Not the nicest way to do it...

Wow, yeah - that's pretty damn nonprofessional.
Doesn't matter.. it really shouldn't have been posted on a public relations website. That's internal affairs and announcing it is rather rude and .. wrong heh.
Erm, just thought I'd post this.. Who am I to say how they go about things.. I'm just posting my opinion on it. What they do is their business (which is sorta why that shouldn't be posted on their website like that).
he looks about 13, did he make the tea and coffee?
looked at his site, i guess he doesnt just make coffee :D he got mad skillz!
maybe he leaked something.....something that i dont havE!!!!!!!!!!
He's an extremely popular photoshop artist. In reality he's probably ......20 or so now... im not sure. But if you have a look at his gallery you can tell this guy has tons of skill. And judging by his art i'd say he could've been the one that did all the Half-Life 1 cover art and maybe even Half-Life 2 concept art as well the page right after that last post.........silly me :p
Wow, hes good. If hes 20 now that means he did HL1 when he was like 15 or so.
His log shows he turned 21 in November '99.
He wouldn't get this treatment from VALVe if didn't do anything wrong.
Regardless what he did this kind of behavior from Valve is unacceptable IMO.

Obviously something has come up and bit Valve in the ass badly at a very inopportune time, and the mob that is Valve needed a patsy to blame their collective failure on. Sad really, but that's human nature for you.
He may not have been fired, devs and software firms quite often play jokes on each other, no reason to assume it's not just some office humour using the website. I mean it's not as if they use the site to post hl2 news is it.....
well untill now i don't really see valve behaving like anything other than a spolied kid/arrogant developer.....

This is really poor judgement and handling from valve, but since we've got to experience their arrogance first hand *cough* delay upon delay*cough*, then it does'nt suprise me one bit.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night
He may not have been fired, devs and software firms quite often play jokes on each other, no reason to assume it's not just some office humour using the website. I mean it's not as if they use the site to post hl2 news is it.....

This quite possibly could be what is going on and in fact this is what I believe. However, if it's not true then it's.. erm.. kinda rude to the poor guy heh.

Yeah, they probably are just joking around. From what I hear, Valve is a bunch of real cool guys with lots of humor - sometimes humor is required in crunch times like these. Even if they are frustrated due to crunch time, doing it that way is still kinda outta the question.
Maybe he gave Gabe the sass mouth.

Seriously though, you don't have any idea why the guy got fired and VALVe decided to put it up on their site.
For all i know the guy could've leaked info, stolen equipment, mouthed off VALVe management or whatever.

Or maybe he's just a ****ing asshole.

Either way, i don't really see why VALVe is arrogant because of this.
The other bio's on there don't give me that impression at all.

Delay up delay = arrogance? Nonsense.

[edited because i'm in a good mood]
i'd bet you'd feel more comfortable with valve being "naive and ignorant" then...huh bastard! :D
You know, that's probably a great one-line comeback you posted there scribblehead. Unfortunately, to me, it makes no sense at all.

Care to explain?
well it was'nt meant to make any sense...bleh!

I really just posted my comment earlier, so you can, as i do---believe anything you want.

Yet valve's remarks and behavior has made many doubt their credibillity, and miscrediting a co-worker, even tho he might have done something'nt gonna do them any good.
I guess you're right, and just like you, i was just venting my thoughts.
I won't think any less of them though, just because of this and a delayed game.

And i doubt any of this will make them sell less copies of HL2.
I bet this guy ran off with the HL2 source code without leaving Gabe a copy.

Thats why HL is delayed!!!
valve is a very unprofessional group of people, I think we all know that by now.
I think he was just a kind of freelance artist who drew a couple of concept art for them, check his gallery ,he's only got like a few drawn images on HL.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
I guess you're right, and just like you, i was just venting my thoughts.
I won't think any less of them though, just because of this and a delayed game.

And i doubt any of this will make them sell less copies of HL2.

No body is going to hate Valve for this.. let alone not buy HL2 due to it.. but, it's still unprofessional and sorta rude - you can't deny that. Whether or not it's a big deal depends on who you are. To Valve and the employee it is - to us, it shouldn't be. It's just something noteworthy. It doesn't show/prove anything about how Valve really is (arrogant, etc).. it's just weird.
Even if it is just a joke. Putting that under his name could make him look bad for future companies looking for young talent. But the problem with young talent, is a huge ego. These little punks think they rule the world because they can draw, paint, whip up graphics. But outside their talent they are non-sociable, cocky, spoiled little kids. *shrug*
Originally posted by Homer
valve is a very unprofessional group of people, I think we all know that by now.

Haha, wtf.

You don't cease to amaze me, Homer. Goddamn.
Originally posted by Sp00fman
I bet this guy ran off with the HL2 source code without leaving Gabe a copy.

Thats why HL is delayed!!!

No, because then it would say:

Terminate with extreme prejudice

Advance copy of Half-Life 2 offered upon proof of completed assignment
I bet theyr all laughing at us from thinking its true :p
So - is this really a topic worth keeping active ? :dozey:

I mean he surely has dome SOMETHING to deserve it in the eyes of Valve. So who cares o_O
I mailed him about the topic, lets see if he will answer...
Who, Dhabih Eng? Did you use his Valveaccount?
After all, it's still linked right?
look at the shots from Spitcodfry's trip to Valve... A number of those concept art pieces are signed by Dhabih.

Seems like all is not well in paradise.
There was some interview with valve some weeks ago and i know Dhabih drawed a stick man holding a crowbar for that site. So it's probably a joke or he got fired when HL2 was almost finished. :)
Originally posted by DaLys
There was some interview with valve some weeks ago and i know Dhabih drawed a stick man holding a crowbar for that site. So it's probably a joke or he got fired when HL2 was almost finished. :)

yeah, unless it's not, in which case there's been some trouble...