not compiling



Hey guys, I've made my first map thanks to your tutorials and stuff, but it's not compiling some entities I've made.

Props to be exact. I added in a tire, a bottle, and a rugged car. And it's not working... help?

Make sure those entities are prop_physics

exept for the car, that needs to be ragdoll
GonzoBabbleshit said:
the car should be a prop_physics.

A car with ragdoll physics? :|

The cars with the moving doors are considered ragdolls
Thanks a lot! ::testing::
BTW: How do I know when to use what for what prop?
yeah that one red car has ragdoll physics cause of the moving doors. if you use prop_physics the car will go halfway through the floor. its kind of funny actually. i dont recommend you put that car in your map though. if the car is at rest, you can walk right through it and make other entities go through it. dont know why.
haha, I was just going to ask that...becuase I was walking streight through it.

should the other cars just be just physics?
yeah...that red car is the only one that needs to be a ragdoll if im not mistaken. remember if its multiplayer use prop_physics_multiplayer. if that doesnt work, then you can use prop_physics.
odd, the only way I could get it to be solid was if I put it as "prop_dynamic"
never tried that entity and am not sure what its difference is from prop_physics. hell, more power to you for figuring it out.
lol, but now I can't get the damn thing to show... this is complicated...
your best bet is to just get rid of it and use a different car. also, make sure the entity isnt partially inside a brush, unless its a prop_static
OH. make sure you didnt mess with the fade out distance thing. if you did, just delete the entity and replace it with the same one and be sure not to drag that little circle inside the entity in hammer this time. maybe thats the problem?
ok, it worked. But everytime I shoot the car it changes colors :-/
that will happen if you have fullbright on. i think that is what you are talking about. otherwise that might be the reason why we dont use prop_dynamic
ok nvm, I got it to wokr on prop_static :)

thanks for all of the help
fullbright is what happens when you dont put any lights in your map or when you specifically turn off 'rad' before you go to compile your map. it is done automatically when it senses there arent any lights in the map. just know that after you calculate lights and stuff, that 'changing color' effect with prop_physics_multiplayer will go away. and it isnt so much changing color as it is going from light to a darker shade of the same color.
If it works as prop_static, I'm willing to bet it was intended to be a prop_static and prop_physics_multiplayer was just pretending that it's a valid physics model. The prop_physics special cases tend to do that, prop_physics_override particularly.