Not new (seen in that magazine) Screenshots on IGN :)


Nov 12, 2003
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New Screenshots on IGN :)

A few new screens that are on IGN, dated 1-5-04
Pretty neat, if you haven't seen them I suggest you take a look.
: O
time to check

Edit: not really that new. Same images in pc gamer and other websites
(man on car w/ bunch of manhacks, building on a hill)
morient said:
A few new screens that are on IGN, dated 1-5-04
Pretty neat, if you haven't seen them I suggest you take a look.
there are??? linky linky!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG NEW SCREENS!!!!!?
This has been posted, we've seen those picture before from Computer And Video Games.
They were originally posted here:

Dated the 15th of December.

I wish they were new shots though.
Feath said:
This has been posted, we've seen those picture before from Computer And Video Games.
Well :p
In all honesty, the only site I really go to for gaming news is IGN. I've used that resource since back sometime in the Q3 era, and it's changed since then; slower and a bit less reliable than it used to be. But since I don't really check other sites, I have no frame of reference
oh...ive seen those...they were in a magazine or something...that sux.....u got me excited......**SIGH**
For those that go to IGN only, this can be seen as "new" :)
Hey guys, can we please start reading past the first few posts on the first page of this forum please? I closed a thread about it earlier.

I'll keep this open because you seem to be having an on topic discussion about it for now.

They are the same old pics that were in the magazines and on CV&G World, have been posted on this forum and are now also on Gamespy and other places.

They look good though.
and My topic of this got closed... *sheds a single tear*
is there any site that has these pictures without thier own logo in them.??
Old... but I guess some people still haven't seen 'em.
Ahh, don't feel bad. Just remember, you can't spell slower without low... You lowly son of a bitch.
The one with the guy on the car is eh. But the second one.. there seems something different about it. I dunno, I think it's the fact that the shadows in that shot looks better than any of the other shots (they seem to have a proper sort of faded look as the rest do in that brightly lit environment), and, the building seems to have a bump-mapped sort of look to it.. anyone else see what I'm saying? It just stands out.
I can kinda see what you're saying. But I think the shadows have a more of a faded look because the exposion/combustion of something causing light to spill out and lighten the shadows. I wouldn't be surprised if the buildings had a bump-map to them, but you can't really see that unless it's at the bottom :/
Taking a second look at that, it might be that tree. Don't think I've seen any trees in the other city17 shots, so maybe that's what makes it feel more alive as well.. who knows though