you prefer Halo? :upstare:
5) The final end fight is against a strider, but in a confined space with unlimited ammo There are noobs, you know...

I made the additions in bold.


xirow said:
So one building is dust and the building right next to it is completely intact? And I did listen to what Alyx said and I always knew it was supposed to be a destroyed city, a wasteland. I love destroyed city (… in games and movies). But in Episode One it didn’t feel like a destroyed city.

It needed more scenes like this one:


The intact buildings blocked it. The... 'city eaters' (sorry, they're those things on the right :LOL: ) uh... 'eat' the rubble. If you know what I mean.


Sorry, I'm a bit crazy today... :LOL:


Well, I don't think you know much about the story, if you don't ever know who Dr. Kleiner is.

Also, the weapons were a good combination. They had different uses and were not there just for, oh, the fun of it. With so many other features like flares, new/modified weapons are hardly needed. Besides, modifications can't appear out of nowhere because this is a post-apocalyptic world. The Combine's not one to modify their weapons, and the Resistance doesn't have the resources. Besides, if you look closely, you'll see some small but nevertheless nice additions to the guns.

mutant_llama said:
A crazy ass epiletic? How dare you call me epiletic?? I admit to never reading any of the interviews or indeed researching ep1, I saw it was released and bought it expecting to enjoy it, just didn't. Didn't enjoy painkiller or doom3, and doubt the Gman is ever going to do anything other than talk to Gordon, if I made mention to this is was meant to be humouros, guess your struggling with that....

mutant_llama said:
If it is $20 to go from them escaping the exploding tower to it exploding, how much before Gordo faces the suitcase man (forget his name!).

Uber-quality joke. Yeah right. And oh, I can't call you an crazy-ass epileptic? Why not? Based on how you probably go action man on FPSes, you deserve that title.

mutant_llama said:
Anyone up for replying like an adult?

You complain about being insulted, and then you insult me. Genius.

Really, having such people in this community is annoying. I mean, the Steam forums don't even have them, and PHL has people who don't have the game whine. Sigh. There are fans here for a reason, and this is annoying to them.